Java是目前世界上最流行的编程语言之一,但是并不是所有人都乐于使用它。不过Java其实是一个还不错的语言,也别是自从Java 8正式发布之后,所以我决定将我的一些实践、库和工具列举下来以供大家参考。
public class DataHolder { private String data; public DataHolder() { } public void setData(String data) { this.data = data; } public String getData() { return this.data; } }
public class DataHolder { public final String data; public DataHolder(String data) { this.data = data; } }
public class ComplicatedDataHolder { public final String data; public final int num; // lots more fields and a constructor public static class Builder { private String data; private int num; public Builder data(String data) { this.data = data; return this; } public Builder num(int num) { this.num = num; return this; } public ComplicatedDataHolder build() { return new ComplicatedDataHolder(data, num); // etc } } }
final ComplicatedDataHolder cdh = new ComplicatedDataHolder.Builder() .data("set this") .num(523) .build();Dependency injection(依赖注入)
在Java领域,最经典的DI框架当属Spring,它提供了基于代码的注入以及基于XML配置的注入方式。不过Spring确实有点繁琐,如果单纯的只是想使用依赖注入这个功能,可以选择Google 和 Square的 Dagger 库 或者 Google"s Guice.
避免空指针尽可能地避免使用空指针。特别是在可能返回空的集合的情况下务必返回一个内容为空的集合而不是一个null。如果使用的是Java 8 ,可以使用新的Optional类型来避免可能的空指针:
public class FooWidget { private final String data; private final Optionalbar; public FooWidget(String data) { this(data, Optional.empty()); } public FooWidget(String data, Optional bar) { this.data = data; this.bar = bar; } public Optional getBar() { return bar; } }
final OptionalImmutable-by-default(默认不可变)fooWidget = maybeGetFooWidget(); final Baz baz = fooWidget.flatMap(FooWidget::getBar) .flatMap(BarWidget::getBaz) .orElse(defaultBaz);
final FooWidget fooWidget; if (condition()) { fooWidget = getWidget(); } else { try { fooWidget = cachedFooWidget.get(); } catch (CachingException e) { log.error("Couldn"t get cached value", e); throw e; } } // fooWidget is guaranteed to be set here
这种方式进行变量操作就可以确保fooWidget不会被偶然的改变指向,final关键字可以作用于if-else代码块以及try-catch代码块。对于集合类型,应该在任何允许的情况下使用Guava 的ImmutableMap,ImmutableList, 或者 ImmutableSet 类。他们都含有构造器类型,可以使用Builder进行动态构造最终调用build方法设置为不可变。
Avoid lots of Util Classes(避免使用大量工具类)一不注意,就会发现自己写了N多的Util类,譬如:
public class MiscUtil { public static String frobnicateString(String base, int times) { // ... etc } public static void throwIfCondition(boolean condition, String msg) { // ... etc } }
这些类看上去很有作用,因为它们并不属于任何逻辑模块,所以可以尽可能的代码重用。不过所谓是药三分毒,在程序中更应当把这些类放置在他们属于的地方,或者使用Java 8添加的接口中的默认方法来设置一些通用方法,其使用方式如下:
public interface Thrower { default void throwIfCondition(boolean condition, String msg) { // ... } default void throwAorB(Throwable a, Throwable b, boolean throwA) { // ... } }
格式化格式化本身的重要性不亚于编程本身,很多优秀的程序员会花一天的时间去为if代码块添加空格从而使代码看起来更加的整齐。如果需要一个完整的代码格式指南,可以参考Google的Google"s Java Style ,特别是其中的Programming Practices 非常有意义。
JavaDoc为你的代码添加JavaDoc同样非常重要,可以参考这个示例: using examples
StreamsJava 8提供了非常Nice的Stream API,可以用如下的写法:
final Listfiltered = list.stream() .filter(s -> s.startsWith("s")) .map(s -> s.toUpperCase()) .collect(Collectors.toList());
final Listfiltered = new ArrayList<>(); for (String str : list) { if (str.startsWith("s") { filtered.add(str.toUpperCase()); } }
Frameworks(框架)框架是你部署Java代码的一个很好地方式,其中较好的选择有Dropwizard与Spring Boot。另外Play framework 也是一个不错的选择。
org.third.party some-artifact
Dependence Convergence(依赖收敛)关于Maven的具体使用可以参考笔者的其余文章
Foo library depends on Bar library v1.0 Widget library depends on Bar library v0.9
利用Maven dependency convergence plugin,在编译的时候会告警有一个依赖项依赖不同的版本,一般来说,可以用如下方式处理:
Continuous Integration(持续集成)在大型项目开发中,往往需要一些持续集成工具来不断基于git构建测试版本,其中Jenkins 和Travis-CI 是较常见的选择。另外,在正式的构建之前往往需要使用代码测试工具,Cobertura就是一个非常好用的测试覆盖率校验工具。
Maven Repository在大型项目开发中,往往会需要一个Repo去存放私人的Jars、Wars以及EARs。Artifactory 与 Nexus都是不错的选择。
Configuration Management(配置管理)Chef, Puppet, 以及 Ansible 都是不错的选择。
Missing Features(遗失的特性) Apache CommonsThe Apache Commons project 包含了一些列常用的库.
