Easy 020 Valid Parentheses Description:
“()” "[]" "{}"三种括号匹配问题,判断参数字符串是否满足匹配要求My Solution:
如:“({[]})” true “[{})” false
public boolean isValid(String s) { if(s.length()==0){ return true; } StackFast Solution:stack = new Stack<>(); for(char c:s.toCharArray()){ if(c == "(" || c == "{" || c == "["){ stack.push(c); }else if(stack.size()==0){ return false; } else if(c == ")" && stack.peek() == "("){ stack.pop(); }else if(c == "]" && stack.peek() == "["){ stack.pop(); }else if(c == "}" && stack.peek() == "{"){ stack.pop(); }else return false; } if(stack.size() == 0){ return true; } return false; }
摘要:在线网站地址我的微信公众号完整题目列表从年月日起,每天更新一题,顺序从易到难,目前已更新个题。这是项目地址欢迎一起交流学习。 这篇文章记录我练习的 LeetCode 题目,语言 JavaScript。 在线网站:https://cattle.w3fun.com GitHub 地址:https://github.com/swpuLeo/ca...我的微信公众号: showImg(htt...
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摘要:在问题中,我们可以用来检验括号对,也可以通过来检验。遇到就加一,遇到就减一。找到一对括号就在最终结果上加。我们用来表示当前位置的最长括号。括号之间的关系有两种,包含和相离。 Longest Valid Parentheses Given a string containing just the characters ( and ), find the length of the lon...
摘要:假设是从下标开始到字符串结尾最长括号对长度,是字符串下标为的括号。如果所有符号都是,说明是有效的。 Longest Valid Parentheses Given a string containing just the characters ( and ), find the length of the longest valid (well-formed) parentheses...
Problem Given a string containing just the characters ( and ), find the length of the longest valid (well-formed) parentheses substring. Example 1: Input: (()Output: 2Explanation: The longest valid pa...
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