Python基础练习100题 ( 11~ 20)

luckyw / 2408人阅读




Question 11:


  1. Write a program which accepts a sequence of comma separated 4 digit binary numbers as its input and then check whether they are divisible by 5 or not. The numbers that are divisible by 5 are to be printed in a comma separated sequence.



  1. 0100,0011,1010,1001


  1. Then the output should be:


  1. 1010


  1. Notes: Assume the data is input by console.



  1. def check(x): # check function returns true if divisible by 5
  2. return int(x,2)%5 == 0 # int(x,b) takes x as string and b as base from which
  3. # it will be converted to decimal
  4. data = input().split(",")
  5. data = list(filter(check,data)) # in filter(func,object) function, elements are picked from "data" if found True by "check" function
  6. print(",".join(data))


  1. value = []
  2. items=[int(x) for x in input().split(",")]
  3. result = " ".join(str(x) for x in items if x %5==0 )
  4. print(",".join(result))


  1. data = input().split(",")
  2. data = list(filter(lambda i:int(i,2)%5==0,data))
  3. print(",".join(data))
Question 12:


  1. Write a program, which will find all such numbers between 1000 and 3000 (both included) such that each digit of the number is an even number.The numbers obtained should be printed in a comma-separated sequence on a single line.



  1. values = []
  2. for i in range(1000, 3001):
  3. s = str(i)
  4. if (int(s[0])%2==0) and (int(s[1])%2==0) and (int(s[2])%2==0) and (int(s[3])%2==0):
  5. values.append(s)
  6. print (",".join(values))


  1. lst = []
  2. for i in range(1000,3001):
  3. flag = 1
  4. for j in str(i): # every integer number i is converted into string
  5. if ord(j)%2 != 0: # ord returns ASCII value and j is every digit of i
  6. flag = 0 # flag becomes zero if any odd digit found
  7. if flag == 1:
  8. lst.append(str(i)) # i is stored in list as string
  9. print(",".join(lst))


  1. def check(element):
  2. return all(ord(i)%2 == 0 for i in element) # all returns True if all digits i is even in element
  3. lst = [str(i) for i in range(1000,3001)] # creates list of all given numbers with string data type
  4. lst = list(filter(check,lst)) # filter removes element from list if check condition fails
  5. print(",".join(lst))


  1. lst = [str(i) for i in range(1000,3001)]
  2. lst = list(filter(lambda i:all(ord(j)%2 == 0 for j in i),lst )) # using lambda to define function inside filter function
  3. print(",".join(lst))
Question 13:


  1. Write a program that accepts a sentence and calculate the number of letters and digits.

    Suppose the following input is supplied to the program:


  1. hello world! 123


  1. Then, the output should be:


  1. LETTERS 10
  2. DIGITS 3



  1. text_input = input()
  2. d={"DIGITS":0, "LETTERS":0,"SPACE":0}
  3. d["DIGITS"]= sum(c.isdigit() for c in text_input)
  4. d["LETTERS"]= sum(c.isalpha() for c in text_input)
  5. d["SPACE"] = sum(c.isspace() for c in text_input)
  6. for k,v in d.items():
  7. print(k,v)


  1. word = input()
  2. letter,digit = 0,0
  3. for i in word:
  4. if ("a"<=i and i<="z") or ("A"<=i and i<="Z"):
  5. letter+=1
  6. if "0"<=i and i<="9":
  7. digit+=1
  8. print("LETTERS {0}
  9. DIGITS {1}".format(letter,digit))


  1. word = input()
  2. letter,digit = 0,0
  3. for i in word:
  4. letter+=i.isalpha() # returns True if alphabet
  5. digit+=i.isnumeric() # returns True if numeric
  6. print("LETTERS %d
  7. DIGITS %d"%(letter,digit)) # two different types of formating method is shown in both solution
Question 14:


  1. Write a program that accepts a sentence and calculate the number of upper case letters and lower case letters.

    Suppose the following input is supplied to the program:


