用 150 行 Python 代码写的量子计算模拟器

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这是个 GItHub 项目,可以简单了解一下。

qusim.py 是一个多量子位的量子计算机模拟器(玩具?),用 150 行的 python 所编写。


from QuSim import QuantumRegister

#                 Introduction              #
# Here Will Be A Few Example of Different   #
# Quantum States / Algorithms, So You Can   #
# Get A Feel For How The Module Works, and  #
# Some Algorithmic Ideas                    #

#            Quantum Measurement              #
# This experiment will prepare 2 states, of a
# Single qubit, and of 5 qubits, and will just
# Measure them

OneQubit = QuantumRegister(1)  # New Quantum Register of 1 Qubit
print("One Qubit: " + OneQubit.measure())  # Should Print "One Qubit: 0"

FiveQubits = QuantumRegister(5)  # New Quantum Register of 5 Qubits
# Should Print "Five Qubits: 00000"
print("Five Qubits: " + FiveQubits.measure())

#                 Swap 2 Qubits             #
# Here, We Will Apply a Pauli-X Gate / NOT Gate
# To the first qubit, and then after the algorithm,
# it will be swapped to the second qubit.

Swap = QuantumRegister(2)  # New Quantum Register of 2 qubits
Swap.applyGate("X", 1)  # Apply The NOT Gate. If Measured Now, it should be 10

# Start the swap algorithm
Swap.applyGate("CNOT", 1, 2)
Swap.applyGate("H", 1)
Swap.applyGate("H", 2)
Swap.applyGate("CNOT", 1, 2)
Swap.applyGate("H", 1)
Swap.applyGate("H", 2)
Swap.applyGate("CNOT", 1, 2)
# End the swap algorithm

print("SWAP: |" + Swap.measure() + ">")  # Measure the State, Should be 01

#               Fair Coin Flip              #
# Shown in this "Experiment", is a so called "Fair Coin Flip",
# Where a state will be prepared, that has an equal chance of
# Flipping to Each Possible State. to do this, the Hadamard
# Gate will be used.

# New Quantum Register of 1 Qubit (As a coin has only 2 states)
FairCoinFlip = QuantumRegister(1)
# If measured at this point, it should be |0>

# Apply the hadamard gate, now theres an even chance of measuring 0 or 1
FairCoinFlip.applyGate("H", 1)

# Now, the state will be measured, flipping the state to
# either 0 or 1. If its 0, we will say "Heads", or if its
# 1, we will say "Tails"
FairCoinFlipAnswer = FairCoinFlip.measure()  # Now its flipped, so we can test
if FairCoinFlipAnswer == "0":
    print("FairCoinFlip: Heads")
elif FairCoinFlipAnswer == "1":
    print("FairCoinFlip: Tails")

#             CNOT Gate                     #
# In this experiment, 4 states will be prepared, {00, 01, 10, 11}
# And then the same CNOT Gate will be run on them,
# To Show The Effects of the CNOT. The Target Qubit will be 2, and the control 1

# New Quantum Register of 2 Qubits, done 4 times.
# If any are measured at this time, the result will be 00
ZeroZero = QuantumRegister(2)
ZeroOne = QuantumRegister(2)
OneZero = QuantumRegister(2)
OneOne = QuantumRegister(2)

# Now prepare Each Into The State Based On Their Name
# ZeroZero Will be left, as thats the first state anyway
ZeroOne.applyGate("X", 2)
OneZero.applyGate("X", 1)
OneOne.applyGate("X", 1)
OneOne.applyGate("X", 2)

# Now, a CNOT Will Be Applied To Each.
ZeroZero.applyGate("CNOT", 1, 2)
ZeroOne.applyGate("CNOT", 1, 2)
OneZero.applyGate("CNOT", 1, 2)
OneOne.applyGate("CNOT", 1, 2)

# Print the results.
print("CNOT on 00: |" + ZeroZero.measure() + ">")
print("CNOT on 01: |" + ZeroOne.measure() + ">")
print("CNOT on 10: |" + OneZero.measure() + ">")
print("CNOT on 11: |" + OneOne.measure() + ">")


如果你对用 RUST 所写的高效、高性能的硬件量子计算模拟器有兴趣,可以点击 QCGPU 来查看更多内容。

GITHUB 地址:adamisntdead/QuSimPy




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