import static java.lang.Math.*;
方法 | 描述 |
double abs(double d) float abs(float f) int abs(int i) long abs(long lng) |
返回参数的绝对值。 |
double ceil(double d) | 返回大于或等于参数的最小整数,作为double返回。 |
double floor(double d) | 返回小于或等于参数的最大整数,作为double返回。 |
double rint(double d) | 返回与参数值最接近的整数,作为double返回。 |
long round(double d) int round(float f) |
根据方法的返回类型,返回与参数最近的long或int。 |
double min(double arg1, double arg2) float min(float arg1, float arg2) int min(int arg1, int arg2) long min(long arg1, long arg2) |
返回两个参数中较小的一个。 |
double max(double arg1, double arg2) float max(float arg1, float arg2) int max(int arg1, int arg2) long max(long arg1, long arg2) |
返回两个参数中较大的一个。 |
public class BasicMathDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { double a = -191.635; double b = 43.74; int c = 16, d = 45; System.out.printf("The absolute value " + "of %.3f is %.3f%n", a, Math.abs(a)); System.out.printf("The ceiling of " + "%.2f is %.0f%n", b, Math.ceil(b)); System.out.printf("The floor of " + "%.2f is %.0f%n", b, Math.floor(b)); System.out.printf("The rint of %.2f " + "is %.0f%n", b, Math.rint(b)); System.out.printf("The max of %d and " + "%d is %d%n", c, d, Math.max(c, d)); System.out.printf("The min of of %d " + "and %d is %d%n", c, d, Math.min(c, d)); } }
The absolute value of -191.635 is 191.635 The ceiling of 43.74 is 44 The floor of 43.74 is 43 The rint of 43.74 is 44 The max of 16 and 45 is 45 The min of 16 and 45 is 16指数和对数方法
方法 | 描述 |
double exp(double d) | 返回自然对数的基数e的参数次方。 |
double log(double d) | 返回参数的自然对数。 |
double pow(double base, double exponent) | 返回第一个参数的值提升到第二个参数的次幂。 |
double sqrt(double d) | 返回参数的平方根。 |
public class ExponentialDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { double x = 11.635; double y = 2.76; System.out.printf("The value of " + "e is %.4f%n", Math.E); System.out.printf("exp(%.3f) " + "is %.3f%n", x, Math.exp(x)); System.out.printf("log(%.3f) is " + "%.3f%n", x, Math.log(x)); System.out.printf("pow(%.3f, %.3f) " + "is %.3f%n", x, y, Math.pow(x, y)); System.out.printf("sqrt(%.3f) is " + "%.3f%n", x, Math.sqrt(x)); } }
The value of e is 2.7183 exp(11.635) is 112983.831 log(11.635) is 2.454 pow(11.635, 2.760) is 874.008 sqrt(11.635) is 3.411三角函数的方法
方法 | 描述 |
double sin(double d) | 返回指定double值的正弦值。 |
double cos(double d) | 返回指定double值的余弦值。 |
double tan(double d) | 返回指定double值的正切值。 |
double asin(double d) | 返回指定double值的反正弦值。 |
double acos(double d) | 返回指定double值的反余弦值。 |
double atan(double d) | 返回指定double值的反正切值。 |
double atan2(double y, double x) | 将直角坐标(x,y)转换为极坐标(r,theta)并返回theta。 |
double toDegrees(double d) double toDegrees(double d) |
将参数转换为度数或弧度。 |
public class TrigonometricDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { double degrees = 45.0; double radians = Math.toRadians(degrees); System.out.format("The value of pi " + "is %.4f%n", Math.PI); System.out.format("The sine of %.1f " + "degrees is %.4f%n", degrees, Math.sin(radians)); System.out.format("The cosine of %.1f " + "degrees is %.4f%n", degrees, Math.cos(radians)); System.out.format("The tangent of %.1f " + "degrees is %.4f%n", degrees, Math.tan(radians)); System.out.format("The arcsine of %.4f " + "is %.4f degrees %n", Math.sin(radians), Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(Math.sin(radians)))); System.out.format("The arccosine of %.4f " + "is %.4f degrees %n", Math.cos(radians), Math.toDegrees(Math.acos(Math.cos(radians)))); System.out.format("The arctangent of %.4f " + "is %.4f degrees %n", Math.tan(radians), Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(Math.tan(radians)))); } }
The value of pi is 3.1416 The sine of 45.0 degrees is 0.7071 The cosine of 45.0 degrees is 0.7071 The tangent of 45.0 degrees is 1.0000 The arcsine of 0.7071 is 45.0000 degrees The arccosine of 0.7071 is 45.0000 degrees The arctangent of 1.0000 is 45.0000 degrees随机数
random()方法返回一个介于0.0和1.0之间的伪随机选择的数字,范围包括0.0但不包括1.0,换句话说:0.0 <= Math.random() < 1.0。要获取不同范围内的数字,可以对随机方法返回的值执行算术运算,例如,要生成0到9之间的整数,你可以编写:
int number = (int)(Math.random() * 10);
通过将该值乘以10,可能值的范围变为0.0 <= number < 10.0。
上一篇:格式化数字打印输出 下一篇:字符文章版权归作者所有,未经允许请勿转载,若此文章存在违规行为,您可以联系管理员删除。
字符 大多数情况下,如果使用单个字符值,则将使用原始char类型,例如: char ch = a; // Unicode for uppercase Greek omega character char uniChar = u03A9; // an array of chars char[] charArray = { a, b, c, d, e }; 但是,有时候需要使用字符作为对象 — 例如...
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摘要:示例字符串数值算术和文件原文译者飞龙协议大量的教程和文章都涉及到中最重要的改变,例如表达式和函数式数据流。不仅仅是字符串,正则表达式模式串也能受益于数据流。 Java 8 API 示例:字符串、数值、算术和文件 原文:Java 8 API by Example: Strings, Numbers, Math and Files 译者:飞龙 协议:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 ...
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