Given a string s1, we may represent it as a binary tree by partitioning it to two non-empty substrings recursively.
Below is one possible representation of s1 = "great":
great / gr eat / / g r e at / a t
To scramble the string, we may choose any non-leaf node and swap its two children.
For example, if we choose the node "gr" and swap its two children, it produces a scrambled string "rgeat".
rgeat / rg eat / / r g e at / a t
We say that "rgeat" is a scrambled string of "great".
Similarly, if we continue to swap the children of nodes "eat" and "at", it produces a scrambled string "rgtae".
rgtae / rg tae / / r g ta e / t a
We say that "rgtae" is a scrambled string of "great".
Given two strings s1 and s2 of the same length, determine if s2 is a scrambled string of s1.
ChallengeO(n3) time
然后,从第一个字符开始向后遍历,判断s1和s2中以这个坐标为中点的左右两个子字符串是否满足第一步中互为scramble string的条件:
public class Solution { public boolean isScramble(String s1, String s2) { if (s1.equals(s2)) return true; char[] sc1 = s1.toCharArray(); char[] sc2 = s2.toCharArray(); Arrays.sort(sc1); Arrays.sort(sc2); for (int i = 0; i < sc1.length; i++) { if (sc1[i] != sc2[i]) return false; } int mid = 1; boolean res = false; while (mid < s1.length()) { res = (isScramble(s1.substring(0, mid), s2.substring(0, mid)) && isScramble(s1.substring(mid, s1.length()), s2.substring(mid, s2.length()))) || (isScramble(s1.substring(0, mid), s2.substring(s2.length()-mid, s2.length())) && isScramble(s1.substring(mid, s1.length()), s2.substring(0, s2.length()-mid))); if (res) break; mid++; } return res; } }
摘要:允许对非叶结点的两个子节点进行旋转,且允许对多个非叶节点进行子节点的旋转操作。将该操作生成的新字符串成为。现在输入两个字符串,判断该两个字符串是否是。不仅要考虑数组的划分,还要考虑所有可能的旋转。 题目要求 Given a string s1, we may represent it as a binary tree by partitioning it to two non-empt...
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