链接 https://stackoverflow.com/que...
payload: { "iss": "iss", "sub": "sub", "userGroupID": "{userGroupID}" }
然后请求 https://myapi.example.com/gro...{groupID}/cars
如果 userGroupID和groupID一样,则缓存,否则不缓存
解决方案使用 https://github.com/jiangwenyu... 基于HAProxy的高性能缓存服务器
1. Download and build, you will need lua
wget https://github.com/jiangwenyuan/nuster/releases/download/v1.8.8.2/nuster- make TARGET=linux2628 USE_ZLIB=1 USE_OPENSSL=1 USE_LUA=1 LUA_LIB=/opt/lua-5.3.1/lib LUA_INC=/opt/lua-5.3.1/include
2. create lua script, say, jwt_group_match.lua
-- base64 FROM http://lua-users.org/wiki/BaseSixtyFour local b="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" function dec(data) data = string.gsub(data, "[^"..b.."=]", "") return (data:gsub(".", function(x) if (x == "=") then return "" end local r,f="",(b:find(x)-1) for i=6,1,-1 do r=r..(f%2^i-f%2^(i-1)>0 and "1" or "0") end return r; end):gsub("%d%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?", function(x) if (#x ~= 8) then return "" end local c=0 for i=1,8 do c=c+(x:sub(i,i)=="1" and 2^(8-i) or 0) end return string.char(c) end)) end -- end base64 -- json FROM https://gist.github.com/tylerneylon/59f4bcf316be525b30ab json = {} function kind_of(obj) if type(obj) ~= "table" then return type(obj) end local i = 1 for _ in pairs(obj) do if obj[i] ~= nil then i = i + 1 else return "table" end end if i == 1 then return "table" else return "array" end end function escape_str(s) local in_char = {"", """, "/", "", "f", " ", " ", " "} local out_char = {"", """, "/", "b", "f", "n", "r", "t"} for i, c in ipairs(in_char) do s = s:gsub(c, "" .. out_char[i]) end return s end function skip_delim(str, pos, delim, err_if_missing) pos = pos + #str:match("^%s*", pos) if str:sub(pos, pos) ~= delim then if err_if_missing then error("Expected " .. delim .. " near position " .. pos) end return pos, false end return pos + 1, true end function parse_str_val(str, pos, val) val = val or "" local early_end_error = "End of input found while parsing string." if pos > #str then error(early_end_error) end local c = str:sub(pos, pos) if c == """ then return val, pos + 1 end if c ~= "" then return parse_str_val(str, pos + 1, val .. c) end -- We must have a character. local esc_map = {b = "", f = "f", n = " ", r = " ", t = " "} local nextc = str:sub(pos + 1, pos + 1) if not nextc then error(early_end_error) end return parse_str_val(str, pos + 2, val .. (esc_map[nextc] or nextc)) end function parse_num_val(str, pos) local num_str = str:match("^-?%d+%.?%d*[eE]?[+-]?%d*", pos) local val = tonumber(num_str) if not val then error("Error parsing number at position " .. pos .. ".") end return val, pos + #num_str end json.null = {} -- This is a one-off table to represent the null value. function json.parse(str, pos, end_delim) pos = pos or 1 if pos > #str then error("Reached unexpected end of input.") end local pos = pos + #str:match("^%s*", pos) -- Skip whitespace. local first = str:sub(pos, pos) if first == "{" then -- Parse an object. local obj, key, delim_found = {}, true, true pos = pos + 1 while true do key, pos = json.parse(str, pos, "}") if key == nil then return obj, pos end if not delim_found then error("Comma missing between