实例/** * 利用Suppliers.memoize实现单例 * Created by xixicat on 15/12/25. */ public class SuppilerSingletonTest { class HeavyObject{ public HeavyObject() { System.out.println("being created"); } } class ObjectSuppiler implements SupplierSuppliers.memoize方法{ @Override public HeavyObject get() { return new HeavyObject(); } } /** * 每次都new一次 */ @Test public void testNotSingleton(){ Supplier notCached = new ObjectSuppiler(); for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ notCached.get(); } } /** * 单例 */ @Test public void testSingleton(){ Supplier notCached = new ObjectSuppiler(); Supplier cachedSupplier = Suppliers.memoize(notCached); for(int i=0;i<5;i++){ cachedSupplier.get(); } } }
/** * Returns a supplier which caches the instance retrieved during the first * call to {@code get()} and returns that value on subsequent calls to * {@code get()}. See: * memoization * *参考The returned supplier is thread-safe. The supplier"s serialized form * does not contain the cached value, which will be recalculated when {@code * get()} is called on the reserialized instance. * *
If {@code delegate} is an instance created by an earlier call to {@code * memoize}, it is returned directly. */ public static
Supplier memoize(Supplier delegate) { return (delegate instanceof MemoizingSupplier) ? delegate : new MemoizingSupplier (Preconditions.checkNotNull(delegate)); } @VisibleForTesting static class MemoizingSupplier implements Supplier , Serializable { final Supplier delegate; transient volatile boolean initialized; // "value" does not need to be volatile; visibility piggy-backs // on volatile read of "initialized". transient T value; MemoizingSupplier(Supplier delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } @Override public T get() { // A 2-field variant of Double Checked Locking. if (!initialized) { synchronized (this) { if (!initialized) { T t = delegate.get(); value = t; initialized = true; return t; } } } return value; } @Override public String toString() { return "Suppliers.memoize(" + delegate + ")"; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; }
Guava Explained
摘要:子类通过实现方法或重写其他父类的方法,从而提供了各种不同的具体操作,如判断是否为某一个字符,判断是否为数字字符,判断是否为字符等。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bVbe1IW?w=300&h=300); 本文源地址:http://www.fullstackyang.com/...,转发请注明该地址或segmentfault地址,谢谢! 最近...
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摘要:缓存本次主要讨论缓存。清除数据时的回调通知。具体不在本次的讨论范围。应该是以下原因新起线程需要资源消耗。维护过期数据还要获取额外的锁,增加了消耗。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000015272232); 前言 Google 出的 Guava 是 Java 核心增强的库,应用非常广泛。 我平时用的也挺频繁,这次就借助日...
摘要:缓存本次主要讨论缓存。清除数据时的回调通知。具体不在本次的讨论范围。应该是以下原因新起线程需要资源消耗。维护过期数据还要获取额外的锁,增加了消耗。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000015272232); 前言 Google 出的 Guava 是 Java 核心增强的库,应用非常广泛。 我平时用的也挺频繁,这次就借助日...
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