Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence
这一个类型的题都一样用dfs,分治的思想。两种方式:一种用global variable,另一种直接把sequence的长度作为返回值,思路都一样。也可以直接在当前层对左右节点分别处理,本质和前面一样的。iteration也可以解,用stack或者queue来做,但是本质都是dfs。
1.用global variable
public int longestConsecutive(TreeNode root) { /* dfs * arguments: curNode, previous value, length * 2 chooses: 1. curNode.val >= previous_value => length + 1 * 2. curNode.val < previous_value => length = 1 * update length each recursion: use a global variable */ if(root == null) return 0; dfs(root, root.val - 1, 0); return global; } int global = 0; private void dfs(TreeNode curNode, int previous_value, int len) { // update global length global = Math.max(global, len); // base case if(curNode == null) { return; } if(curNode.val - previous_value == 1) len++; else len = 1; dfs(curNode.left, curNode.val, len); dfs(curNode.right, curNode.val, len); }
public int longestConsecutive(TreeNode root) { /* dfs * arguments: curNode, previous value, length * 2 chooses: 1. curNode.val >= previous_value => length + 1 * 2. curNode.val < previous_value => length = 1 * update length each recursion: return the max length */ if(root == null) return 0; return dfs(root, root.val - 1, 0); } private int dfs(TreeNode curNode, int previous_value, int len) { // base case if(curNode == null) { return len; } if(curNode.val - previous_value == 1) len++; else len = 1; return Math.max(len, Math.max(dfs(curNode.left, curNode.val, len), dfs(curNode.right, curNode.val, len))); }
public int longestConsecutive(TreeNode root) { if(root == null) return 0; dfs(root, 1); return global; } int global = 0; private void dfs(TreeNode curNode, int len) { global = Math.max(global, len); if(curNode.left != null) { if(curNode.val + 1 == curNode.left.val) dfs(curNode.left, len+1); else dfs(curNode.left, 1); } if(curNode.right != null) { if(curNode.val + 1 == curNode.right.val) dfs(curNode.right, len+1); else dfs(curNode.right, 1); } }
摘要:递归法复杂度时间空间思路因为要找最长的连续路径,我们在遍历树的时候需要两个信息,一是目前连起来的路径有多长,二是目前路径的上一个节点的值。代码判断当前是否连续返回当前长度,左子树长度,和右子树长度中较大的那个 Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence Given a binary tree, find the length of the lon...
摘要:题目解答分治,一种不带返回值,但需要用全局变量,一种带返回值,不用全局变量有全局变量 题目:Given a binary tree, find the length of the longest consecutive sequence path. The path refers to any sequence of nodes from some starting node to a...
Problem Given a binary tree, you need to find the length of Longest Consecutive Path in Binary Tree. Especially, this path can be either increasing or decreasing. For example, [1,2,3,4] and [4,3,2,1] ...
摘要:集合法复杂度时间空间思路将所有数都加入集合中,然后再遍历这些数,因为我们能的判断某个数是否在集合中,所以我们可以一个个向上或者向下检查。时间复杂度仍是,因为我们不会检查不存在于数组的数,而存在于数组的数也只会检查一次。 Longest Consecutive Sequence Given an unsorted array of integers, find the length o...
摘要:描述例子要求分析从未排序的数组中寻找最长的连续的数字,必然要循环一遍所有的数字,因为连续,所以以出来的数字为基准,向左右扩散,直到没有连续的,利用了和的特性。 描述: Given an unsorted array of integers, find the length of the longest consecutive elements sequence. 例子: Given ...
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