Design an iterator over a binary search tree with the following rules:
Elements are visited in ascending order (i.e. an in-order traversal)
next() and hasNext() queries run in O(1) time in average.
For the following binary search tree, in-order traversal by using iterator is [1, 6, 10, 11, 12]
10 / 1 11 6 12Challenge
Extra memory usage O(h), h is the height of the tree.
Super Star: Extra memory usage O(1)
Solutionpublic class BSTIterator { //@param root: The root of binary tree. Stackstack; public BSTIterator(TreeNode root) { stack = new Stack (); while (root != null) { stack.push(root); root = root.left; } } //@return: True if there has next node, or false public boolean hasNext() { return !stack.isEmpty(); } //@return: return next node public TreeNode next() { TreeNode cur = stack.pop(); TreeNode temp = cur; if (cur.right != null) { cur = cur.right; while (cur != null) { stack.push(cur); cur = cur.left; } } return temp; } }
Problem Given a root of Binary Search Tree with unique value for each node. Remove the node with given value. If there is no such a node with given value in the binary search tree, do nothing. You sho...
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摘要:代码先找到第一个节点,并把路径入栈栈为空时不再有下一个栈顶是待返回元素如果该元素有右节点,把它的右节点及右节点的所有左边节点都压入栈中 Binary Search Tree Iterator 最新更新:https://yanjia.me/zh/2019/02/... Implement an iterator over a binary search tree (BST). Your...
摘要:解题思路对于二叉搜索树,我们很容易会想到使用栈和队列来解决问题,本题是要求实现一个对二叉搜索树的遍历器,要求每次可以返回最小的节点值,我们使用栈。 Binary Search Tree IteratorImplement an iterator over a binary search tree (BST). Your iterator will be initialized with...
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