int main(int argc, char** argv) { // 判断是否是启动的第一阶段,根据参数来判断 bool is_first_stage = (argc == 1) || (strcmp(argv[1], "--second-stage") != 0); if (is_first_stage) { // 如果是第一阶段 mount("tmpfs", "/dev", "tmpfs", MS_NOSUID, "mode=0755"); // 挂载tmpfs文件系统(快速的临时文件系统,建立在内存上,不可持久) mkdir("/dev/pts", 0755); mkdir("/dev/socket", 0755); mount("devpts", "/dev/pts", "devpts", 0, NULL); // 挂载devpts文件系统 mount("proc", "/proc", "proc", 0, NULL); // 挂载proc文件系统 mount("sysfs", "/sys", "sysfs", 0, NULL); // 挂载sysfs文件系统(设备结构) } ...... if (!is_first_stage) { // Indicate that booting is in progress to background fw loaders, etc. close(open("/dev/.booting", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0000)); property_init(); // 初始化属性域 system/core/init/Property_service.cpp // If arguments are passed both on the command line and in DT, // properties set in DT always have priority over the command-line ones. process_kernel_dt(); process_kernel_cmdline(); // Propogate the kernel variables to internal variables // used by init as well as the current required properties. export_kernel_boot_props(); } ...... if (is_first_stage) { if (restorecon("/init") == -1) { ERROR("restorecon failed: %s ", strerror(errno)); security_failure(); } // 重入main,进入第二阶段 char* path = argv[0]; char* args[] = { path, const_cast("--second-stage"), nullptr }; if (execv(path, args) == -1) { ERROR("execv("%s") failed: %s ", path, strerror(errno)); security_failure(); } } ...... epoll_fd = epoll_create1(EPOLL_CLOEXEC); // 创建epoll ...... signal_handler_init(); // 初始化子进程处理器,防止僵尸进程。这里使用信号来监控子进程退出 ...... start_property_service(); // 启动属性服务 init_parse_config_file("/init.rc"); // 解析init.rc文件 ...... // 不断监听执行上面rc解析出来的指令 while (true) { if (!waiting_for_exec) { execute_one_command(); // 执行指令 restart_processes(); } int timeout = -1; if (process_needs_restart) { timeout = (process_needs_restart - gettime()) * 1000; if (timeout < 0) timeout = 0; } if (!action_queue_empty() || cur_action) { timeout = 0; } bootchart_sample(&timeout); epoll_event ev; int nr = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(epoll_wait(epoll_fd, &ev, 1, timeout)); if (nr == -1) { ERROR("epoll_wait failed: %s ", strerror(errno)); } else if (nr == 1) { ((void (*)()) ev.data.ptr)(); } } }
import /init.environ.rc import /init.usb.rc import /init.${ro.hardware}.rc import /init.usb.configfs.rc import /init.${ro.zygote}.rc import /init.trace.rc
service zygote /system/bin/app_process64 -Xzygote /system/bin --zygote --start-system-server class main socket zygote stream 660 root system onrestart write /sys/android_power/request_state wake onrestart write /sys/power/state on onrestart restart media onrestart restart netd writepid /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks
// 根据参数设置类名 while (i < argc) { const char* arg = argv[i++]; if (strcmp(arg, "--zygote") == 0) { zygote = true; niceName = ZYGOTE_NICE_NAME; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--start-system-server") == 0) { startSystemServer = true; } else if (strcmp(arg, "--application") == 0) { application = true; } else if (strncmp(arg, "--nice-name=", 12) == 0) { niceName.setTo(arg + 12); } else if (strncmp(arg, "--", 2) != 0) { className.setTo(arg); break; } else { --i; break; } } ...... if (zygote) { // 这里执行到ZygoteInit类中 runtime.start("com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit", args, zygote); } else if (className) { runtime.start("com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit", args, zygote); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: no class name or --zygote supplied. "); app_usage(); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("app_process: no class name or --zygote supplied."); return 10; }
void AndroidRuntime::start(const char* className, const Vector& options, bool zygote) ...... jmethodID startMeth = env->GetStaticMethodID(startClass, "main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V"); if (startMeth == NULL) { ALOGE("JavaVM unable to find main() in "%s" ", className); /* keep going */ } else { env->CallStaticVoidMethod(startClass, startMeth, strArray); #if 0 if (env->ExceptionCheck()) threadExitUncaughtException(env); #endif } ...... }
实际执行的就是env->CallStaticVoidMethod(startClass, startMeth, strArray);这句话,调用的就是ZygoteInit.java中的main。至此,从init进入到Zygote中了。
public static void main(String argv[]) { try { ...... for (int i = 1; i < argv.length; i++) { if ("start-system-server".equals(argv[i])) { // 这里传递的就是这个 startSystemServer = true; } else if (argv[i].startsWith(ABI_LIST_ARG)) { abiList = argv[i].substring(ABI_LIST_ARG.length()); } else if (argv[i].startsWith(SOCKET_NAME_ARG)) { socketName = argv[i].substring(SOCKET_NAME_ARG.length()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown command line argument: " + argv[i]); } } ...... registerZygoteSocket(socketName); // 注册并启动socket服务端,为zygote ...... if (startSystemServer) { startSystemServer(abiList, socketName); // 启动systemserver } ...... runSelectLoop(abiList); // 进入looper,等待启动app的请求 } // 注意这里,是个关键点。异常发生的时候调用了MethodAndArgsCaller这个runnable的run catch (MethodAndArgsCaller caller) { caller.run(); } }