  1. Hello world!


  1. Then, the output should be:





  1. word = input()
  2. upper,lower = 0,0
  3. for i in word:
  4. if "a"<=i and i<="z" :
  5. lower+=1
  6. if "A"<=i and i<="Z":
  7. upper+=1
  8. print("UPPER CASE {0}
  9. LOWER CASE {1}".format(upper,lower))


  1. text_input = input()
  2. d={"UPPER CASE":0, "LOWER CASE":0}
  3. for c in text_input:
  4. if c.isupper():
  5. d["UPPER CASE"]+=1
  6. elif c.islower():
  7. d["LOWER CASE"]+=1
  8. else:
  9. pass
  10. print ("UPPER CASE", d["UPPER CASE"])
  11. print ("LOWER CASE", d["LOWER CASE"])


  1. word = input()
  2. upper = sum(1 for i in word if i.isupper())
  3. lower = sum(1 for i in word if i.islower())
  4. print("UPPER CASE {0}
  5. LOWER CASE {1}".format(upper,lower))
Question 15:


  1. Write a program that computes the value of a+aa+aaa+aaaa with a given digit as the value of a.

    Suppose the following input is supplied to the program:


  1. 9


  1. Then, the output should be:


  1. 11106



  1. a = input()
  2. total,tmp = 0,str() # initialing an integer and empty string
  3. for i in range(4):
  4. tmp+=a # concatenating "a" to "tmp"
  5. total+=int(tmp) # converting string type to integer type
  6. print(total)


  1. a = input()
  2. total = int(a) + int(2*a) + int(3*a) + int(4*a) # N*a=Na, for example a="23", 2*a="2323",3*a="232323"
  3. print(total)
Question 16:


  1. Use a list comprehension to square each odd number in a list. The list is input by a sequence of comma-separated numbers.
    Suppose the following input is supplied to the program:


  1. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9


  1. Then, the output should be:


  1. 1,3,5,7,9



  1. values = input()
  2. numbers = [x for x in values.split(",") if int(x)%2!=0]
  3. print (",".join(numbers))
Question 17:


  1. Write a program that computes the net amount of a bank account based a transaction log from console input. The transaction log format is shown as following:


  1. D 100
  2. W 200

D means deposit while W means withdrawal.


  1. Suppose the following input is supplied to the program:


  1. D 300
  2. D 300
  3. W 200
  4. D 100


  1. Then, the output should be:


  1. 500



  1. netAmount = 0
  2. while True:
  3. s = input()
  4. if not s:
  5. break
  6. values = s.split(" ")
  7. operation = values[0]
  8. amount = int(values[1])
  9. if operation=="D":
  10. netAmount+=amount
  11. elif operation=="W":
  12. netAmount-=amount
  13. else:
  14. pass
  15. print(netAmount)


  1. total = 0
  2. while True:
  3. s = input().split()
  4. if not s: # break if the string is empty
  5. break
  6. cm,num = map(str,s)
  7. if cm=="D":
  8. total+=int(num)
  9. if cm=="W":
  10. total-=int(num)
  11. print(total)
Question 18:


  1. A website requires the users to input username and password to register. Write a program to check the validity of password input by users.

    Following are the criteria for checking the password:

At least 1 letter between [a-z]

At least 1 number between [0-9]

At least 1 letter between [A-Z]

At least 1 character from [$#@]

Minimum length of transaction password: 6

Maximum length of transaction password: 12


  1. Your program should accept a sequence of comma separated passwords and will check them according to the above criteria. Passwords that match the criteria are to be printed, each separated by a comma.