Commons Codec 包含了大量有用的编码与解码的方法。
Commons Lang 包含了大量的字符串处理以及字符编码相关的方法。
Commons IO 包含了大量与文件相关的操作。 It has FileUtils.copyDirectory, FileUtils.writeStringToFile,IOUtils.readLines and much more.
GuavaGuava is Google"s excellent here"s-what-Java-is-missing library.
GsonGoogle"s Gson library is a simple and fast JSON parsing library. Itworks like this:
final Gson gson = new Gson(); final String json = gson.toJson(fooWidget); final FooWidget newFooWidget = gson.fromJson(json, FooWidget.class);
It"s really easy and a pleasure to work with. The Gson user guidehas many more examples.
Java TuplesJava的标准库未能提供Tuples相关的数据结构是一个很大的遗憾。幸亏 Java tuples项目填补了这个空白:
PairLombokfunc(String input) { // something... return Pair.with(stringResult, intResult); }
Lombok 是一个非常有趣的类库,通过注解方式可以允许减少Java存在的冗余代码,譬如以下的常见的Getter/Setter代码的功能:
public class Foo { @Getter @Setter private int var; }
final Foo foo = new Foo(); foo.setVar(5);Play framework
Good alternatives: Jersey or Spark
There are two main camps for doing RESTful web services in Java: JAX-RS and everything else.
JAX-RS is the traditional way. You combine annotations with interfaces andimplementations to form the web service using something like Jersey.What"s nice about this is you can easily make clients out of just the interface class.
The Play framework is a radically different take on web services onthe JVM: you have a routes file and then you write the classes referenced inthose routes. It"s actually an entire MVC framework, but you caneasily use it for just REST web services.
It"s available for both Java and Scala. It suffers slightly from being Scala-first, but it"s still good to use in Java.
If you"re used to micro-frameworks like Flask in Python, Spark willbe very familiar. It works especially well with Java 8.
SLF4JThere are a lot of Java logging solutions out there. My favorite isSLF4J because it"s extremely pluggable and can combine logs from manydifferent logging frameworks at the same time. Have a weird project that usesjava.util.logging, JCL, and log4j? SLF4J is for you.
The two-page manual is pretty much all you"ll need to getstarted.
JOOQI dislike heavy ORM frameworks because I like SQL. So I wrote a lot ofJDBC templates and it was sort of hard to maintain. jOOQ is amuch better solution.
It lets you write SQL in Java in a type safe way:
// Typesafely execute the SQL statement directly with jOOQ Result> result = create.select(BOOK.TITLE, AUTHOR.FIRST_NAME, AUTHOR.LAST_NAME) .from(BOOK) .join(AUTHOR) .on(BOOK.AUTHOR_ID.equal(AUTHOR.ID)) .where(BOOK.PUBLISHED_IN.equal(1948)) .fetch();
Using this and the DAO pattern, you can make database access a breeze.
Testing jUnit 4jUnit needs no introduction. It"s the standard tool for unit testingin Java.
