4.1.16 The eccentricity of a vertex v is the the length of the shortest path from that vertex to the furthest vertex from v. The diameter of a graph is the maximum eccentricity of any vertex. The radius of a graph is the smallest eccentricity of any vertex. A center is a vertex whose eccentricity is the radius. Implement the following API:
4.1.18 The girth of a graph is the length of its shortest cycle. If a graph is acyclic, then its girth is infinite. Add a method girth() to GraphProperties that returns the girth of the graph. Hint : Run BFS from each vertex. The shortest cycle containing s is a shortest path from s to some vertex v, plus the edge from v back to s.
4.1.16 计算点的离心率,图的直径,半径,中心
4.1.18 计算图的围长
因为要计算距离,需要一个数组int[] distTo记录距离。可以和数组 boolean[] marked 进行合并 。
distTo[] 初始值设为-1,表示未被寻访。一旦被寻访到,就改为其到顶点的距离。
import java.util.*; public class GraphProperties { //private懒得写了 int[] distTo; //到顶点的距离 int[] e; //离心率 int[] c; //cycle int[] edgeTo; //前任(是谁牵着你的手走到这条路?) int diameter = 0; int radius = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int center; int girth = Integer.MAX_VALUE; //异常抛出问题还不是很熟练,先不考虑 GraphProperties(Graph G) { int V = G.V(); distTo = new int[V]; e = new int[V]; c = new int[V]; edgeTo = new int[V]; //遍历所有的顶点,造v棵树 for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) { bfp(G, v); } //找各个最大最小值,各找各妈,各赋各值 for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) { diameter = e[v] > diameter ? e[v] : diameter; if (e[v] < radius) { radius = e[v]; center = v; } girth = c[v] < girth ? c[v] : girth; } } //主算法 void bfp(Graph G, int s) { int eccen = 0; int cycle = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++) distTo[v] = -1; //初始化为0,表示未被寻访过 distTo[s] = 0; Queueq = new LinkedList (); q.offer(s); while (!q.isEmpty()) { int v = q.poll(); for (int w : G.adj(v)) {//v是我,w是我的前女友们 if (distTo[w] == -1) { //如果未被寻访过 distTo[w] = distTo[v] + 1; //记录距离 eccen = distTo[w]; //这是深度优先算法,因此最后一个被寻访的深度就是最深的 } else if ( w!= edgeTo[v] ) { //遇到一个寻访过的w,就说明牵着现在老婆的手遇到了前女朋友,人生兜兜转转形成了一个环(前提是你遇到的不是你老婆) int d = distTo[w] + distTo[v] + 1; //算一下绕了多大的一个圈 cycle = d < cycle ? d : cycle; //记录最小的那个圈,走最小的套路 } } } e[s] = eccen; c[s] = cycle; } // diameter of G 图的直径:图中所有点的离心率的最大值。 public int diameter() { return diameter; } // radius of G 图的半径:图中所有点的离心率的最小值。 public int radius() { return radius; } // center of G 图的中心:图中离心率的最小值所对的顶点。 public int center() { return center; } // grith of G 图的围长:如果图中有环,围长则为所有环的长度的最小值。 public int girth() { return girth; } }
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