这些对象使用python的json模块保存在FreeCAD FcStd文件中。该模块将python对象转换为字符串,允许将其添加到保存的文件中。在加载时,json模块使用该字符串重新创建原始对象,前提是它可以访问创建该对象的源代码。这意味着如果保存这样的自定义对象并在不存在生成该对象的python代码的机器上打开它,则不会重新创建该对象。如果将这些对象分发给其他人,则需要分发创建它的python脚本。
Python功能遵循与所有FreeCAD功能相同的规则:它们分为App和GUI部分。应用程序部分Document对象定义了对象的几何形状,而GUI部分View Provider Object定义了如何在屏幕上绘制对象。与任何其他FreeCAD功能一样,View Provider Object仅在您自己的GUI中运行FreeCAD时可用。有几个属性和方法可用于构建对象。属性必须是FreeCAD提供的任何预定义属性类型,并且将显示在属性视图窗口中,以便用户可以编辑它们。这样,FeaturePython对象就是真正完全参数化的。您可以多带带定义Object及其ViewObject的属性。
基本的例子可以在src / Mod / TemplatePyMod / FeaturePython.py文件中找到以下示例,以及其他几个示例:
"""Examples for a feature class and its view provider.""" import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui from pivy import coin class Box: def __init__(self, obj): """添加Box自定义属性特征""" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Length","Box","Length of the box").Length=1.0 obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Width","Box","Width of the box").Width=1.0 obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Height","Box", "Height of the box").Height=1.0 obj.Proxy = self def onChanged(self, fp, prop): """定义属性改变时的操作""" FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Change property: " + str(prop) + " ") def execute(self, fp): """在进行重新计算时执行某些操作,此方法是必需的""" FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Recompute Python Box feature ") class ViewProviderBox: def __init__(self, obj): """将此对象设置为实际视图提供者的代理对象Set this object to the proxy object of the actual view provider""" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyColor","Color","Box","Color of the box").Color=(1.0,0.0,0.0) obj.Proxy = self def attach(self, obj): """设置视图提供者的场景子图,这个方法是强制性的Setup the scene sub-graph of the view provider, this method is mandatory""" self.shaded = coin.SoGroup() self.wireframe = coin.SoGroup() self.scale = coin.SoScale() self.color = coin.SoBaseColor() data=coin.SoCube() self.shaded.addChild(self.scale) self.shaded.addChild(self.color) self.shaded.addChild(data) obj.addDisplayMode(self.shaded,"Shaded"); style=coin.SoDrawStyle() style.style = coin.SoDrawStyle.LINES self.wireframe.addChild(style) self.wireframe.addChild(self.scale) self.wireframe.addChild(self.color) self.wireframe.addChild(data) obj.addDisplayMode(self.wireframe,"Wireframe"); self.onChanged(obj,"Color") def updateData(self, fp, prop): """如果已处理功能的属性已更改,我们有机会在此处理此If a property of the handled feature has changed we have the chance to handle this here""" # fp is the handled feature, prop is the name of the property that has changed l = fp.getPropertyByName("Length") w = fp.getPropertyByName("Width") h = fp.getPropertyByName("Height") self.scale.scaleFactor.setValue(float(l),float(w),float(h)) pass def getDisplayModes(self,obj): """返回显示模式列表Return a list of display modes.""" modes=[] modes.append("Shaded") modes.append("Wireframe") return modes def getDefaultDisplayMode(self): """返回默认显示模式的名称。它必须在getDisplayModes中定义。Return the name of the default display mode. It must be defined in getDisplayModes.""" return "Shaded" def setDisplayMode(self,mode): """将attach中定义的显示模式映射到getDisplayModes中定义的那些。 因为它们具有相同的名称,所以不需要做任何事情。这个方法是可选的 Map the display mode defined in attach with those defined in getDisplayModes. Since they have the same names nothing needs to be done. This method is optional""" return mode def onChanged(self, vp, prop): """这里我们可以做一些事情,当一个属性被改变Here we can do something when a single property got changed""" FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Change property: " + str(prop) + " ") if prop == "Color": c = vp.getPropertyByName("Color") self.color.rgb.setValue(c[0],c[1],c[2]) def getIcon(self): """返回XPM格式的图标,该图标将显示在树形视图中。此方法是 optional,如果未定义,则显示默认图标。 Return the icon in XPM format which will appear in the tree view. This method is optional and if not defined a default icon is shown.""" return """ /* XPM */ static const char * ViewProviderBox_xpm[] = { "16 16 6 1", " c None", ". c #141010", "+ c #615BD2", "@ c #C39D55", "# c #000000", "$ c #57C355", " ........", " ......++..+..", " .@@@@.++..++.", " .@@@@.++..++.", " .@@ .++++++.", " ..@@ .++..++.", "###@@@@ .++..++.", "##$.@@$#.++++++.", "#$#$.$$$........", "#$$####### ", "#$$#$$$$$# ", "#$$#$$$$$# ", "#$$#$$$$$# ", " #$#$$$$$# ", " ##$$$$$# ", " ####### "}; """ def __getstate__(self): """保存文档时,使用Python的json模块存储此对象。 返回所有可序列化对象的元组或无。 When saving the document this object gets stored using Python"s json module. Since we have some un-serializable parts here -- the Coin stuff -- we must define this method to return a tuple of all serializable objects or None.""" return None def __setstate__(self,state): """当从文档恢复序列化对象时,我们有机会在这里设置一些内部。 因为没有数据被序列化这里没有什么需要做的。 When restoring the serialized object from document we have the chance to set some internals here. Since no data were serialized nothing needs to be done here.""" return None def makeBox(): FreeCAD.newDocument() a=FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython","Box") Box(a) ViewProviderBox(a.ViewObject) makeBox()可用的属性
属性是FeaturePython对象的真正构建元素。通过它们,用户将能够交互和修改您的对象。在文档中创建新的FeaturePython对象(obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject(“App :: FeaturePython”,“Box”))后,您可以通过发出以下命令获取可用属性的列表:
