leetcode 部分解答索引(持续更新~)

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顺序整理 1~50

1 Two Sum

2 Add Two Numbers

3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

5 Longest Palindromic Substring(03-01更新)

6 ZigZag Conversion(03-04更新)

7 Reverse Integer

9 Palindrome Number

11 Container With Most Water

12 Integer to Roman(03-08更新)

13 Roman to Integer

14 Longest Common Prefix

15 3Sum

16 3Sum Closest

17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number(03-09更新)

18 4Sum

19 Remove Nth Node From End of List(03-11更新)

20 Valid Parentheses

21 Merge Two Sorted Lists

22 Generate Parentheses(03-13更新)

24 Swap Nodes in Pairs(03-14更新)

27 Remove Element

28 Implement strStr()

29 Divide Two Integers(03-17更新)

31 Next Permutation

34 Search for a Range

35 Search Insert Position

36 Valid Sudoku(03-18更新)

38 count and say

39 Combination Sum

40 Combination Sum II

43 Multiply Strings(03-23更新)

46 Permutations(03-29更新)

47 Permutations II(05-04更新)

48 Rotate Image

49 Group Anagrams(07-14更新)

50 Pow(x, n)(07-15更新)


53 Maximum Subarray

58 length of the last word

66 Plus One

67 Add Binary

88 Merge Sorted Array


118&119 Pascal"s Triangle

121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted

169 Majority Element

198 House Robber(03-25更新)

217 Contains Duplicate

219 Contains Duplicate II

268 Missing Number

283 Move Zeroes

414 Third Maximum Number

416 Partition Equal Subset Sum(03-26更新)

448 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array

532 K-diff Pairs in an Array

566 Reshape the Matrix

581 Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray

605 Can Place Flowers

628 Maximum Product of Three Numbers

643 Maximum Average Subarray I

661 Image Smoother

665 Non-decreasing Array

695 Max Area of Island

697 Degree of an Array

724 Find Pivot Index

766 Toeplitz Matrix




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