Substring with Concatenation of All Words
哈希表计数法 复杂度You are given a string, s, and a list of words, words, that are all of the same length. Find all starting indices of substring(s) in s that is a concatenation of each word in words exactly once and without any intervening characters.
For example, given: s: "barfoothefoobarman" words: ["foo", "bar"]
You should return the indices: [0,9].
(order does not matter).
时间 O(NK) 空间 O(M)
思路由于数组中所有单词的长度都是一样的,我们可以像Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters中一样,把每个词当作一个字母来看待,但是要遍历K次,K是单词的长度,因为我们要分别统计从下标0开头,从下标1开头。。。直到下标K-1开头的字符串。举例来说foobarfoo,给定数组是[foo, bar],那我们要对foo|bar|foo搜索一次,对oob|arf|oo搜索一次,对oba|rfo|o搜索一次,我们不用再对bar|foo搜索,因为其已经包含在第一种里面了。每次搜索中,我们通过哈希表维护一个窗口,比如foo|bar|foo中,我们先拿出foo。如果foo都不在数组中,那说明根本不能拼进去,则哈希表全部清零,从下一个词开始重新匹配。但是foo是在数组中的,所以给当前搜索的哈希表计数器加上1,如果发现当前搜索中foo出现的次数已经比给定数组中foo出现的次数多了,我们就要把上一次出现foo之前的所有词都从窗口中去掉,如果没有更多,则看下一个词bar,不过在这之前,我们还要看看窗口中有多少个词了,如果词的个数等于数组中词的个数,说明我们找到了一个结果。
代码public class Solution { public ListfindSubstring(String s, String[] words) { List res = new LinkedList (); if(words == null || words.length == 0 || s == null || s.equals("")) return res; HashMap freq = new HashMap (); // 统计数组中每个词出现的次数,放入哈希表中待用 for(String word : words){ freq.put(word, freq.containsKey(word) ? freq.get(word) + 1 : 1); } // 得到每个词的长度 int len = words[0].length(); // 错开位来统计 for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){ // 建一个新的哈希表,记录本轮搜索中窗口内单词出现次数 HashMap currFreq = new HashMap (); // start是窗口的开始,count表明窗口内有多少词 int start = i, count = 0; for(int j = i; j <= s.length() - len; j += len){ String sub = s.substring(j, j + len); // 看下一个词是否是给定数组中的 if(freq.containsKey(sub)){ // 窗口中单词出现次数加1 currFreq.put(sub, currFreq.containsKey(sub) ? currFreq.get(sub) + 1 : 1); count++; // 如果该单词出现次数已经超过给定数组中的次数了,说明多来了一个该单词,所以要把窗口中该单词上次出现的位置及之前所有单词给去掉 while(currFreq.get(sub) > freq.get(sub)){ String leftMost = s.substring(start, start + len); currFreq.put(leftMost, currFreq.get(leftMost) - 1); start = start + len; count--; } // 如果窗口内单词数和总单词数一样,则找到结果 if(count == words.length){ String leftMost = s.substring(start, start + len); currFreq.put(leftMost, currFreq.get(leftMost) - 1); res.add(start); start = start + len; count--; } // 如果截出来的单词都不在数组中,前功尽弃,重新开始 } else { currFreq.clear(); start = j + len; count = 0; } } } return res; } }
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