函数式编程与面向对象编程[4]:Scala的类型关联Type Alias
之剑 2016.5.4 23:55:19
object TestMatrix extends App{ type IntList = List[Int] //接下来就可以这样使用它: type Matrix = List[IntList] val m = Matrix( IntList(1,2,3), IntList(1,2,3), IntList(1,2,3)) }
scala> type IntList=List[Int] defined type alias IntList
type PersonPredicate = Person => Boolean
val teenagerPred: PersonPredicate = person => person.age < 20
def teenagers(people: People): People = { people.filter(teenagerPred) }
按照这个思路下去,我们就可以开始composite functions了。比如说,我们跟人收税,就可以这么做:
type Tax = Person => Double val incomeTax: Tax = person => person.income * 5 / 100 val kejuanzaTax: Tax = person => person.income * 20 / 100 def giveMeYourMoney(p: Person) = { calculateTax(p, List(incomeTax, kejuanzaTax)) } def calculateTax(person: Person, taxes: List[Tax]): Double = { taxes.foldLeft(0d) { (acc, curTax) => acc + curTax(person) } }
总结一下type alia这个糖衣:
一个类型的type alias,类似于这样的:type t = x。编译器将在所有使用到t的地方把t替换为x。
对于一种操作的type alias,编译器将会根据参数列表和返回值类型的不同将其替换为对应的Function0,Function1,Function2 …… 一直到Function22。
type twentyThree = ( String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String ) => String
Scala编译器会直接告诉我们: type Function23 is not a member of package scala
结构类型结构类型(structural type)为静态语言增加了部分动态特性,使得参数类型不再拘泥于某个已命名的类型,只要参数中包含结构中声明的方法或值即可。举例来说,java里对所有定义了close方法的抽象了一个Closable接口,然后再用Closable类型约束参数,而scala里可以不要求参数必须继承自Closable接口只需要包含close方法;如下:
scala> def free( res: {def close():Unit} ) { res.close } scala> free(new { def close()=println("closed") }) closed
scala> type X = { def close():Unit } defined type alias X scala> def free(res:X) = res.close scala> free(new { def close()=println("closed") }) closed
scala> object A { def close() {println("A closed")} } scala> free(A) A closed scala> class R { def close()=print("ok") } scala> val r = new R scala> free(r) ok
scala> trait X1; trait X2; scala> def test(x: X1 with X2 { def close():Unit } ) = x.close
X1 with X2 { def close():Unit }
复合类型与with关键字class A extends (B with C with D with E) T1 with T2 with T3 …
这种形式的类型称为复合类型(compound type)或者也叫交集类型(intersection type)。
scala> trait X1; trait X2; scala> def test(x: X1 with X2) = {println("ok")} test: (x: X1 with X2)Unit scala> test(new X1 with X2) ok scala> object A extends X1 with X2 scala> test(A) ok
也可以通过 type 声明:
scala> type X = X1 with X2 defined type alias X scala> def test(x:X) = println("OK") test: (x: X)Unit scala> class A extends X1 with X2 scala> val a = new A scala> test(a) OK结构类型
class Structural { def open()=print("A class instance Opened") } object Structural__Type { def main(args: Array[String]){ init(new { def open()=println("Opened") }) //创建了一个匿名对象,实现open方法 type X = { def open():Unit } //将右边的表达式命名为一个别名 def init(res:X) = res.open init(new { def open()=println("Opened again") }) object A { def open() {println("A single object Opened")} } //创建的单例对象里面也必须实现open方法 init(A) val structural = new Structural init(structural) } def init( res: {def open():Unit} ) { //要求传进来的res对象具有open方法,不限制类型 res.open } }
trait Compound_Type1; trait Compound_Type2; class Compound_Type extends Compound_Type1 with Compound_Type2 object Compound_Type { def compound_Type(x: Compound_Type1 with Compound_Type2) = {println("Compound Type in global method")} //限制参数x即是Type1的类型,也是Type2的类型 def main(args: Array[String]) { compound_Type(new Compound_Type1 with Compound_Type2) //匿名方式,结果:Compound Type in global method object compound_Type_oject extends Compound_Type1 with Compound_Type2 //object继承方式,trait混入object对象中 compound_Type(compound_Type_oject) //结果都一样,Compound Type in global method type compound_Type_Alias = Compound_Type1 with Compound_Type2 //定义一个type别名 def compound_Type_Local(x:compound_Type_Alias) = println("Compound Type in local method") //使用type别名进行限制 val compound_Type_Class = new Compound_Type compound_Type_Local(compound_Type_Class) //结果:Compound Type in local method type Scala = Compound_Type1 with Compound_Type2 { def init():Unit } //type别名限制即是Type1,也是Type2,同时还要实现init方法 } }Infix Type
Infix Type:中值类型,允许带有两个参数的类型。
object Infix_Types { def main(args: Array[String]) { object Log { def >>:(data:String):Log.type = { println(data); Log } } "Hadoop" >>: "Spark" >>: Log //右结合,先打印出Spark,再打印出Hadoop val list = List() val newList = "A" :: "B" :: list //中值表达式 println(newList) class Infix_Type[A,B] //中值类型是带有两个类型参数的类型 val infix: Int Infix_Type String = null //此时A是Int,B为String,具体类型名写在两个类型中间 val infix1: Infix_Type[Int, String] = null //和这种方式等价 case class Cons(first:String,second:String) //中值类型 val case_class = Cons("one", "two") case_class match { case "one" Cons "two" => println("Spark!!!") } //unapply } }self-type
class Self { self => //self是this别名 val tmp="Scala" def foo = self.tmp + this.tmp } trait S1 class S2 { this:S1 => } //限定:实例化S2时,必须混入S1类型 class S3 extends S2 with S1 class s4 {this:{def init():Unit} =>} //也能用于结构类型限定 trait T { this:S1 => } //也能用于trait object S4 extends T with S1 object Self_Types { def main(args: Array[String]) { class Outer { outer => val v1 = "Spark" class Inner { println(outer.v1) //使用外部类的属性 } } val c = new S2 with S1 //实例化S2时必须混入S1类型 } }
--- 关于作者: 陈光剑,江苏东海人, 号行走江湖一剑客,字之剑。程序员,诗人, 作家 http://universsky.github.io/ ---
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