1、打开爆米花机 2、开始爆米花 3、将灯光调暗 4、放下屏幕 5、打开投影仪 6、将投影仪的输入切换到DVD 7、将投影仪设置在宽屏模式下 8、打开功放 9、将功放的输入设置为DVD 10、将功放的设置为环绕立体声 11、功放音量调到中(5) 12、打开DVD播放器 13、开始播放DVD
package headfirst.facade.hometheater; /** * 家庭影院 (将各个组件统一的“接口”) * * @author Joy * */ // 外观类 public class HomeTheaterFacade { /** * 组合,将用到的子系统组件全部都在这里 */ Amplifier amp;// 扩音器 Tuner tuner;// 无线电收音机 DvdPlayer dvd;// DVD播放器 CdPlayer cd;// CD播放器 Projector projector;// 投影仪 TheaterLights lights;// 灯光 Screen screen;// 屏幕 PopcornPopper popper;// 爆米花机 // 外观将子系统中每个组件的引用都传入它的构造器中, // 然后外观把它们赋值给相应的实例 public HomeTheaterFacade(Amplifier amp, Tuner tuner, DvdPlayer dvd, CdPlayer cd, Projector projector, Screen screen, TheaterLights lights, PopcornPopper popper) { this.amp = amp; this.tuner = tuner; this.dvd = dvd; this.cd = cd; this.projector = projector; this.screen = screen; this.lights = lights; this.popper = popper; } /** * 将子系统的组件整合成一个统一的接口 watchMovie()方法 就相当于把所有操作放在一个方法里,简化操作 * 将我们之前手动进行的每项任务我依次处理。 注意:每项任务都是具体实现都是委托子系统中相应的组件处理的 * * @param movie */ public void watchMovie(String movie) { System.out.println("准备好,看电影了..."); popper.on(); popper.pop(); lights.dim(10); screen.down(); projector.on(); projector.wideScreenMode(); amp.on(); amp.setDvd(dvd); amp.setSurroundSound(); amp.setVolume(5); dvd.on(); dvd.play(movie); } /** * endMovie() 负责关闭一切,每项任务也都是委托子系统中对应组件的具体方法 */ public void endMovie() { System.out.println("关闭电影..."); popper.off(); lights.on(); screen.up(); projector.off(); amp.off(); dvd.stop(); dvd.eject(); dvd.off(); } /** * 下面这项方法,若客户还是需要调用子系统的方法话,相应调用即可 * * @param cdTitle */ public void listenToCd(String cdTitle) { System.out.println("Get ready for an audiopile experence..."); lights.on(); amp.on(); amp.setVolume(5); amp.setCd(cd); amp.setStereoSound(); cd.on(); cd.play(cdTitle); } public void endCd() { System.out.println("Shutting down CD..."); amp.off(); amp.setCd(cd); cd.eject(); cd.off(); } public void listenToRadio(double frequency) { System.out.println("Tuning in the airwaves..."); tuner.on(); tuner.setFrequency(frequency); amp.on(); amp.setVolume(5); amp.setTuner(tuner); } public void endRadio() { System.out.println("Shutting down the tuner..."); tuner.off(); amp.off(); } }
package headfirst.facade.hometheater; /** * 扩音器类 * * @author Joy * */ public class Amplifier { // 音响类型 String description; Tuner tuner; DvdPlayer dvd; CdPlayer cd; public Amplifier(String description) { this.description = description; } public void on() { System.out.println(description + " 开启"); } public void off() { System.out.println(description + " 关闭"); } public void setStereoSound() { System.out.println(description + " 环绕立体模式"); } public void setSurroundSound() { System.out.println(description + " 环绕声设置(5 音量, 1 低音炮)"); } public void setVolume(int level) { System.out.println(description + " 设置音量: " + level); } public void setTuner(Tuner tuner) { System.out.println(description + "设置音效 " + dvd); this.tuner = tuner; } public void setDvd(DvdPlayer dvd) { System.out.println(description + " 设置DVD播放器 " + dvd); this.dvd = dvd; } public void setCd(CdPlayer cd) { System.out.println(description + " 设置CD播放器" + cd); this.cd = cd; } public String toString() { return description; } }
package headfirst.facade.hometheater; /** * CD播放器 * * @author Joy * */ public class CdPlayer { String description; int currentTrack; Amplifier amplifier; String title; public CdPlayer(String description, Amplifier amplifier) { this.description = description; this.amplifier = amplifier; } public void on() { System.out.println(description + " 开启"); } public void off() { System.out.println(description + " 关闭"); } public void eject() { title = null; System.out.println(description + " 弹出"); } public void play(String title) { this.title = title; currentTrack = 0; System.out.println(description + " 播放 "" + title + """); } public String toString() { return description; } }
package headfirst.facade.hometheater; /** * DVD播放器 * * @author Joy * */ public class DvdPlayer { String description; int currentTrack; Amplifier amplifier; String movie; public DvdPlayer(String description, Amplifier amplifier) { this.description = description; this.amplifier = amplifier; } public void on() { System.out.println(description + " 开启"); } public void off() { System.out.println(description + " 关闭"); } public void eject() { movie = null; System.out.println(description + " 弹出"); } public void play(String movie) { this.movie = movie; currentTrack = 0; System.out.println(description + " 播放 "" + movie + """); } public void play(int track) { if (movie == null) { System.out.println(description + " can"t play track " + track + " no dvd inserted"); } else { currentTrack = track; System.out.println(description + " playing track " + currentTrack + " of "" + movie + """); } } public void stop() { currentTrack = 0; System.out.println(description + " 停止 "" + movie + """); } public String toString() { return description; } }
