dockerfile# Elastalert Docker image running on ubuntu # Based off of ivankrizsan/elastalert:latest . FROM ubuntu:14.04 MAINTAINER Tom Ganem ENV SET_CONTAINER_TIMEZONE false ENV ELASTALERT_VERSION 0.0.95 ENV CONTAINER_TIMEZONE Asia/Shanghai ENV ELASTALERT_URL https://github.com/Yelp/elastalert/archive/v${ELASTALERT_VERSION}.tar.gz ENV ELASTALERT_DIRECTORY_NAME elastalert ENV ELASTALERT_HOME /opt/${ELASTALERT_DIRECTORY_NAME} ENV RULES_DIRECTORY /opt/${ELASTALERT_DIRECTORY_NAME}/rules WORKDIR /opt RUN apt-get update && apt-get install tar curl python-dev tzdata -y RUN curl -Lo get-pip.py https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py && python get-pip.py && rm get-pip.py RUN mkdir -p ${ELASTALERT_HOME} RUN curl -Lo elastalert.tar.gz ${ELASTALERT_URL} && tar xvf *.tar.gz -C ${ELASTALERT_HOME} --strip-components 1 && rm *.tar.gz WORKDIR ${ELASTALERT_HOME} RUN mkdir -p ${RULES_DIRECTORY} RUN sed -i -e "s|"elasticsearch"|"${ELASTALERT_VERSION_CONSTRAINT}"|g" setup.py RUN python setup.py install && pip install -e . RUN pip install elasticsearch COPY ./docker-entrypoint.sh ${ELASTALERT_HOME}/docker-entrypoint.sh ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/elastalert/docker-entrypoint.sh"] CMD ["python", "elastalert/elastalert.py", "--verbose"]
#!/bin/sh rules_directory=${RULES_FOLDER:-/opt/elastalert/rules} es_port=${ELASTICSEARCH_PORT:-9200} # Render rules files for file in $(find . -name "*.yaml" -or -name "*.yml"); do cat $file | sed "s|es_host: [[:print:]]*|es_host: ${ELASTICSEARCH_HOST}|g" | sed "s|es_port: [[:print:]]*|es_port: $es_port|g" | sed "s|rules_folder: [[:print:]]*|rules_folder: $rules_directory|g" > config cat config > $file rm config done echo "Creating Elastalert index in Elasticsearch..." elastalert-create-index --index elastalert_status --old-index "" --no-auth; exec "$@"
配置文件rules_folder: /opt/elastalert/rules run_every: minutes: 1 # ElastAlert will buffer results from the most recent # period of time, in case some log sources are not in real time buffer_time: minutes: 15 # The elasticsearch hostname for metadata writeback # Note that every rule can have it"s own elasticsearch host es_host: es_port: 9200 smtp_host: smtp.126.com smtp_port: 25 smtp_auth_file: /opt/elastalert/smtp_cfg.yaml from_addr: XXXX@126.com use_ssl: False # Option basic-auth username and password for elasticsearch #es_username: someusername #es_password: somepassword writeback_index: elastalert_status # If an alert fails for some reason, ElastAlert will retry # sending the alert until this time period has elapsed alert_time_limit: days: 2rules
# Alert when the rate of events exceeds a threshold # (Optional) # Elasticsearch host # es_host: elasticsearch.example.com # (Optional) # Elasticsearch port # es_port: 14900 # (OptionaL) Connect with SSL to elasticsearch #use_ssl: True # (Optional) basic-auth username and password for elasticsearch #es_username: someusername #es_password: somepassword # (Required) # Rule name, must be unique name: Example rule # (Required) # Type of alert. # the frequency rule type alerts when num_events events occur with timeframe time type: frequency # (Required) # Index to search, wildcard supported index: logstash-* # (Required, frequency specific) # Alert when this many documents matching the query occur within a timeframe num_events: 50 # (Required, frequency specific) # num_events must occur within this amount of time to trigger an alert timeframe: hours: 4 # (Required) # A list of elasticsearch filters used for find events # These filters are joined with AND and nested in a filtered query # For more info: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl.html filter: - query: query_string: query: "field: value" # (Required) # The alert is use when a match is found alert: - "email" # (required, email specific) # a list of email addresses to send alerts to email: - "elastalert@example.com"启动
docker run -e "ELASTICSEARCH_HOST=" -e "ELASTICSEARCH_PORT=9200" -e "RULES_FOLDER=/opt/elastalert/rules" -v $PWD/rules:/opt/elastalert/rules -v $PWD/smtp_cfg.yaml:/opt/elastalert/smtp_cfg.yaml -v $PWD/config.yaml:/opt/elastalert/config.yaml -it esalert /bin/bash关于smtp的550错误
Alerting with the ELK Stack and Elastalert
摘要:方案汇总一开源方案采集展示报警二商业方案三云厂商腾讯云阿里云百度云华为云四主机监控五日志监控六服务监控七存储后端脑图本文为容器监控实践系列文章,完整内容见 概述 随着越来越多的线上服务docker化,对容器的监控、报警变得越来越重要,容器监控有多种形态,有些是开源的(如promethues),而另一些则是商业性质的(如Weave),有些是集成在云厂商一键部署的(Rancher、谷歌云)...
摘要:工作原理周期性的查询并且将数据传递给规则类型,规则类型定义了需要查询哪些数据。要做根据频率变化的告警。 ElastAlert 工作原理 It works by combining Elasticsearch with two types of components, rule types and alerts. Elasticsearch is periodically queried...
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