An amicable pair (m,n) consists of two integers m,n for which the sum of proper divisors (the divisors excluding the number itself) of one number equals the other.
Given an integer k, find all amicable pairs between 1 and k.
NoticeFor each pair, the first number should be smaller than the second one.
ExampleGiven 300, return [[220, 284]].
Solutionpublic class Solution { /* * @param k: An integer * @return: all amicable pairs */ public List> amicablePair(int k) { // loop through 1 to k, do calculation, save amicable pairs List
> res = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 1; i <= k; i++) { int second = calculateSum(i); if (second > k) { continue; } else { int first = calculateSum(second); if (first == i && first < second) { List
pair = new ArrayList<>(); pair.add(first); pair.add(second); res.add(pair); } } } return res; } public int calculateSum(int n) { int sum = 0; for (int i = 1; i * i < n; i++) { if (n % i == 0) { sum += (i+n/i); } if ((i+1)*(i+1) == n) { sum += (i+1); } } return sum-n; } }
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