object items.") end pos = skip_delim(str, pos, ":", true) -- true -> error if missing. obj[key], pos = json.parse(str, pos) pos, delim_found = skip_delim(str, pos, ",") end elseif first == "[" then -- Parse an array. local arr, val, delim_found = {}, true, true pos = pos + 1 while true do val, pos = json.parse(str, pos, "]") if val == nil then return arr, pos end if not delim_found then error("Comma missing between array items.") end arr[#arr + 1] = val pos, delim_found = skip_delim(str, pos, ",") end elseif first == """ then -- Parse a string. return parse_str_val(str, pos + 1) elseif first == "-" or first:match("%d") then -- Parse a number. return parse_num_val(str, pos) elseif first == end_delim then -- End of an object or array. return nil, pos + 1 else -- Parse true, false, or null. local literals = {["true"] = true, ["false"] = false, ["null"] = json.null} for lit_str, lit_val in pairs(literals) do local lit_end = pos + #lit_str - 1 if str:sub(pos, lit_end) == lit_str then return lit_val, lit_end + 1 end end local pos_info_str = "position " .. pos .. ": " .. str:sub(pos, pos + 10) error("Invalid json syntax starting at " .. pos_info_str) end end -- end json -- nuster jwt function jwt_group_match(txn) local hdr = txn.http:req_get_headers() local jwt = hdr["jwt"] if jwt == nil then return false end _, payload, _ = jwt[0]:match"([^.]*)%.([^.]*)%.(.*)" if payload == nil then return false end local payload_dec = dec(payload) local payload_json = json.parse(payload_dec) if txn.sf:path() == "/group/" .. payload_json["userGroupID"] .. "/cars" then return true end return false end core.register_fetches("jwt_group_match", jwt_group_match)
3. create conf, say, nuster.conf
global nuster cache on dict-size 1m data-size 100m debug lua-load jwt_group_match.lua frontend web1 bind *:8080 mode http default_backend app1 backend app1 mode http http-request set-var(req.jwt_group_match) lua.jwt_group_match nuster cache on nuster rule group if { var(req.jwt_group_match) -m bool } server s1 server s2
3. start nuster
./haproxy -f nuster.conf
payload: { "iss": "iss", "sub": "sub", "userGroupID": "nuster" } curl --header "jwt: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJpc3MiLCJzdWIiOiJzdWIiLCJ1c2VyR3JvdXBJRCI6Im51c3RlciJ9.hPpqQS0d4T2BQP90ZDcgxnqJ0AHmwWFqZvdxu65X3FM"
First run
[CACHE] To create
Second run
摘要:请注意闭包的返回值必需是。开发者可以利用相关方法来自定义其内容,会将闭包的返回值作为最终结果与其他后端服务的响应合并,然后返回给访问层。注意不要忘记本身是一个闭包否则,无法模拟过期后重新生成另一个的情况。 dgate:an API Gateway based on Vert.x dgate是基于Vertx的API Gateway。运行dgate的命令如下: java -jar dgat...
摘要:机翻润色这个模块可以让你在你的应用中通过使用以下简称认证请求这个文档做了一个很好的介绍如果你使用版本同时你有一个低于版本的安装主分支仓库上的译者注上的版本使用所以必须是以上如果你使用你需要从安装这个代码在分支上安装用例认证中间件 KOA-JWT (机翻润色) node>=7.6.0 npm v3.2.2 这个模块可以让你在你的KOA应用中通过使用JSON WEB TOKEN(以下简称J...
摘要:小程序官方流程图如下,官方地址如果此图理解不清楚的地方也可参看我的博客本文是对接微信小程序自定义登录的一个完整例子实现,技术栈为。调用微信接口获取和根据和自定义登陆态返回自定义登陆态给小程序端。 小程序官方流程图如下,官方地址 : https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/open-ability/login....
摘要:的安全性不好,攻击者可以通过获取本地进行欺骗或者利用进行攻击。 好久没写博客了,因为最近公司要求我学spring cloud ,早点将以前软件迁移到新的架构上。所以我那个拼命的学呐,总是图快,很多关键的笔记没有做好记录,现在又遗忘了很多关键的技术点,极其罪恶! 现在想一想,还是踏踏实实的走比较好。这不,今天我冒了个泡,来补一补前面我所学所忘的知识点。 想要解锁更多新姿势?请访问我的博客...
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