Given an absolute path for a file (Unix-style), simplify it.
Example"/home/", => "/home" //去掉末尾的slash "/a/./b/../../c/", => "/c" //每个"/../"对应:删除一个上层的segmentChallenge
Did you consider the case where path = "/../"?
In this case, you should return "/".
Another corner case is the path might contain multiple slashes "/" together, such as "/home//foo/".
In this case, you should ignore redundant slashes and return "/home/foo".
Multiple slashes,可以用split()函数去掉所有slash,然后多考虑一个slash中间为空的case。
我们对case ""和case "."其实都是不做操作,然而,两个case可以都break,但是不能都不做操作。像这样:
case "": case ".":
这样这两个case就都会等价于下一个case:case "..". 就会出错。
Solutionpublic class Solution { public String simplifyPath(String path) { Stackstack = new Stack (); String[] segments = path.split("/"); for (String segment: segments) { switch(segment) { case "": break; case ".": case "..": if (!stack.isEmpty()) { stack.pop(); } break; default: stack.push(segment); } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (stack.isEmpty()) {//空集的情况 return "/"; } while (!stack.isEmpty()) { sb.insert(0, "/"+stack.pop());//Don"t miss the slash! } return sb.toString(); } }
摘要:标题文字简化风格的绝对路径。我们可以首先将所有的内容从中分离出来,然后分别处理。这里我们需要用到堆栈的数据结构。堆栈有很多种实现方式,中的类类都可以实现其功能。我们将读到的路径入栈,根据操作符出栈,最后将栈中剩余的元素组织成路径返回即可。 标题文字 Given an absolute path for a file (Unix-style), simplify it. For exa...
摘要:栈法复杂度时间空间思路思路很简单,先将整个路径按照分开来,然后用一个栈,遇到时弹出一个,遇到和空字符串则不变,遇到正常路径则压入栈中。注意如果结果为空,要返回一个弹出栈时要先检查栈是否为空代码 Simplify Path Given an absolute path for a file (Unix-style), simplify it. For example, path = /...
Problem Given an absolute path for a file (Unix-style), simplify it. For example, path = /home/, => /home path = /a/./b/../../c/, => /c path = /a/../../b/../c//.//, => /c //here: b is cancelle...
摘要:题目解答的规则如下三种需要跳过的情况当遇到时,需要向前进出来的顺序是反的,所以加的时候,把最新出来的路径加在前面 题目:Given an absolute path for a file (Unix-style), simplify it. For example,path = /home/, => /homepath = /a/./b/../../c/, => /cclick to ...
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