There are two sorted arrays A and B of size m and n respectively. Find the median of the two sorted arrays.
ExampleGiven A=[1,2,3,4,5,6] and B=[2,3,4,5], the median is 3.5.
Given A=[1,2,3] and B=[4,5], the median is 3.
ChallengeThe overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).
首先,找到k个元素的中点mid,令mid = k/2-1;
class Solution { public double findMedianSortedArrays(int[] A, int[] B) { int len = A.length + B.length; if (len % 2 == 0) return (findKth(A, 0, B, 0, len/2)+findKth(A, 0, B, 0, len/2+1))/2.0; else return findKth(A, 0, B, 0, len/2+1); } public double findKth(int[] A, int Astart, int[] B, int Bstart, int k) { if (Astart == A.length) return B[Bstart+k-1]; else if (Bstart == B.length) return A[Astart+k-1]; if (k == 1) return Math.min(A[Astart], B[Bstart]); int mid = k/2-1, kNew = k-k/2, kA = Integer.MAX_VALUE, kB = kA; if (Astart + mid < A.length) kA = A[Astart+mid]; if (Bstart + mid < B.length) kB = B[Bstart+mid]; if (kA < kB) return findKth(A, Astart+k/2, B, Bstart, kNew); else return findKth(A, Astart, B, Bstart+k/2, kNew); } }Naive method: O(m+n) time
public class Solution { public double findMedianSortedArrays(int[] nums1, int[] nums2) { int n1 = nums1.length, n2 = nums2.length; int len = n1+n2; if (len%2 == 0) return (find(nums1, nums2, len/2)+find(nums1, nums2, len/2+1))/2.0; else return (double)find(nums1, nums2, len/2+1); } public int find(int[] A, int[] B, int k) { int res = 0; int i = 0, j = 0; while (k != 0 && i < A.length && j < B.length) { if (A[i] < B[j]) res = A[i++]; else res = B[j++]; k--; } if (k != 0) { if (i < A.length) res = A[i+k-1]; else res = B[j+k-1]; } return res; } }Update 2018.8
//没有使用二分法我觉得是一种退步 class Solution { public double findMedianSortedArrays(int[] nums1, int[] nums2) { int totalLength = nums1.length + nums2.length; int[] nums = new int[totalLength]; int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; while (i < nums1.length && j < nums2.length) { if (nums1[i] <= nums2[j]) { nums[k++] = nums1[i++]; } else { nums[k++] = nums2[j++]; } } while (i < nums1.length) { nums[k++] = nums1[i++]; } while (j < nums2.length) { nums[k++] = nums2[j++]; } if (totalLength % 2 == 0) { return (double) (nums[totalLength/2-1] + nums[totalLength/2])/2; } else { return (double) nums[totalLength/2]; } } }
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