//WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL = 0; 直接抛出异常throw new NoSuchElementException("Pool exhausted");
//WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK = 1;borrowObject()将会阻塞,直到有可用新的或者空闲的object为止,或者如果配置了maxWait,
//WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW = 2;borrowObject()将会继续创建新的对象,并返回,因此,pool维护的对像数将超出maxActive;
public String set(String key, String value) {
Jedis jedis = null;
boolean success = true;
try {
jedis = this.pool.getResource();
return jedis.set(key, value);
}catch (JedisException e) {
success = false;
if(jedis != null){
throw e;
if(success && jedis != null){
public T getResource() {
try {
return (T) internalPool.borrowObject();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new JedisConnectionException(
"Could not get a resource from the pool", e);
public void returnResource(final BinaryJedis resource) {
public void returnResourceObject(final Object resource) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new JedisException(
"Could not return the resource to the pool", e);
public void returnBrokenResource(final BinaryJedis resource) {
protected void returnBrokenResourceObject(final Object resource) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new JedisException(
"Could not return the resource to the pool", e);
public void invalidateObject(Object obj)
throws Exception
if (this._factory != null)
finally {
synchronized (this) {
this._numActive -= 1;
public void destroyObject(final Object obj) throws Exception {
if (obj instanceof Jedis) {
final Jedis jedis = (Jedis) obj;
if (jedis.isConnected()) {
try {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
} } }
package redis.clients.jedis;
import org.apache.commons.pool.BasePoolableObjectFactory;
import org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool.Config;
import redis.clients.util.Pool;
public class JedisPool extends Pool
public JedisPool(final Config poolConfig, final String host) { this(poolConfig, host, Protocol.DEFAULT_PORT, Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, null, Protocol.DEFAULT_DATABASE); } public JedisPool(String host, int port) { this(new Config(), host, port, Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, null, Protocol.DEFAULT_DATABASE); } public JedisPool(final String host) { this(host, Protocol.DEFAULT_PORT); } public JedisPool(final Config poolConfig, final String host, int port, int timeout, final String password) { this(poolConfig, host, port, timeout, password, Protocol.DEFAULT_DATABASE); } public JedisPool(final Config poolConfig, final String host, final int port) { this(poolConfig, host, port, Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, null, Protocol.DEFAULT_DATABASE); } public JedisPool(final Config poolConfig, final String host, final int port, final int timeout) { this(poolConfig, host, port, timeout, null, Protocol.DEFAULT_DATABASE); } public JedisPool(final Config poolConfig, final String host, int port, int timeout, final String password, final int database) { super(poolConfig, new JedisFactory(host, port, timeout, password, database)); } public void returnBrokenResource(final BinaryJedis resource) { returnBrokenResourceObject(resource); } public void returnResource(final BinaryJedis resource) { returnResourceObject(resource); } /** * PoolableObjectFactory custom impl. */ private static class JedisFactory extends BasePoolableObjectFactory { private final String host; private final int port; private final int timeout; private final String password; private final int database; public JedisFactory(final String host, final int port, final int timeout, final String password, final int database) { super(); this.host = host; this.port = port; this.timeout = timeout; this.password = password; this.database = database; } public Object makeObject() throws Exception { final Jedis jedis = new Jedis(this.host, this.port, this.timeout); jedis.connect(); if (null != this.password) { jedis.auth(this.password); } if( database != 0 ) { jedis.select(database); } return jedis; } public void destroyObject(final Object obj) throws Exception { if (obj instanceof Jedis) { final Jedis jedis = (Jedis) obj; if (jedis.isConnected()) { try { try { jedis.quit(); } catch (Exception e) { } jedis.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } public boolean validateObject(final Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Jedis) { final Jedis jedis = (Jedis) obj; try { return jedis.isConnected();/* && jedis.ping().equals("PONG");*/ } catch (final Exception e) { return false; } } else { return false; } } }
