监听上报ANR(Application Not Responding,应用无响应)是数据采集系统功能之一,本文讲述一种可行实现方案。
KeyDispatchTimeout(5 seconds) --主要类型按键或触摸事件在特定时间内无响应
BroadcastTimeout(10 seconds) --BroadcastReceiver在特定时间内无法处理完成
ServiceTimeout(20 seconds) --小概率类型 Service在特定的时间内无法处理完成
当应用发生ANR,Android系统会将ANR Log输出至/data/anr/traces.txt。traces.txt中log stack有固定格式(见以下示例代码[2])。本文的方案就是监听traces.txt文件,对traces.txt内容作解析,对解析结果进行存储和上报;
----- pid 30307 at 2015-05-30 14:51:14 ----- Cmd line: com.example.androidyue.bitmapdemo JNI: CheckJNI is off; workarounds are off; pins=0; globals=272 DALVIK THREADS: (mutexes: tll=0 tsl=0 tscl=0 ghl=0) "main" prio=5 tid=1 TIMED_WAIT | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x416eaf18 self=0x416d8650 | sysTid=30307 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1074565528 | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=5 stm=4 core=3 at java.lang.VMThread.sleep(Native Method) at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Thread.java:1044) at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Thread.java:1026) at com.example.androidyue.bitmapdemo.MainActivity$1.run(MainActivity.java:27) at android.app.Activity.runOnUiThread(Activity.java:4794) at com.example.androidyue.bitmapdemo.MainActivity.onResume(MainActivity.java:33) at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnResume(Instrumentation.java:1282) at android.app.Activity.performResume(Activity.java:5405)方案实现
/** * A Observer to detect traces.txt CLOSE WRITE event * */ final class ANRFileObserver extends FileObserver { private IDetectCallback mIDetectCallback; public ANRFileObserver(String path, IDetectCallback callback) { super(path, FileObserver.CLOSE_WRITE); this.mIDetectCallback = callback; } @Override public void onEvent(int event, String path) { if (path == null) { return; } path = "/data/anr/" + path; if (path.contains("trace") && mIDetectCallback != null) { mIDetectCallback.onANR(path, false,System.currentTimeMillis()); } } }
/** * loop traces.txt in 500MS * */ final class ANRLoopRunnable implements Runnable { private long lastModified; private IDetectCallback mIDetectCallback; private static final String ANR_PATH = "/data/anr/traces.txt"; private int loop = 0; public ANRLoopRunnable(IDetectCallback callback) { mIDetectCallback = callback; } @Override public void run() { if (mIDetectCallback == null) { return; } if (!exists()) { mIDetectCallback.onFileNotExist(); return; } if (!canRead()) { return; } lastModified = lastModified(); while (!interrupted()) { long last = lastModified(); if (last != lastModified) { loop++; trySleep(last); continue; } else { if (loop > 0) { mIDetectCallback.onANR(ANR_PATH,true, System.currentTimeMillis()); break; } else { trySleep(last); continue; } } } } private void trySleep(long last) { lastModified = last; try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } /** * 获取ANR文件最后一次更新时间 * * @return */ private long lastModified() { long time = 0L; File localFile = new File(ANR_PATH); if (localFile.exists()) { time = localFile.lastModified(); } return time; } private boolean canRead() { boolean bool = false; File localFile = new File(ANR_PATH); if (localFile.exists()) { bool = localFile.canRead(); } return bool; } private boolean exists() { File localFile = new File(ANR_PATH); return localFile.exists(); } }
/** * An Item used to store traces info.`[4]` */ public class TracesItem { /** * Constant for output */ public static final String PID = "PID"; /** * Constant for output */ public static final String APP = "APP"; /** * Constant for output */ public static final String STACK = "STACK"; /** * Constant for output */ public static final String STATE = "STATE"; private MapmAttributes = new HashMap (); /** * Get the PID of the event. */ public Integer getPid() { return (Integer) getAttribute(PID); } /** * Set the PID of the event. */ public void setPid(Integer pid) { setAttribute(PID, pid); } /** * Get the reason of the event. */ public String getState() { return (String) getAttribute(STATE); } /** * Set the reason of the event. */ public void setState(String reason) { setAttribute(STATE, reason); } /** * Get the app or package name of the event. */ public String getApp() { return (String) getAttribute(APP); } /** * Set the app or package name of the event. */ public void setApp(String app) { setAttribute(APP, app); } /** * Get the stack for the crash. */ public String getStack() { return (String) getAttribute(STACK); } /** * Set the stack for the crash. */ public void setStack(String stack) { setAttribute(STACK, stack); } /** * Set an attribute to a value. * * @param attribute The name of the attribute. * @param value The value. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the attribute is not in allowedAttributes. */ protected void setAttribute(String attribute, Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException { mAttributes.put(attribute, value); } /** * Get the value of an attribute. * * @param attribute The name of the attribute. * @return The value or null if the attribute has not been set. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the attribute is not in allowedAttributes. */ protected Object getAttribute(String attribute) throws IllegalArgumentException { return mAttributes.get(attribute); } }
/** * A Parser to parse Android traces files. `[4]` */ public class TracesParser { /** * Matches: ----- pid PID at YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss ----- */ private static final Pattern PID = Pattern.compile( "^----- pid (d+) at d{4}-d{2}-d{2} d{2}:d{2}:d{2} -----$"); /** * Matches: Cmd line: APP */ private static final Pattern APP = Pattern.compile("^Cmd ?line: (S+).*$"); /** * Matches: "main" prio=5 tid=1 STATE */ private static final Pattern STACK = Pattern.compile("^"main" (prio=d+) (tid=d+) (.*)"); /** * parse traces.txt * * @param path traces.txt * @return */ public static TracesItem parse(String path) { BufferedReader br = null; FileReader fr = null; TracesItem traces = new TracesItem(); StringBuffer stack = null; String state = null; try { fr = new FileReader(path); br = new BufferedReader(fr); String sCurrentLine; br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path)); while ((sCurrentLine = br.readLine()) != null) { if (state == null) { Matcher m = PID.matcher(sCurrentLine); if (m.matches()) { traces.setPid(Integer.parseInt(m.group(1))); } m = APP.matcher(sCurrentLine); if (m.matches()) { traces.setApp(m.group(1)); } m = STACK.matcher(sCurrentLine); if (m.matches()) { state = m.group(3); traces.setState(state); } } else if (!"".equals(sCurrentLine)) { if (stack == null) { stack = new StringBuffer(); } stack.append(sCurrentLine); stack.append(" "); } else { traces.setStack(stack.toString().trim()); return traces; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (br != null) br.close(); if (fr != null) fr.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } if (stack == null) { return null; } traces.setStack(stack.toString().trim()); return traces; } }引用:
[1] ANR简介以及解决方案 : http://www.snowdream.tech/201...
[2] 说说Android中的ANR:http://droidyue.com/blog/2015...
[3] FileObserver类:https://developer.android.com...
[4] loganalysis:https://android.googlesource....
摘要:错误使用单利在开发中单例经常需要持有对象,如果持有的对象生命周期与单例生命周期更短时,或导致无法被释放回收,则有可能造成内存泄漏。如果集合是类型的话,那内存泄漏情况就会更为严重。 目录介绍 1.OOM和崩溃优化 1.1 OOM优化 1.2 ANR优化 1.3 Crash优化 2.内存泄漏优化 2.0 动画资源未释放 2.1 错误使用单利 2.2 错误使用静态变量 2.3 ...
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