LED 模型 set_rotation 设置翻转角度从官方给的 api 文档中硬翻的...
这个函数可以设置 led 的旋转角度
参数 | 类型 | 可选参数 | 描述 |
r | Integer | 0,90,180,270 | 0指的是树莓派 HDMI 接口向下的方向 |
redraw | Boolean | TRUE,FALSE | 默认为 TRUE |
#!/usr/bin/python import sys import time from sense_hat import SenseHat X = (255, 0, 0) O = (255, 255, 255) question_mark = [ O, O, O, X, X, O, O, O, O, O, X, O, O, X, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, X, O, O, O, O, O, O, X, O, O, O, O, O, O, X, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, X, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, X, O, O, O, O ] sense = SenseHat() sense.set_pixels(question_mark) sense.set_pixel(0, 0, 255, 0, 0) sense.set_pixel(0, 7, 0, 255, 0) sense.set_pixel(7, 0, 0, 0, 255) sense.set_pixel(7, 7, 255, 0, 255) def close_light(): black = [ [0,0,0] ] * 64 sense.set_pixels(black) try: while True: for r in [0, 90, 180, 270]: sense.set_rotation(r) time.sleep(0.3) except KeyboardInterrupt: close_light() print "Good bye"set_pixels 批量设置像素点
改变64颗 led 的显示颜色
参数 | 类型 | 可选参数 | 描述 |
pixel_list | List | [[R, G, B] * 64] | 需要提供 list 长度为64的二维数组, (r,g,b)为三原色的色值 |
get_pixels 获取当前像素点数组返回类型 | 描述 |
List | 将当前的 led 屏上显示的图像转换成list |
#!/usr/bin/python from sense_hat import SenseHat X = (255, 0, 0) O = (0, 0, 0) question_mark = [ O, X, O, O, O, O, X, O, O, O, X, O, O, X, O, O, O, X, X, X, X, X, X, O, X, X, O, X, X, O, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, O, X, O, O, O, O, X, O, X, O, O, O, O, O, O, X ] sense = SenseHat() sense.set_pixels(question_mark) out_list = sense.get_pixels() print out_list
set_pixel 设置单点像素颜色提示:之所以有这个函数是因为传入set_pixels的像素值有时会发生变化,sense HAT 是将每个像素指定为
8 位数 (0-255) 但是如果传入 led 的 frameBuffer 中的时候,颜色的位数会转成 RGB565(5位红色,6位绿色和5位蓝色)
get_pixels 就是显示像素在缓冲区内结束时的值
通过 x-y 坐标系来定位像素位置,以 HDMI 接口面向的位置为下
参数 | 类型 | 可选参数 | 描述 |
x | Integer | 0-7 | 0为左 7为右 |
y | Integer | 0-7 | 0为上 7为下 |
当只有三个参数的时候 | |||
pixel | Tuple / List | 0-255 | (r, g, b) 数值 |
当有五个参数的时候 | |||
r | Integer | 0-255 | 红 |
g | Integer | 0-255 | 绿 |
b | Integer | 0-255 | 蓝 |
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() # examples using (x, y, r, g, b) sense.set_pixel(0, 0, 255, 0, 0) sense.set_pixel(0, 7, 0, 255, 0) sense.set_pixel(7, 0, 0, 0, 255) sense.set_pixel(7, 7, 255, 0, 255) red = (255, 0, 0) green = (0, 255, 0) blue = (0, 0, 255) # examples using (x, y, pixel) sense.set_pixel(0, 0, red) sense.set_pixel(0, 0, green) sense.set_pixel(0, 0, blue)get_pixel 获取指定位置的颜色
同 get_pixels 不过是单体版的
参数 | 类型 | 可选参数 | 描述 |
x | Integer | 0-7 | 0为左 7为右 |
y | Integer | 0-7 | 0为上 7为下 |
返回类型 | 描述 |
List | [R,G,B] 组成的数组 |
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() top_left_pixel = sense.get_pixel(0, 0)load_image 加载图像到矩阵中
参数 | 类型 | 可选参数 | 描述 |
file_path | String | ... | 有效的图片路径 |
redraw | Boolean | TRUE/FALSE | 是否重绘已加载的图像文件在LED矩阵上。默认值为True |
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() sense.load_image("space_invader.png")
返回类型 | 描述 |
List | [[R,G,B] * 64] 组成的数组 |
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() invader_pixels = sense.load_image("space_invader.png", redraw=False)clear 让 led 屏变成纯色,默认是关闭
参数 | 类型 | 可选参数 | 描述 |
当只有一个参数的时候 | |||
pixel | Tuple / List | 0-255 | (r, g, b) 数值,默认为[0,0,0] |
当有三个参数的时候 | |||
r | Integer | 0-255 | 红 |
g | Integer | 0-255 | 绿 |
b | Integer | 0-255 | 蓝 |
from sense_hat import SenseHat from time import sleep sense = SenseHat() red = (255, 0, 0) sense.clear() # no arguments defaults to off sleep(1) sense.clear(red) # passing in an RGB tuple sleep(1) sense.clear(255, 255, 255) # passing in r, g and b values of a colourshow_message 屏幕显示单个文字
就是街头广告灯的那种 led 滚屏啦!
