最近帮助一个客户部署了一个Apache Servicemix环境。
Installation Apache Karaf Service Wrapper is an optional feature. You have to install the "Service Wrapper" installer first. In the console: karaf@root()> feature:install service-wrapper Now, you have the wrapper:install command, to "register" Apache Karaf as service/daemon on your system: karaf@root()> wrapper:install --help DESCRIPTION wrapper:install Install the container as a system service in the OS. SYNTAX wrapper:install [options] OPTIONS -d, --display The display name of the service. (defaults to karaf) --help Display this help message -s, --start-type Mode in which the service is installed. AUTO_START or DEMAND_START (Default: AUTO_START) (defaults to AUTO_START) -n, --name The service name that will be used when installing the service. (Default: karaf) (defaults to karaf) -D, --description The description of the service. (defaults to ) The wrapper:install command detects the running Operating Service and provide the service/daemon ready to be integrated in your system. For instance, on a Ubuntu/Debian Linux system: karaf@root()> wrapper:install Creating file: /opt/apache-karaf-4.0.0/bin/karaf-wrapper Creating file: /opt/apache-karaf-4.0.0/bin/karaf-service Creating file: /opt/apache-karaf-4.0.0/etc/karaf-wrapper.conf Creating missing directory: /opt/apache-karaf-4.0.0/lib/wrapper Creating file: /opt/apache-karaf-4.0.0/lib/wrapper/libwrapper.so Creating file: /opt/apache-karaf-4.0.0/lib/wrapper/karaf-wrapper.jar Creating file: /opt/apache-karaf-4.0.0/lib/wrapper/karaf-wrapper-main.jar Setup complete. You may wish to tweak the JVM properties in the wrapper configuration file: /opt/apache-karaf-4.0.0/etc/karaf-wrapper.conf before installing and starting the service. Ubuntu/Debian Linux system detected: To install the service: $ ln -s /opt/apache-karaf-4.0.0/bin/karaf-service /etc/init.d/ To start the service when the machine is rebooted: $ update-rc.d karaf-service defaults To disable starting the service when the machine is rebooted: $ update-rc.d -f karaf-service remove To start the service: $ /etc/init.d/karaf-service start To stop the service: $ /etc/init.d/karaf-service stop To uninstall the service : $ rm /etc/init.d/karaf-service
摘要:笔者很菜,文章仅供自己复习使用,不专业之处请见谅。现在公司让用的框架,未来也许某天也会成为主流的吧,本文主要讲解如何简单使用进行开发。这里谈的是不是,两个技术名词长得很像却是两码事看错文章的朋友请打住。在标签下指定属性所对应的类。 吐槽:不断的JAVA新技术学习中,幸得笔者同事xunhua是大神,真的是大神级那种,一路抱大腿走过荆棘之路,真的可以用荆棘来形容Karaf(OSGi)+ C...
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