4.一旦发生MethodAndArgsCaller caller异常,调用MethodAndArgsCaller的call处理,后面我们会说到这个;
1. startSystemServer启动系统服务SystemServer是系统的2大核心之一,和Zygote一并重要,专管所有的系统服务。需要多带带开篇来阐述。这里我们只说启动的过程。
private static boolean startSystemServer(String abiList, String socketName) throws MethodAndArgsCaller, RuntimeException { ...... // fork SystemServer进程 pid = Zygote.forkSystemServer( parsedArgs.uid, parsedArgs.gid, parsedArgs.gids, parsedArgs.debugFlags, null, parsedArgs.permittedCapabilities, parsedArgs.effectiveCapabilities); ...... // 如果是子进程,就是SystemServer本身,执行 if (pid == 0) { if (hasSecondZygote(abiList)) { waitForSecondaryZygote(socketName); } // 如果是子进程,即systemserver,调用handleSystemServerProcess进行后面的收尾工作 handleSystemServerProcess(parsedArgs); } }
private static void handleSystemServerProcess( ZygoteConnection.Arguments parsedArgs) throws ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller { ...... RuntimeInit.zygoteInit(parsedArgs.targetSdkVersion, parsedArgs.remainingArgs, cl); ...... }
public static final void zygoteInit(int targetSdkVersion, String[] argv, ClassLoader classLoader) throws ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller { ...... // 常规初始化,设置跟踪,设置网络代理 commonInit(); // AndroidRuntime.cpp c层函数 nativeZygoteInit(); // 应用程序初始化 applicationInit(targetSdkVersion, argv, classLoader); }
static void com_android_internal_os_RuntimeInit_nativeZygoteInit(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz) { gCurRuntime->onZygoteInit(); }
看到了吧,回到了app_main.cpp AppRuntime的onZygoteInit中:
virtual void onZygoteInit() { spproc = ProcessState::self(); ALOGV("App process: starting thread pool. "); // 启动线程池,用于与binder通讯。每个进程都走这一步 proc->startThreadPool(); }
private static void applicationInit(int targetSdkVersion, String[] argv, ClassLoader classLoader) throws ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller { // 设置关闭引用程序是是否调用AppRuntime.onExit(),默认调用 nativeSetExitWithoutCleanup(true); ...... // 传递参数,并调用类的main方法 invokeStaticMain(args.startClass, args.startArgs, classLoader); }
String args[] = { "--setuid=1000", "--setgid=1000", "--setgroups=1001,1002,1003,1004,1005,1006,1007,1008,1009,1010,1018,1021,1032,3001,3002,3003,3006,3007", "--capabilities=" + capabilities + "," + capabilities, "--nice-name=system_server", "--runtime-args", "com.android.server.SystemServer", };
private static void invokeStaticMain(String className, String[] argv, ClassLoader classLoader) throws ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller { Class> cl; // 通过反射获取类名 try { cl = Class.forName(className, true, classLoader); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "Missing class when invoking static main " + className, ex); } // 获取该类的main方法 Method m; try { m = cl.getMethod("main", new Class[] { String[].class }); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "Missing static main on " + className, ex); } catch (SecurityException ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "Problem getting static main on " + className, ex); } int modifiers = m.getModifiers(); if (! (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) && Modifier.isPublic(modifiers))) { throw new RuntimeException( "Main method is not public and static on " + className); } /* * This throw gets caught in ZygoteInit.main(), which responds * by invoking the exception"s run() method. This arrangement * clears up all the stack frames that were required in setting * up the process. */ // 抛出异常 throw new ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller(m, argv); }
看到这里一定会奇怪,为何在此处抛出一个异常:throw new ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller(m, argv);,这里我们需要往前回溯看看,到底在哪里捕获的异常。结果是发现在ZygoteInit.java的main中进行的捕获:
try { ...... if (startSystemServer) { startSystemServer(abiList, socketName); } ...... } catch (MethodAndArgsCaller caller) { caller.run(); }
调用的起始也是从这里开始的,好吧,我们看看捕获到异常之后做了什么。调用了caller.run()。抛出异常的时候已经new了一个throw new ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller(m, argv);这个对象了,并且参数给出的就是SystemServer类的main方法,那么继续看ZygoteInit.MethodAndArgsCaller:
public static class MethodAndArgsCaller extends Exception implements Runnable { /** method to call */ private final Method mMethod; /** argument array */ private final String[] mArgs; public MethodAndArgsCaller(Method method, String[] args) { mMethod = method; mArgs = args; } public void run() { try { mMethod.invoke(null, new Object[] { mArgs }); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { Throwable cause = ex.getCause(); if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) cause; } else if (cause instanceof Error) { throw (Error) cause; } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } }
摘要:孵化进程相当于是系统的根进程,后面所有的进程都是通过这个进程出来的虽然进程相当于系统的根进程,但是事实上它也是由系统的进程启动的。 目录介绍 1.什么是Zygote进程 1.1 简单介绍 1.2 各个进程的先后顺序 1.3 进程作用说明 2.Zygote进程的启动流程 2.1 源码位置 2.2 ZygoteInit类的main方法 2.3 registerZygoteSo...
摘要:入口函数是创建确认是进程执行进程如果忽略掉参数这些细节,剩下的就是的建立和调用的方法了,启动的是。下面再看下其实主要的就是这句话,前面的都是参数的配置。至此为止,的过程基本分析完毕。 android也是基于linux的系统,因此所有的进程都是从init进程开始的(直接或间接的从init进程fock出来的)。Zygote是受精卵进程,也是系统启动过程中由init进程创建的,具体的看下启动...
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