Count Complete Tree Nodes
递归树高法 复杂度Given a complete binary tree, count the number of nodes.
Definition of a complete binary tree from Wikipedia: In a complete binary tree every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes in the last level are as far left as possible. It can have between 1 and 2h nodes inclusive at the last level h.
时间 O(N) 空间 O(1)
public class Solution { public int countNodes(TreeNode root) { return countNodes(root, -1, -1); } private int countNodes(TreeNode root, int lheight, int rheight){ // 如果没有上轮计算好的左子树深度,计算其深度 if(lheight == -1){ lheight = 0; TreeNode curr = root; while(curr != null){ lheight++; curr = curr.left; } } // 如果没有上轮计算好的右子树深度,计算其深度 if(rheight == -1){ rheight = 0; TreeNode curr = root; while(curr != null){ rheight++; curr = curr.right; } } // 如果两个深度一样,返回2^h-1 if(lheight == rheight) return (1 << lheight) - 1; // 否则返回左子树右子树节点和加1 return 1 + countNodes(root.left, lheight - 1, -1) + countNodes(root.right, -1, rheight - 1); } }迭代树高法 复杂度
时间 O(N) 空间 O(1)
public class Solution { public int countNodes(TreeNode root) { int res = 0; Integer lheight = null, rheight = null; while(root != null){ // 得到左节点的最左深度 int leftH = getH(root.left); // 得到右节点的最左深度 int rightH = getH(root.right); // 左节点的最左深度大,说明右边已经残缺,结束点在左边 if(leftH > rightH){ if(rightH != 0) res += 1 << rightH; else return res + 2; root = root.left; // 否则说明结束点在右边 } else { if(leftH != 0) res += 1 << leftH; else return res + 1; root = root.right; } } return res; } private int getH(TreeNode root){ int h = 0; while(root != null){ ++h; root = root.left; } return h; } } public class Solution { public int countNodes(TreeNode root) { int res = 0; int lheight = -1, rheight = -1; while(root != null){ // 如果没有上次记录的左边最左深度,重新计算 if(lheight == -1){ TreeNode curr = root.left; lheight = 0; while(curr != null){ curr = curr.left; lheight++; } } // 如果没有上次记录的右边最左深度,重新计算 if(rheight == -1){ TreeNode curr = root.right; rheight = 0; while(curr != null){ curr = curr.left; rheight++; } } // 深度相同,说明结束点在右边 if(lheight == rheight){ // 如果是不是最后一个节点,累加这一层的节点 if(lheight != 0){ res += 1 << lheight; } else { // 如果是最后一个节点,结束点在右边意味着右节点是缺失的,返回res+1 return res + 1; } root = root.right; lheight = rheight - 1; rheight = -1; // 否则结束点在左边 } else { // 如果是不是最后一个节点,累加这一层的节点 if(rheight != 0){ res += 1 << rheight; } else{ // 如果是最后一个节点,返回res+2 return res + 2; } root = root.left; lheight = lheight - 1; rheight = -1; } } return res; } }
Problem Given a complete binary tree, count the number of nodes. Note: Definition of a complete binary tree from Wikipedia:In a complete binary tree every level, except possibly the last, is completel...
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