Mirantis to help a t t build network cloud for 5gtweetUS telecom giant a t t will be building the next generation of its network cloud for 5g with the help of cloud computing company Mirantis,a s part of a three-year deal reported to be more than 7.7mn($10mn).
a t t s network cloud for 5g will be build via software from an open source项目“飞艇”,最初是由电信公司、SK电信、OpenStack基金会和英特尔于2018五月成立的。
< P >艾米·惠勒斯,在云与域2平台集成的Ts副总裁,说:简单地说,飞艇让你比以前更容易构建云。无论您是电信、制造商、医疗保健提供商还是单个开发人员,Airship都可以轻松预测构建和管理云基础设施。
Boris Renski,Mirantis的联合创始人和CMO,said that ;project airship is very critical for a t t because it is what makes it possible to roll out many data centers and manage them on a single life cycle.
a t t had t he foresight to start building this in open source about one and a half years ago,he commented.
a t t s集成云(AIC)是使用OpenStack的云基础设施软件构建的,它被100多个数据中心使用。当A T公司第一次宣布该项目飞艇时,它说它正在将AIC的名字改为网络云。从那时起,该公司将其称为5G的网络云。
it has been years now that mirantis is working with the American Telecom Giant.此外,云计算公司是早期的OpenStack合作者,现在提供商业OpenStack分发。OpenStack的原始软件是为使用数据中心中的虚拟机而构建的。
at t s network cloud for 5g is being build on OpenStack using containers as opted to vms.这些容器由一个称为kubernetes的容器管理系统管理。
(photo by ;on ;)
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