参数 | 类型 | 可选参数 | 描述 |
text_string | String | ... | 将要滚屏的字母 |
scroll_speed | Float | 任意浮点数 | 滚屏速度,默认 0.1 |
text_colour | List | [R,G,B]] | 文字颜色,默认[255,255,255] |
back_colour | List | [R,G,B]] | 背景颜色,默认[0,0,0] |
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() sense.show_message("One small step for Pi!", text_colour=[255, 0, 0])show_letter 单屏显示字母
参数 | 类型 | 可选参数 | 描述 |
s | String | ... | 将要显示的字母 |
text_colour | List | [R,G,B]] | 文字颜色,默认[255,255,255] |
back_colour | List | [R,G,B]] | 背景颜色,默认[0,0,0] |
#!/usr/bin/python import time from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() letters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWSYZ" for i in letters: sense.show_letter(str(i)) time.sleep(1)low_light 调低亮度
import time from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() sense.clear(255, 255, 255) sense.low_light = True time.sleep(2) sense.low_light = False
#!/usr/bin/python import time from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() sense.clear(255, 127, 0) sense.set_pixels(question_mark) print(sense.gamma) time.sleep(2) old = sense.gamma sense.gamma = old[::-1] print(sense.gamma) time.sleep(2) sense.low_light = True print(sense.gamma) time.sleep(2) sense.low_light = Falsegamma
For advanced users. Most users will just need the low_light Boolean property above. The Sense HAT python API uses 8 bit (0 to 255) colours for R, G, B. When these are written to the Linux frame buffer they"re bit shifted into RGB 5 6 5. The driver then converts them to RGB 5 5 5 before it passes them over to the ATTiny88 AVR for writing to the LEDs.
The gamma property allows you to specify a gamma lookup table for the final 5 bits of colour used. The lookup table is a list of 32 numbers that must be between 0 and 31. The value of the incoming 5 bit colour is used to index the lookup table and the value found at that position is then written to the LEDs.
对于高级用户。大多数用户只需要上面的low_light布尔属性。这个感觉帽python API使用8位(0到255)的颜色为R,G,b。当这些被写入Linux框架缓冲区时,它们被位转换为RGB 5 6 5。然后,驱动程序将它们转换为RGB 5 5 5,然后将其传递给ATTiny88 AVR以写入led。
类型 | 可选参数 | 描述 |
List | 长度为32的元组或列表,包含0到31之间的整数 | 最后的5位颜色的查找表 |
import time from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() sense.clear(255, 127, 0) print(sense.gamma) time.sleep(2) sense.gamma = sense.gamma[::-1] print(sense.gamma) time.sleep(2) sense.low_light = True print(sense.gamma) time.sleep(2) sense.low_light = Falsegamma_reset
import time from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() sense.clear(255, 127, 0) time.sleep(2) sense.gamma = [0] * 32 # Will turn the LED matrix off time.sleep(2) sense.gamma_reset()环境感应器 get_humidity 湿度
返回类型 | 描述 |
Float | 湿度的百分数 |
#!/usr/bin/python from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() humidity = sense.get_humidity() print("Humidity: %s %%rH" % humidity) #Humidity: 13.8048038483 %rH # 同样效果 print(sense.humidity) #14.9011135101get_temperature 温度
#!/usr/bin/python from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() temp = sense.get_temperature() print("Temperature: %s C" % temp) # Temperature: 33.0 C # alternatives print(sense.temp) # 33.0 print(sense.temperature) # 33.0get_temperature_from_humidity 温度
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() temp = sense.get_temperature_from_humidity() print("Temperature: %s C" % temp)get_temperature_from_pressure 温度