But you"re probably not using jUnit to its full potential. jUnit supportsparametrized tests, rules to stop you from writingso much boilerplate, theories to randomly test certain code,and assumptions.
jMockIf you"ve done your dependency injection, this is where it pays off: mockingout code which has side effects (like talking to a REST server) and stillasserting behavior of code that calls it.
jMock is the standard mocking tool for Java. It looks like this:
public class FooWidgetTest { private Mockery context = new Mockery(); @Test public void basicTest() { final FooWidgetDependency dep = context.mock(FooWidgetDependency.class); context.checking(new Expectations() {{ oneOf(dep).call(with(any(String.class))); atLeast(0).of(dep).optionalCall(); }}); final FooWidget foo = new FooWidget(dep); Assert.assertTrue(foo.doThing()); context.assertIsSatisfied(); } }
This sets up a FooWidgetDependency via jMock and then adds expectations. Weexpect that dep"s call method will be called once with some String and thatdep"s optionalCall method will be called zero or more times.
If you have to set up the same dependency over and over, you should probablyput that in a test fixture and put assertIsSatisfied in an@After fixture.
AssertJDo you ever do this with jUnit?
final Listresult = some.testMethod(); assertEquals(4, result.size()); assertTrue(result.contains("some result")); assertTrue(result.contains("some other result")); assertFalse(result.contains("shouldn"t be here"));
This is just annoying boilerplate. AssertJ solves this. You cantransform the same code into this:
assertThat(some.testMethod()).hasSize(4) .contains("some result", "some other result") .doesNotContain("shouldn"t be here");
This fluent interface makes your tests more readable. What more could you want?
Tools IntelliJ IDEAGood alternatives: Eclipse and Netbeans
The best Java IDE is IntelliJ IDEA. It has a ton of awesomefeatures, and is really the main thing that makes the verbosity of Javabareable. Autocomplete is great, the inspections are top notch, and the refactoringtools are really helpful.
The free community edition is good enough for me, but there are loads of greatfeatures in the Ultimate edition like database tools, Spring Framework supportand Chronon.
ChrononOne of my favorite features of GDB 7 was the ability to travel back in timewhen debugging. This is possible with the Chronon IntelliJ pluginwhen you get the Ultimate edition.
You get variable history, step backwards, method history and more. It"s alittle strange to use the first time, but it can help debug some reallyintricate bugs, Heisenbugs and the like.
JRebelContinuous integration is often a goal of software-as-a-service products. Whatif you didn"t even need to wait for the build to finish to see code changeslive?
That"s what JRebel does. Once you hook up your server to your JRebelclient, you can see changes on your server instantly. It"s a huge time savingswhen you want to experiment quickly.
The Checker FrameworkJava"s type system is pretty weak. It doesn"t differentiate between Stringsand Strings that are actually regular expressions, nor does it do anytaint checking. However, the Checker Frameworkdoes this and more.
It uses annotations like @Nullable to check types. You can even define your own annotations to make the static analysis done evenmore powerful.
Eclipse Memory AnalyzerMemory leaks happen, even in Java. Luckily, there are tools for that. The besttool I"ve used to fix these is the Eclipse Memory Analyzer. It takes aheap dump and lets you find the problem.
There"s a few ways to get a heap dump for a JVM process, but I usejmap:
$ jmap -dump:live,format=b,file=heapdump.hprof -F 8152 Attaching to process ID 8152, please wait... Debugger attached successfully. Server compiler detected. JVM version is 23.25-b01 Dumping heap to heapdump.hprof ... ... snip ... Heap dump file created
Then you can open the heapdump.hprof file with the Memory Analyzer and seewhat"s going on fast.
Resources(资源) Books(书籍)Effective Java
[Java Concurrency in Practice
摘要:从使用到原理学习线程池关于线程池的使用,及原理分析分析角度新颖面向切面编程的基本用法基于注解的实现在软件开发中,分散于应用中多出的功能被称为横切关注点如事务安全缓存等。 Java 程序媛手把手教你设计模式中的撩妹神技 -- 上篇 遇一人白首,择一城终老,是多么美好的人生境界,她和他历经风雨慢慢变老,回首走过的点点滴滴,依然清楚的记得当初爱情萌芽的模样…… Java 进阶面试问题列表 -...
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