makeObject(),连接,new Socket()
package redis.clients.util;
import org.apache.commons.pool.PoolableObjectFactory;
import org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException;
import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisException;
public abstract class Pool
private final GenericObjectPool internalPool;
public Pool(final GenericObjectPool.Config poolConfig, PoolableObjectFactory factory) { this.internalPool = new GenericObjectPool(factory, poolConfig); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T getResource() { try { return (T) internalPool.borrowObject(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JedisConnectionException( "Could not get a resource from the pool", e); } } public void returnResourceObject(final Object resource) { try { internalPool.returnObject(resource); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JedisException( "Could not return the resource to the pool", e); } } public void returnBrokenResource(final T resource) { returnBrokenResourceObject(resource); } public void returnResource(final T resource) { returnResourceObject(resource); } protected void returnBrokenResourceObject(final Object resource) { try { //失效 internalPool.invalidateObject(resource); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JedisException( "Could not return the resource to the pool", e); } } public void destroy() { try { internalPool.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JedisException("Could not destroy the pool", e); } }
public class JedisPoolConfig extends Config {
public JedisPoolConfig() {
// defaults to make your life with connection pool easier :)
public int getMaxIdle() { return maxIdle; } public void setMaxIdle(int maxIdle) { this.maxIdle = maxIdle; } public int getMinIdle() { return minIdle; } public void setMinIdle(int minIdle) { this.minIdle = minIdle; } public int getMaxActive() { return maxActive; } public void setMaxActive(int maxActive) { this.maxActive = maxActive; } public long getMaxWait() { return maxWait; } public void setMaxWait(long maxWait) { this.maxWait = maxWait; } public byte getWhenExhaustedAction() { return whenExhaustedAction; } public void setWhenExhaustedAction(byte whenExhaustedAction) { this.whenExhaustedAction = whenExhaustedAction; } public boolean isTestOnBorrow() { return testOnBorrow; } public void setTestOnBorrow(boolean testOnBorrow) { this.testOnBorrow = testOnBorrow; } public boolean isTestOnReturn() { return testOnReturn; } public void setTestOnReturn(boolean testOnReturn) { this.testOnReturn = testOnReturn; } public boolean isTestWhileIdle() { return testWhileIdle; } public void setTestWhileIdle(boolean testWhileIdle) { this.testWhileIdle = testWhileIdle; } public long getTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis() { return timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis; } public void setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis( long timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis) { this.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis; } public int getNumTestsPerEvictionRun() { return numTestsPerEvictionRun; } public void setNumTestsPerEvictionRun(int numTestsPerEvictionRun) { this.numTestsPerEvictionRun = numTestsPerEvictionRun; } public long getMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis() { return minEvictableIdleTimeMillis; } public void setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(long minEvictableIdleTimeMillis) { this.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = minEvictableIdleTimeMillis; } public long getSoftMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis() { return softMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis; } public void setSoftMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis( long softMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis) { this.softMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis = softMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis; }
摘要:使用操作输出内容欢迎关注微信公众号面试通关手册关闭连接,每次使用完毕后关闭连接。测试集群版创建一个对象。 今天早上由于zookeeper和redis集群不在同一虚拟机导致出了点很小错误(人为),所以这里总结一下redis集群的搭建以便日后所需同时也希望能对你有所帮助。笔主这里使用的是Centos7.如果你碰到任何问题都可以来问我,留言或者加我微信:bwcx9393. 关于Linux的一...
摘要:前言最近开发公司的项目,遇到了分布式的场景,即,同一条数据可能被多台服务器或者说多个线程同时修改,此时可能会出现分布式事务的问题,随即封装了分布式锁的注解。 前言 最近开发公司的项目,遇到了分布式的场景,即,同一条数据可能被多台服务器或者说多个线程同时修改,此时可能会出现分布式事务的问题,随即封装了redis分布式锁的注解。 场景分析 前提:我的银行卡有0元钱,现在有A,B两个人,想分...
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