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() temp = sense.get_temperature_from_pressure() print("Temperature: %s C" % temp)get_pressure 压力
ps: 1Bar=0.1MPa=1000mba=1000hpa=100*7.5mmhg=75mmhg=1个大气压
返回类型 | 描述 |
Float | 单位为Millibars |
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() pressure = sense.get_pressure() print("Pressure: %s Millibars" % pressure) #Pressure: 1024.56738281 Millibars # 同理 print(sense.pressure) # 1024.56738281IMU Sensor 惯性测量单元
IMU(inertial measurement unit)传感器是三个传感器的组合,每个传感器分别有x、y和z轴。由于这个原因,它被认为是一个9自由度的传感器。
参数 | 类型 | 可选参数 | 描述 |
compass_enabled | Boolean | TRUE,FALSE | 是否启用指南针 |
gyro_enabled | Boolean | TRUE,FALSE | 是否启用陀螺仪 |
accel_enabled | Boolean | TRUE,FALSE | 是否启用加速度计 |
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() sense.set_imu_config(False, True, False) # 只开启陀螺仪get_orientation_radians
获取当前方向弧度,依据飞行器轴参数的 pitch, roll 和 yaw.
返回类型 | 描述 |
Dictionary | 由俯仰角pitch,偏航角yaw,翻滚角roll组成的字典key 值,value 为轴弧度 |
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() orientation_rad = sense.get_orientation_radians() print("p: {pitch}, r: {roll}, y: {yaw}".format(**orientation_rad)) # p: 0.0906969159842, r: -0.218863099813, y: 2.87161874771 # alternatives print(sense.orientation_radians) # {"yaw": 2.933598041534424, "roll": -0.20759552717208862, "pitch": 0.09733205288648605}get_orientation_degrees
返回类型 | 描述 |
Dictionary | 由俯仰角pitch,偏航角yaw,翻滚角roll组成的字典key 值,value 为轴角度 |
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() orientation = sense.get_orientation_degrees() print("p: {pitch}, r: {roll}, y: {yaw}".format(**orientation)) # p: 359.368855623, r: 359.958133745, y: 24.4292643968get_orientation
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() orientation = sense.get_orientation() print(sense.orientation) # {"yaw": 20.334569404489745, "roll": 0.02406978340326997, "pitch": 359.2895215347403}get_compass
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() north = sense.get_compass() print("North: %s" % north) # North: 351.031626941 # alternatives print(sense.compass) # 351.031626941get_compass_raw
返回类型 | 描述 |
Dictionary | 字典对象索引的字符串x,y和z。表示磁场强度的值浮动轴的microteslas(µT)。 |
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() raw = sense.get_compass_raw() print("x: {x}, y: {y}, z: {z}".format(**raw)) # x: 3.14855718613, y: 0.269534498453, z: -0.743863344193 # alternatives print(sense.compass_raw) # {"y": 0.4851621091365814, "x": 5.667402744293213, "z": -1.338953971862793}get_gyroscope
返回类型 | 描述 |
Dictionary | 由俯仰角pitch,偏航角yaw,翻滚角roll组成的字典key 值,value 为轴角度 |
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() gyro_only = sense.get_gyroscope() print("p: {pitch}, r: {roll}, y: {yaw}".format(**gyro_only)) # alternatives print(sense.gyro) # {"yaw": 0.0604013305118731, "roll": 359.9494321175156, "pitch": 359.9567423509234} print(sense.gyroscope) # {"yaw": 0.0604013305118731, "roll": 359.9494321175156, "pitch": 359.9567423509234}get_gyroscope_raw
返回类型 | 描述 |
Dictionary | 一个由字符串x、y和z索引的字典对象。这些值是按每秒弧度表示轴的旋转强度的浮点数。 |
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() raw = sense.get_gyroscope_raw() print("x: {x}, y: {y}, z: {z}".format(**raw)) # alternatives print(sense.gyro_raw) print(sense.gyroscope_raw) # x: 1.03765261173, y: 2.46352291107, z: 0.185390725732 # {"y": 1.5728815793991089, "x": 0.34309887886047363, "z": 0.2984008193016052} # {"y": 0.8343454599380493, "x": 0.163504496216774, "z": 0.4767734408378601}get_accelerometer
