Closest Binary Search Tree Value I
递归法 复杂度Given a non-empty binary search tree and a target value, find the value in the BST that is closest to the target.
Note: Given target value is a floating point. You are guaranteed to have only one unique value in the BST that is closest to the target.
时间 O(logN) 空间 O(H)
代码public class Solution { public int closestValue(TreeNode root, double target) { // 选出子树的根节点 TreeNode kid = target < root.val ? root.left : root.right; // 如果没有子树,也就是递归到底时,直接返回当前节点值 if(kid == null) return root.val; // 找出子树中最近的那个节点 int closest = closestValue(kid, target); // 返回根节点和子树最近节点中,更近的那个节点 return Math.abs(root.val - target) < Math.abs(closest - target) ? root.val : closest; } }迭代法 复杂度
时间 O(logN) 空间 O(H)
代码public class Solution { public int closestValue(TreeNode root, double target) { int closest = root.val; while(root != null){ // 如果该节点的离目标更近,则更新到目前为止的最近值 closest = Math.abs(closest - target) < Math.abs(root.val - target) ? closest : root.val; // 二叉搜索 root = target < root.val ? root.left : root.right; } return closest; } }Closest Binary Search Tree Value II
中序遍历法 复杂度Given a non-empty binary search tree and a target value, find k values in the BST that are closest to the target.
Note: Given target value is a floating point. You may assume k is always valid, that is: k ≤ total nodes. You are guaranteed to have only one unique set of k values in the BST that are closest to the target. Follow up: Assume that the BST is balanced, could you solve it in less than O(n) runtime (where n = total nodes)?
Consider implement these two helper functions: getPredecessor(N), which returns the next smaller node to N. getSuccessor(N), which returns the next larger node to N.
时间 O(N) 空间 Max(O(K),O(H))
代码public class Solution { public ListclosestKValues(TreeNode root, double target, int k) { Queue klist = new LinkedList (); Stack stk = new Stack (); // 迭代中序遍历二叉搜索树的代码 while(root != null){ stk.push(root); root = root.left; } while(!stk.isEmpty()){ TreeNode curr = stk.pop(); // 维护一个大小为k的队列 // 队列不到k时直接加入 if(klist.size() < k){ klist.offer(curr.val); } else { // 队列到k时,判断下新的数是否更近,更近就加入队列并去掉队头 int first = klist.peek(); if(Math.abs(first - target) > Math.abs(curr.val - target)){ klist.poll(); klist.offer(curr.val); } else { // 如果不是更近则直接退出,后面的数只会更大 break; } } // 中序遍历的代码 if(curr.right != null){ curr = curr.right; while(curr != null){ stk.push(curr); curr = curr.left; } } } // 强制转换成List,是用LinkedList实现的所以可以转换 return (List )klist; } }
摘要:原题网址题意在二叉搜索树当中找到离最近的个数。解题思路由于二叉搜索数的中序遍历是有序的,比如例子中的树,中序遍历为。 原题网址:https://leetcode.com/problems... Given a non-empty binary search tree and a target value, find k values in the BST that are closes...
摘要:复杂度思路用一个变量来记录当前的值,并且在每次之前,比较得到目前的最大值。注意变量的比较不要用代码 LeetCode[270] Closest Binary Search Tree Value Given a non-empty binary search tree and a target value, find the value in the BST that is close...
Problem Given a non-empty binary search tree and a target value, find the value in the BST that is closest to the target. Note: Given target value is a floating point.You are guaranteed to have only o...
摘要:题目链接的值大小顺序实际上就是满足的条件,所以直接中序遍历,过程中维护一个,放入个当前离最近的值,的时,新的值和的距离如果小于队首的那个值和的距离那么移除队首,如果,且新的距离大于等于队首的距离,直接退出,返回队列中的所有结果。 272. Closest Binary Search Tree Value II 题目链接:https://leetcode.com/problems... ...
摘要:小鹿题目验证二叉搜索树给定一个二叉树,判断其是否是一个有效的二叉搜索树。假设一个二叉搜索树具有如下特征节点的左子树只包含小于当前节点的数。所有左子树和右子树自身必须也是二叉搜索树。算法思路定义全局的变量,用来返回是否为二叉搜索树。 Time:2019/4/24Title: Vaildata Binary Search TreeDifficulty: MediumAuthor: 小鹿 ...
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