package headfirst.facade.hometheater; /** * 爆米花机类 * * @author Joy * */ public class PopcornPopper { String description; public PopcornPopper(String description) { this.description = description; } public void on() { System.out.println(description + " 开启"); } public void off() { System.out.println(description + " 关闭"); } public void pop() { System.out.println(description + "正在工作!"); } public String toString() { return description; } }
package headfirst.facade.hometheater; /** * 投影仪类 * @author Joy * */ public class Projector { String description; DvdPlayer dvdPlayer; public Projector(String description, DvdPlayer dvdPlayer) { this.description = description; this.dvdPlayer = dvdPlayer; } public void on() { System.out.println(description + " 开启"); } public void off() { System.out.println(description + " 关闭"); } public void wideScreenMode() { System.out.println(description + " 设置成宽屏模式 (16x9 高宽比)"); } public void tvMode() { System.out.println(description + " 设置为TV模式 (4x3 高宽比)"); } public String toString() { return description; } }
package headfirst.facade.hometheater; /** * 屏幕类 * * @author Joy * */ public class Screen { String description; public Screen(String description) { this.description = description; } public void up() { System.out.println(description + " 上升"); } public void down() { System.out.println(description + " 降下"); } public String toString() { return description; } }
package headfirst.facade.hometheater; /** * 影院灯光 * * @author Joy * */ public class TheaterLights { String description; public TheaterLights(String description) { this.description = description; } public void on() { System.out.println(description + " 打开"); } public void off() { System.out.println(description + " 关闭"); } public void dim(int level) { System.out.println(description + " 掉亮度为: " + level + "%"); } public String toString() { return description; } }
package headfirst.facade.hometheater; public class Tuner { String description; Amplifier amplifier; double frequency; public Tuner(String description, Amplifier amplifier) { this.description = description; } public void on() { System.out.println(description + " on"); } public void off() { System.out.println(description + " off"); } public void setFrequency(double frequency) { System.out.println(description + " setting frequency to " + frequency); this.frequency = frequency; } public String toString() { return description; } }
package TestMain; import headfirst.facade.hometheater.Amplifier; import headfirst.facade.hometheater.CdPlayer; import headfirst.facade.hometheater.DvdPlayer; import headfirst.facade.hometheater.HomeTheaterFacade; import headfirst.facade.hometheater.PopcornPopper; import headfirst.facade.hometheater.Projector; import headfirst.facade.hometheater.Screen; import headfirst.facade.hometheater.TheaterLights; import headfirst.facade.hometheater.Tuner; /** * 外观作用简化接口 * 适配器作用是将接口能与另一个接口相匹配 * * @author Joy * */ public class HomeTheaterTestDrive { public static void main(String[] args) { // 将各个组件都实例化 Amplifier amp = new Amplifier("Top-O-Line 扩音器"); Tuner tuner = new Tuner("Top-O-Line AM/FM 调谐器", amp); DvdPlayer dvd = new DvdPlayer("Top-O-Line DVD 播放器", amp); CdPlayer cd = new CdPlayer("Top-O-Line CD 播放器", amp); Projector projector = new Projector("Top-O-Line 投影仪", dvd); TheaterLights lights = new TheaterLights("影院天花板灯"); Screen screen = new Screen("影院屏幕"); PopcornPopper popper = new PopcornPopper("爆米花机"); // 实例化外观 HomeTheaterFacade homeTheater = new HomeTheaterFacade(amp, tuner, dvd, cd, projector, screen, lights, popper); // 使用简化的开启关闭接口 homeTheater.watchMovie("《夺宝奇兵》"); homeTheater.endMovie(); } }
参考书籍:《Head First 设计模式》
摘要:外观模式外观模式是指提供一个统一的接口去访问多个子系统的多个不同的接口,为子系统中的一组接口提供统一的高层接口。外观模式在我们的日常工作中十分常见。 外观模式 外观模式是指提供一个统一的接口去访问多个子系统的多个不同的接口,为子系统中的一组接口提供统一的高层接口。使得子系统更容易使用,不仅简化类中的接口,而且实现调用者和接口的解耦。外观模式在我们的日常工作中十分常见。 我们来看一个例子...
摘要:设计模式的定义在面向对象软件设计过程中针对特定问题的简洁而优雅的解决方案。从前由于使用的局限性,和做的应用相对简单,不被重视,就更谈不上设计模式的问题。 ‘从大处着眼,从小处着手’,以前对这句话一知半解,自从踏出校门走入社会,开始工作以来,有了越来越深的理解,偶有发现这句话用在程序开发中也有用,所以,近段时间开始尝试着分析jQuery源码,分析angularjs源码,学习设计模式。 设...
摘要:可能很多人和我一样首次听到前端架构这个词第一反应是前端还有架构这一说呢在后端开发领域系统规划和可扩展性非常关键因此架构师备受重视早在开发工作启动之前他们就被邀请加入到项目中而且他们会跟客户讨论即将建成的平台的架构要求使用还什么技术栈内容类型 可能很多人和我一样, 首次听到前端架构这个词, 第一反应是: 前端还有架构这一说呢? 在后端开发领域, 系统规划和可扩展性非常关键, 因此架构师备...
摘要:可能很多人和我一样首次听到前端架构这个词第一反应是前端还有架构这一说呢在后端开发领域系统规划和可扩展性非常关键因此架构师备受重视早在开发工作启动之前他们就被邀请加入到项目中而且他们会跟客户讨论即将建成的平台的架构要求使用还什么技术栈内容类型 可能很多人和我一样, 首次听到前端架构这个词, 第一反应是: 前端还有架构这一说呢? 在后端开发领域, 系统规划和可扩展性非常关键, 因此架构师备...
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