Integer.valueOf/** * Returns an {@code Integer} instance representing the specified * {@code int} value. If a new {@code Integer} instance is not * required, this method should generally be used in preference to * the constructor {@link #Integer(int)}, as this method is likely * to yield significantly better space and time performance by * caching frequently requested values. * * This method will always cache values in the range -128 to 127, * inclusive, and may cache other values outside of this range. * * @param i an {@code int} value. * @return an {@code Integer} instance representing {@code i}. * @since 1.5 */ public static Integer valueOf(int i) { assert IntegerCache.high >= 127; if (i >= IntegerCache.low && i <= IntegerCache.high) return IntegerCache.cache[i + (-IntegerCache.low)]; return new Integer(i); }
注意static final int low = -128;
/** * Returns a {@code Long} instance representing the specified * {@code long} value. * If a new {@code Long} instance is not required, this method * should generally be used in preference to the constructor * {@link #Long(long)}, as this method is likely to yield * significantly better space and time performance by caching * frequently requested values. * * Note that unlike the {@linkplain Integer#valueOf(int) * corresponding method} in the {@code Integer} class, this method * is not required to cache values within a particular * range. * * @param l a long value. * @return a {@code Long} instance representing {@code l}. * @since 1.5 */ public static Long valueOf(long l) { final int offset = 128; if (l >= -128 && l <= 127) { // will cache return LongCache.cache[(int)l + offset]; } return new Long(l); }Boolean.valueOf
/** * Returns a {@code Boolean} instance representing the specified * {@code boolean} value. If the specified {@code boolean} value * is {@code true}, this method returns {@code Boolean.TRUE}; * if it is {@code false}, this method returns {@code Boolean.FALSE}. * If a new {@code Boolean} instance is not required, this method * should generally be used in preference to the constructor * {@link #Boolean(boolean)}, as this method is likely to yield * significantly better space and time performance. * * @param b a boolean value. * @return a {@code Boolean} instance representing {@code b}. * @since 1.4 */ public static Boolean valueOf(boolean b) { return (b ? TRUE : FALSE); } /** * Returns a {@code Boolean} with a value represented by the * specified string. The {@code Boolean} returned represents a * true value if the string argument is not {@code null} * and is equal, ignoring case, to the string {@code "true"}. * * @param s a string. * @return the {@code Boolean} value represented by the string. */ public static Boolean valueOf(String s) { return toBoolean(s) ? TRUE : FALSE; }Byte.valueOf
/** * Returns a {@code Byte} instance representing the specified * {@code byte} value. * If a new {@code Byte} instance is not required, this method * should generally be used in preference to the constructor * {@link #Byte(byte)}, as this method is likely to yield * significantly better space and time performance since * all byte values are cached. * * @param b a byte value. * @return a {@code Byte} instance representing {@code b}. * @since 1.5 */ public static Byte valueOf(byte b) { final int offset = 128; return ByteCache.cache[(int)b + offset]; }
/** * Returns a {@code Float} instance representing the specified * {@code float} value. * If a new {@code Float} instance is not required, this method * should generally be used in preference to the constructor * {@link #Float(float)}, as this method is likely to yield * significantly better space and time performance by caching * frequently requested values. * * @param f a float value. * @return a {@code Float} instance representing {@code f}. * @since 1.5 */ public static Float valueOf(float f) { return new Float(f); }Double.valueOf
/** * Returns a {@code Double} instance representing the specified * {@code double} value. * If a new {@code Double} instance is not required, this method * should generally be used in preference to the constructor * {@link #Double(double)}, as this method is likely to yield * significantly better space and time performance by caching * frequently requested values. * * @param d a double value. * @return a {@code Double} instance representing {@code d}. * @since 1.5 */ public static Double valueOf(double d) { return new Double(d); }
摘要:包装类基本数据类型如等。它们并不具备对象的特性,比如不能调用方法。为了让基本数据类型也能具有对象的特性,为每个基本数据类型提供了包装类。 包装类 基本数据类型:如 int、float、double、boolean、char 等。它们并不具备对象的特性,比如不能调用方法。为了让基本数据类型也能具有对象的特性,java为每个基本数据类型提供了包装类。 基本类型和包装类之间的对应关系: sh...
摘要:使用创建的字符串对象是运行时创建出来的,它被保存在运行时内存区,即堆内存,不会放入常量池中。类成员创建的对象实例中根本不会拥有对应类的类变量。抽象类的构造器不能用于创建实例,主要是用于被其子类调用。 Java提供了final关键字来修饰变量,方法和类,系统不允许为final变量重新赋值,子类不允许覆盖父类的final方法,final类不能派生子类。 Abstract 和 inte...
摘要:前阵子,我们分享了中的基本数据类型转换这篇文章,对许多粉丝还是有带来帮助的,今天讲一下包装类的的由来,及自动装箱拆箱的概念和原理。下面是基本数据类型与对应的包装类型。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000016537706); 前阵子,我们分享了《Java中的基本数据类型转换》这篇文章,对许多粉丝还是有带来帮助的,今天讲...
摘要:常用类概述包含执行基本数字运算的方法没有构造方法,如何使用类中的成员呢看类的成员是否都是静态的,如果是,通过类名就可以直接调用。所有类都直接或间接的继承该类。 1 常用API1.1 Math1.1.1 Math类概述Math包含执行基本数字运算的方法没有构造方法,如何使用类中的成员呢?看类的成员是否都是静态的,...
摘要:换句话说,一共产生了两个字符串对象。类成员属于整个类,而不属于单个对象。类变量生存范围几乎等同于该类的生存范围。当通过对象来访问类变量时,系统会在底层转换为通过该类来访问类变量。 Java8增强的包装类 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bVFyHX?w=917&h=276);自动装箱:把一个基本类型变量直接赋给对应的包装类变量,或者赋给Obje...
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