Given 2*n + 2 numbers, every numbers occurs twice except two, find them.
ExampleGiven [1,2,2,3,4,4,5,3] return 1 and 5
ChallengeO(n) time, O(1) extra space.
Noten & (n-1): 去掉最后一个1;
n & (-n): 保留最后一个1;
n & (~(n-1)): 保留最后一个1;
Integer.highestOneBit(n): 保留第一个1;
若num & diff的结果为diff,说明这些num的第i位是1:将num与res0异或后存入res0,这样最后异或出来的结果就是两个single number中第i位是1的那个;
同理,若num & diff的结果为0,说明这些num的第i位是0:将num与res1异或后存入res1,这样最后异或出来的结果就是两个single number中第i位是1的那个。
public class Solution { public ListsingleNumberIII(int[] A) { int diff = 0; for (int num: A) { diff ^= num; } //diff &= -diff; diff &= ~(diff-1); int res0 = 0, res1 = 0; for (int num: A) { if ((diff & num) == diff) res0 ^= num; else res1 ^= num; } List res = new ArrayList(); res.add(res0); res.add(res1); return res; } }
摘要:整个过程相当于,直接在和里去掉既是又是的。所以最后返回的,一定是只出现过一次的,而出现两次的都在里,出现三次的都被消去了。 Single Number I Problem Given 2*n + 1 numbers, every numbers occurs twice except one, find it. Example Given [1,2,2,1,3,4,3], return...
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