static block and non-static block(constructor block)
想来想去,先来一题比较好public class Foo { public static void main(String[] args) { Baz.testAsserts(); Baz.testAsserts(); // Will execute after Baz is initialized. } } class Bar { static { Baz.testAsserts(); // Will execute before Baz is initialized! } } class Baz extends Bar { static int x = 1; static void testAsserts() { System.out.println("x is " + x); x=x+2; } }
x is 0
x is 1
x is 3
Java类初始化顺序Invoking Baz.testAsserts() cause Baz to be initialized
default value int x=0;
Before Baz initialize , Bar must be initialized
Bar"s static initializer again invoking Baz.testAsserts()
so x is 0 , then x+2 , x=2
go on initializing Baz , init x = 1;
Invoking Baz.testAsserts() x = 1 , so x is 1;
父类静态变量 ——>父类静态代码块——>子类静态代码块——>父类非静态变量 ——>非静态代码块 non-static block(constructor block)
父类非静态代码块——>父类构造函数 ——>子类非静态变量——>子类非静态代码块——>
class A { int x ; //block num 1 { x = 1; System.out.println("block num 1, x is " + x); } A() { x = 3; System.out.println("constructor block x is " + x); } //block num 2 { x = 2; System.out.println("block num 2, x is " + x); } } public class Non_staticBlock { public static void main(String[] args) { String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); System.out.println("====first time instantiate ====" + newLine); new A(); System.out.println(" ====second time instantiate ====" + newLine); new A(); } }
====first time instantiate ====block num 1, x is 1
block num 2, x is 2
constructor x is 3====second time instantiate ====
block num 1, x is 1
block num 2, x is 2
constructor x is 3
非静态代码块被java编译器拷贝到了构造块内,所以称为"constructor block"也是可以的,所以每次 new 构造函数也都执行
.class 文件如下, 非静态代码块被java编译器拷贝到了构造块内.
class A { int x = 1; A() { System.out.println("block num 1, x is " + this.x); this.x = 2; System.out.println("block num 2, x is " + this.x); this.x = 3; System.out.println("constructor x is " + this.x); } }静态代码块 static block
class AA { AA() { x = 3; System.out.println("constructor x is " + x); } static int x = 1; //block num 1 static { System.out.println("static block num 1 , x is " + x); } //block num 2 static { x = 2; System.out.println("static block num 2 , x is " + x); } static void print() { System.out.println("static method"); } } public class StaticBlock { static { System.out.println("==== first ===="); } public static void main(String[] args) { String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); System.out.println("====AA class init ====" + newLine); // class init AA.print(); System.out.println(" ====fisrt time instantiate AA====" + newLine); new AA(); System.out.println(" ====sencond time instantiate AA====" + newLine); new AA(); } }
==== first ====
====AA class init ====static block num 1 , x is 1
static block num 2 , x is 2
static method
==== first time instantiate AA ====constructor x is 3
==== second time instantiate AA ====
constructor x is 3
由于JVM在加载类时会执行静态代码块,且只会执行一次. 本例静态引用AA.print(); 触发类初始化
.class 文件如下
class AA { static int x = 1; AA() { x = 3; System.out.println("constructor x is " + x); } static void print() { System.out.println("static method"); } static { System.out.println("static block num 1 , x is " + x); x = 2; System.out.println("static block num 2 , x is " + x); } }联合看一下
class AAA { int x; //block num 1 { x = 1; System.out.println("non-static block num 1 x is " + x); } AAA() { x = 3; System.out.println("constructor x is " + x); } //block num 2 { x = 2; System.out.println("non-static block num 2 x is " + x); } // The static block only gets called once,when the class itself is initialized, // no matter how many objects of that type you create static { System.out.println("static block"); } //Gets called every time an instance of the class is constructed. //the non-static block is actually copied by the Java compiler into every constructor the class has (source). //So it is still the constructor"s job to initialize fields. //to understand "actually " , find the result in the .class file of A.class { System.out.println("non-static block"); } } public class BlockSample { public static void main(String[] args) { String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); System.out.println("====first time instantiate AAA ====" + newLine); new AAA(); System.out.println(" ====second time instantiate AAA ====" + newLine); new AAA(); } }
====first time instantiate AAA ====static block
non-static block num 1 x is 1
non-static block num 2 x is 2
non-static block
constructor x is 3====second time instantiate AAA ====
non-static block num 1 x is 1
non-static block num 2 x is 2
non-static block
constructor x is 3
.class 文件
class AAA { int x = 1; AAA() { System.out.println("non-static block num 1 x is " + this.x); this.x = 2; System.out.println("non-static block num 2 x is " + this.x); System.out.println("non-static block"); this.x = 3; System.out.println("constructor x is " + this.x); } static { System.out.println("static block"); } }
摘要:对子类成员数据按照它们声明的顺序初始化,执行子类构造函数的其余部分。参考类的初始化顺序引了大半类加载的时机 jvm系列 垃圾回收基础 JVM的编译策略 GC的三大基础算法 GC的三大高级算法 GC策略的评价指标 JVM信息查看 GC通用日志解读 jvm的card table数据结构 Java类初始化顺序 Java对象结构及大小计算 Java的类加载机制 Java对象分配简要流程 年老...
这是网易2015校招Java面试题,直接上题目。 题目 package com.mousycoder.staticTest; public class HelloB extends HelloA { public HelloB() { System.out.println(HelloB); } { System.out.println(I...
摘要:看到的只是,而由泛型附加的类型信息对来说是不可见的。然后再加载执行类的静态变量以及静态语句块。接口中基本数据类型为而抽类象不是的。本地方法接口主要是调用或实现的本地方法及返回结果。用户自定义类加载器,在程序运行期间,通过的子类动态加载。 编译机制 编译主要是把 .Java文件转换为 .class 文件。其中转换后的 .class 文件就包含了元数据,方法信息等一些信息。比如说元数据就...
摘要:没有关键字修饰的如实例变量非静态变量非静态代码块初始化实际上是会被提取到类的构造器中被执行的,但是会比类构造器中的代码块优先执行到,非静态实例变量非静态代码块的地位是相等的,它们将按顺序被执行。 阅读原文:Java代码执行顺序 程序中代码执行的顺序非常重要,稍有不慎便会是程序运行出错,那么我将结合实例来分析代码中的执行。 名词解释 首先了解几个名词: 非静态代码块 直接由 { } 包起...
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