最近和教授讨论研究的方向,很烦,因为我才刚刚入学,信息安全方面的论文要说完整读下来的基本还没有,所以慢慢积累吧,最近在读的[1]基本也是卡在了经典的homomorphic Encrytion--Paillier加密上。没办法,数学基础比较堪忧,老师和我商量后也是基本定在做同态密码了,所以,慢慢啃吧。
Cryptography or cryptology (from Greek κρυπτός kryptós, "hidden, secret"; and γράφειν graphein, "writing", or -λογία -logia, "study", respectively[1]) is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties called adversaries.[2] More generally, cryptography is about constructing and analyzing protocols that prevent third parties or the public from reading private messages;[3] various aspects in information security such as data confidentiality, data integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation[4] are central to modern cryptography. Modern cryptography exists at the intersection of the disciplines of mathematics, computer science, and electrical engineering. Applications of cryptography include ATM cards, computer passwords, and electronic commerce.[2]
上面说的现代密码学,既然有现代密码学自然有古典密码学咯~ 事实上古典密码学基本是不需要数学基础的是一些很简单很纯粹的想法,但是可以非常直观的展现什么是密码,作为启发。
if key = 8:
上面是原文M,下面是译文(E),于是我们把密文发送出去:BPM AMKZMB XIAAEWZL QA ZWAMJCL 并附上Key = 8。 收到的人只要再拿出这个罗盘,对准A,将内存字母映射到外层字母即可解密了。
当然,非常简单,当然,也很愚蠢。 因为秘钥只有26个,穷举也能破解,更不用说更高端的手段了。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # __author__ = "summer" dictionary = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"] def ceaserCipher(i_str, key, mode="encrypt"): o_str = "" if mode == "decrypt": key = 0 - key for i in xrange(len(i_str)): if i_str[i] in dictionary: index = (dictionary.index(i_str[i]) + key) % 26 o_str += dictionary[index] else: if i_str[i].isupper(): index = (dictionary.index(i_str[i].lower()) + key) % 26 o_str += dictionary[index].upper() else: o_str += i_str[i] return o_str def encryptFromText(filepath, filename, key=0): bufferstr = b"" with open(filepath + filename, "rb") as f: for line in f.readlines(): bufferstr += line o_str = ceaserCipher(bufferstr, key) with open(filepath + "encrypted " + filename, "w") as f_out: f_out.writelines(o_str) def decryptFromText(filepath, filename, key=0): bufferstr = b"" with open(filepath + filename, "rb") as f: for line in f.readlines(): bufferstr += line o_str = ceaserCipher(bufferstr, key, "decrypt") with open(filepath + "decrypted " + filename, "w") as f_out: f_out.writelines(o_str)
所以呢,通过这个例子,我们可以数学上的来定义一个cipher system:
Def:a cipher defined over(K,M,C)(all sets of Keys/Messages/Ciphertext) is a pair of "efficient" algorithm (E,D) where:E => Encrypt algo. :K M -> C ,D => Decrypt algo. :K C -> M
s.t. for all m∈M,k∈K:D(k,E(k,m)) = m
且一般情况下E是一个随机算法(Randomized algo.),D是一个确定算法(Deterministic algo.)
上面说了,凯撒加密有个大问题在于秘钥数量太少即|K|=26... 专业的说就是秘钥空间太小,那么古典密码学上有一种叫做transposition Encrypt,他扩大了秘钥空间。
我们选定一个信息比如:“Common sense is not so common.”
选定一个任意整数的秘钥k,比如k = 8
“Cenoonommstmme oo snnio. s s c”
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # __author__ = "summer" def main(): myMessage = "We shade in the two boxes in the last row to remind us to ignore them." myKey = 8 ciphertext = encryptMessage(myKey, myMessage) print ciphertext print decryptMessage(myKey, ciphertext) def encryptMessage(key, message): o_arr = [] for i in xrange(key): index = 0 + i while index < len(message): o_arr.append(message[index]) index += key return "".join(o_arr) def decryptMessage(key, message): o_arr = [] row = len(message) / key + 1 last_row = len(message) % key if last_row == 0: last_row = key for i in xrange(row): index = 0 + i flag = 0 isLastRow = False if index == row - 1: isLastRow = True while index < len(message): flag += 1 if isLastRow and flag > last_row: break o_arr.append(message[index]) if flag <= last_row: index += row else: index += (row - 1) return "".join(o_arr) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
当然还有一些比较有意思的比如字母频率攻击Monoalphabetic Encryption啊之类的有兴趣的可以去查查(虽然基本也就是科普作用可以当故事来看啦嗯哼)
[1]Atallah M J, Frikken K B, Blanton M, et al. Private combinatorial group testing[C]//Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Information, computer and communications security. ACM, 2008: 312-320.
[3]Al Sweigart, Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python
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