  2. If the following passwords are given as input to the program:


  1. ABd1234@1,a F1#,2w3E*,2We3345


  1. Then, the output of the program should be:


  1. ABd1234@1



  1. import re
  2. value = []
  3. items=[x for x in input().split(",")]
  4. for p in items:
  5. if (len(p)<6 or len(p)>12):
  6. break
  7. elif not re.search("[a-z]",p):
  8. break
  9. elif not re.search("[0-9]",p):
  10. break
  11. elif not re.search("[A-Z]",p):
  12. break
  13. elif not re.search("[$#@]",p):
  14. break
  15. elif re.search("s",p):
  16. break
  17. else:
  18. value.append(p)
  19. break
  20. print (",".join(value))


  1. def is_low(x): # Returns True if the string has a lowercase
  2. for i in x:
  3. if "a"<=i and i<="z":
  4. return True
  5. return False
  6. def is_up(x): # Returns True if the string has a uppercase
  7. for i in x:
  8. if "A"<= i and i<="Z":
  9. return True
  10. return False
  11. def is_num(x): # Returns True if the string has a numeric digit
  12. for i in x:
  13. if "0"<=i and i<="9":
  14. return True
  15. return False
  16. def is_other(x): # Returns True if the string has any "$#@"
  17. for i in x:
  18. if i=="$" or i=="#" or i=="@":
  19. return True
  20. return False
  21. s = input().split(",")
  22. lst = []
  23. for i in s:
  24. length = len(i)
  25. if 6 <= length and length <= 12 and is_low(i) and is_up(i) and is_num(i) and is_other(i): #Checks if all the requirments are fulfilled
  26. lst.append(i)
  27. print(",".join(lst))


  1. def check(x):
  2. cnt = (6<=len(x) and len(x)<=12)
  3. for i in x:
  4. if i.isupper():
  5. cnt+=1
  6. break
  7. for i in x:
  8. if i.islower():
  9. cnt+=1
  10. break
  11. for i in x:
  12. if i.isnumeric():
  13. cnt+=1
  14. break
  15. for i in x:
  16. if i=="@" or i=="#"or i=="$":
  17. cnt+=1
  18. break
  19. return cnt == 5 # counting if total 5 all conditions are fulfilled then returns True
  20. s = input().split(",")
  21. lst = filter(check,s) # Filter function pick the words from s, those returns True by check() function
  22. print(",".join(lst))


  1. import re
  2. s = input().split(",")
  3. lst = []
  4. for i in s:
  5. cnt = 0
  6. cnt+=(6<=len(i) and len(i)<=12)
  7. cnt+=bool(re.search("[a-z]",i)) # here re module includes a function re.search() which returns the object information
  8. cnt+=bool(re.search("[A-Z]",i)) # of where the pattern string i is matched with any of the [a-z]/[A-z]/[0=9]/[@#$] characters
  9. cnt+=bool(re.search("[0-9]",i)) # if not a single match found then returns NONE which converts to False in boolean
  10. cnt+=bool(re.search("[@#$]",i)) # expression otherwise True if found any.
  11. if cnt == 5:
  12. lst.append(i)
  13. print(",".join(lst))
Question 19:


  1. You are required to write a program to sort the (name, age, score) tuples by ascending order where name is string, age and score are numbers. The tuples are input by console. The sort criteria is:

1: Sort based on name

2: Then sort based on age

3: Then sort by score


  1. The priority is that name > age > score.

    If the following tuples are given as input to the program:


  1. Tom,19,80
  2. John,20,90
  3. Jony,17,91
  4. Jony,17,93
  5. Json,21,85


  1. Then, the output of the program should be:


  1. [("John", "20", "90"), ("Jony", "17", "91"), ("Jony", "17", "93"), ("Json", "21", "85"), ("Tom", "19", "80")]



  1. lst = []
  2. while True:
  3. s = input().split(",")
  4. if not s[0]: # breaks for blank input
  5. break
  6. lst.append(tuple(s))
  7. lst.sort(key= lambda x:(x[0],x[1],x[2]))
  8. print(lst)
Question 20:


  1. Define a class with a generator which can iterate the numbers, which are divisible by 7, between a given range 0 and n.



  1. class Test:
  2. def generator(self,n):
  3. return [i for i in range(n) if i%7==0]
  4. n = int(input())
  5. num = Test()
  6. lst = num.generator(n)
  7. print(lst)


Python 11-20题

我的运行环境Python 3.6+,如果你用的是Python 2.7版本,绝大多数不同就体现在以下3点:








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