学习spring boot的自动配置对于了解整个后端代码运行流程非常重要,只有在了解spring boot是如何配置的情况下,才能在项目的配置中不那么举步维艰.
工具IntelliJ IDEA 2018
xyz.crabapple begonia 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
BegoniaApplication 为spring boot自己生成的入口类所在的java文件.
Tool 是我的工具类具体实现
public class Tool { public String prefix; public Tool(String prefix) { this.prefix = prefix; } /** * 计算时间戳 * @return 时间戳+五位随机大写字母 */ public String getStamp() { String prefix = String.valueOf(new Date().getTime()); prefix=prefix.substring(2,prefix.length()); char[] arr = new char[5]; Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) arr[i] = (char) (65 + random.nextInt(26)); String Suffix = String.valueOf(arr); return prefix + Suffix; }
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "Tool") public class ToolProperties { private String prefix; public String getPrefix() { return prefix; } public void setPrefix(String path) { this.prefix = path; } }
@Configuration @EnableConfigurationProperties(ToolProperties.class) @ConditionalOnClass(Tool.class) @ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "Tool", name="open" ,havingValue="true") public class ToolAutoConfiguration { @Autowired ToolProperties toolProperties; @Bean public Tool autoConfiger(){ System.out.println("Tool工具已启动"); System.out.println(toolProperties.getPrefix()); return new Tool(toolProperties.getPrefix()); } }
1.@Configuration 表示这是一个配置类,作用等同于@Component.
4.@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "Tool", name="open" ,havingValue="true")
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD }) @Documented @Conditional(OnPropertyCondition.class) public @interface ConditionalOnProperty { /** * Alias for {@link #name()}. * @return the names */ String[] value() default {}; /** * A prefix that should be applied to each property. The prefix automatically ends * with a dot if not specified. * @return the prefix */ String prefix() default ""; /** * The name of the properties to test. If a prefix has been defined, it is applied to * compute the full key of each property. For instance if the prefix is * {@code app.config} and one value is {@code my-value}, the fully key would be * {@code app.config.my-value} ** Use the dashed notation to specify each property, that is all lower case with a "-" * to separate words (e.g. {@code my-long-property}). * @return the names */ String[] name() default {}; /** * The string representation of the expected value for the properties. If not * specified, the property must not be equals to {@code false}. * @return the expected value */ String havingValue() default ""; /** * Specify if the condition should match if the property is not set. Defaults to * {@code false}. * @return if should match if the property is missing */ boolean matchIfMissing() default false; /** * If relaxed names should be checked. Defaults to {@code true}. * @return if relaxed names are used */ boolean relaxedNames() default true; }
prefix和name拼凑起来表示application.properties的配置信息key,例如我的配置信息为Tool.open=true,那么@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "Tool", name="open" ,havingValue="true")就表示配置信息中有这个key就为true,即满足条件,在此条件下若等于注解中havingValue的值,则该注解最终的结果为true.
org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration= xyz.crabapple.begonia.ToolAutoConfiguration
找到一个spring boot自带的依赖,可以看到其书写方式,供大家参考.
# Initializers org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextInitializer= org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SharedMetadataReaderFactoryContextInitializer, org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.logging.AutoConfigurationReportLoggingInitializerEND
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