返回类型 | 描述 |
Dictionary | 由俯仰角pitch,偏航角yaw,翻滚角roll组成的字典key 值,value 为轴角度 |
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() accel_only = sense.get_accelerometer() print("p: {pitch}, r: {roll}, y: {yaw}".format(**accel_only)) # alternatives print(sense.accel) print(sense.accelerometer) # p: 3.76471788135, r: 10.0814548376, y: 0.0 # {"yaw": 4.5454772552392335e-07, "roll": 10.082596332952239, "pitch": 3.7639588765826475} # {"yaw": 4.5454772552392335e-07, "roll": 10.082596332952239, "pitch": 3.7639588765826475}get_accelerometer_raw
返回类型 | 描述 |
Dictionary | 一个由字符串x、y和z索引的字典对象。这些值代表了在Gs中轴的加速度强度。 |
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() raw = sense.get_accelerometer_raw() print("x: {x}, y: {y}, z: {z}".format(**raw)) # alternatives print(sense.accel_raw) print(sense.accelerometer_raw) # x: -0.0634367614985, y: 0.172625526786, z: 0.974787354469 # {"y": 0.1738394945859909, "x": -0.06516461074352264, "z": 0.9757621884346008} # {"y": 0.17286831140518188, "x": -0.06565827876329422, "z": 0.9735689163208008}Joystick 操纵杆 操纵事件
from sense_hat import SenseHat from time import sleep sense = SenseHat() event = sense.stick.wait_for_event() print("The joystick was {} {}".format(event.action, event.direction)) sleep(0.1) event = sense.stick.wait_for_event() print("The joystick was {} {}".format(event.action, event.direction))
from sense_hat import SenseHat from time import sleep sense = SenseHat() event = sense.stick.wait_for_event() print("The joystick was {} {}".format(event.action, event.direction)) sleep(0.1) event = sense.stick.wait_for_event(emptybuffer=True) print("The joystick was {} {}".format(event.action, event.direction))get_events
返回自最后一次调用get_events或wait_for_event之后发生的所有事件的InputEvent tuple的列表。
from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() while True: for event in sense.stick.get_events(): print("The joystick was {} {}".format(event.action, event.direction))direction_up, direction_left, direction_right, direction_down, direction_middle, direction_any
from sense_hat import SenseHat, ACTION_PRESSED, ACTION_HELD, ACTION_RELEASED from signal import pause x = 3 y = 3 sense = SenseHat() def clamp(value, min_value=0, max_value=7): return min(max_value, max(min_value, value)) def pushed_up(event): global y if event.action != ACTION_RELEASED: y = clamp(y - 1) def pushed_down(event): global y if event.action != ACTION_RELEASED: y = clamp(y + 1) def pushed_left(event): global x if event.action != ACTION_RELEASED: x = clamp(x - 1) def pushed_right(event): global x if event.action != ACTION_RELEASED: x = clamp(x + 1) def refresh(): sense.clear() sense.set_pixel(x, y, 255, 255, 255) sense.stick.direction_up = pushed_up sense.stick.direction_down = pushed_down sense.stick.direction_left = pushed_left sense.stick.direction_right = pushed_right sense.stick.direction_any = refresh refresh() pause()相关资料
api 原文
树莓派+senseHAT 的一个入门项目
来自官方的 astro-pi 简介
摘要:本文将以一个硬件小白的程序员视角详细讲述如何用三极管扩展普通的树莓派散热风扇从而实现温控功能。 为了防止树莓派长时间开机运转温度过高导致触发过热关机,很多人都给装了散热风扇,但某宝买的风扇插上之后是随着开机一直运转的,不能随温度变化而自动开闭,很多时候做无用功浪费电且产生噪音。本文将以一个硬件小白的程序员视角详细讲述如何用三极管扩展普通的树莓派散热风扇从而实现温控功能。 在制作自己的温...
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