App :: PropertyBool App :: PropertyBoolList App :: PropertyFloat App :: PropertyFloatList App :: PropertyFloatConstraint App :: PropertyQuantity App :: PropertyQuantityConstraint App :: PropertyAngle App :: PropertyDistance App :: PropertyLength App :: PropertySpeed App :: PropertyAcceleration App: :PropertyForce App :: PropertyPressure App :: PropertyInteger App :: PropertyIntegerConstraint App :: PropertyPercent App :: PropertyEnumeration App :: PropertyIntegerList App :: PropertyIntegerSet App :: PropertyMap App :: PropertyString App :: PropertyUUID App :: PropertyFont App :: PropertyStringList App :: PropertyLink App :: PropertyLinkSub App :: PropertyLinkList App :: PropertyLinkSubList App :: PropertyMatrix App :: PropertyVector App :: PropertyVectorList App :: PropertyPlacement App :: PropertyPlacementLink App :: PropertyColor App :: PropertyColorList App: :PropertyMaterial App :: PropertyPath App :: PropertyFile App :: PropertyFileIncluded App :: PropertyPythonObject Part :: PropertyPartShape Part :: PropertyGeometryList Part :: PropertyShapeHistory Part :: PropertyFilletEdges Sketcher :: PropertyConstraintList
其中mode是一个short int,可以设置为:
0 - 默认模式,读写 1 - 只读 2 - 隐藏
此示例使用“ 零件模块”创建八面体,然后使用“关键”创建其硬币表示。
import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui, Part import pivy from pivy import coin class Octahedron: def __init__(self, obj): "Add some custom properties to our box feature" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Length","Octahedron","Length of the octahedron").Length=1.0 obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Width","Octahedron","Width of the octahedron").Width=1.0 obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength","Height","Octahedron", "Height of the octahedron").Height=1.0 obj.addProperty("Part::PropertyPartShape","Shape","Octahedron", "Shape of the octahedron") obj.Proxy = self def execute(self, fp): # Define six vetices for the shape v1 = FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,0) v2 = FreeCAD.Vector(fp.Length,0,0) v3 = FreeCAD.Vector(0,fp.Width,0) v4 = FreeCAD.Vector(fp.Length,fp.Width,0) v5 = FreeCAD.Vector(fp.Length/2,fp.Width/2,fp.Height/2) v6 = FreeCAD.Vector(fp.Length/2,fp.Width/2,-fp.Height/2) # Make the wires/faces f1 = self.make_face(v1,v2,v5) f2 = self.make_face(v2,v4,v5) f3 = self.make_face(v4,v3,v5) f4 = self.make_face(v3,v1,v5) f5 = self.make_face(v2,v1,v6) f6 = self.make_face(v4,v2,v6) f7 = self.make_face(v3,v4,v6) f8 = self.make_face(v1,v3,v6) shell=Part.makeShell([f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8]) solid=Part.makeSolid(shell) fp.Shape = solid # helper mehod to create the faces def make_face(self,v1,v2,v3): wire = Part.makePolygon([v1,v2,v3,v1]) face = Part.Face(wire) return face Then, we have the view provider object, responsible for showing the object in the 3D scene: class ViewProviderOctahedron: def __init__(self, obj): "Set this object to the proxy object of the actual view provider" obj.addProperty("App::PropertyColor","Color","Octahedron","Color of the octahedron").Color=(1.0,0.0,0.0) obj.Proxy = self def attach(self, obj): "Setup the scene sub-graph of the view provider, this method is mandatory" self.shaded = coin.SoGroup() self.wireframe = coin.SoGroup() self.scale = coin.SoScale() self.color = coin.SoBaseColor() self.data=coin.SoCoordinate3() self.face=coin.SoIndexedLineSet() self.shaded.addChild(self.scale) self.shaded.addChild(self.color) self.shaded.addChild(self.data) self.shaded.addChild(self.face) obj.addDisplayMode(self.shaded,"Shaded"); style=coin.SoDrawStyle() style.style = coin.SoDrawStyle.LINES self.wireframe.addChild(style) self.wireframe.addChild(self.scale) self.wireframe.addChild(self.color) self.wireframe.addChild(self.data) self.wireframe.addChild(self.face) obj.addDisplayMode(self.wireframe,"Wireframe"); self.onChanged(obj,"Color") def updateData(self, fp, prop): "If a property of the handled feature has changed we have the chance to handle this here" # fp is the handled feature, prop is the name of the property that has changed if prop == "Shape": s = fp.getPropertyByName("Shape") self.data.point.setNum(6) cnt=0 for i in s.Vertexes: self.data.point.set1Value(cnt,i.X,i.Y,i.Z) cnt=cnt+1 self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(0,0) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(1,1) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(2,2) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(3,-1) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(4,1) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(5,3) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(6,2) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(7,-1) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(8,3) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(9,4) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(10,2) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(11,-1) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(12,4) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(13,0) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(14,2) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(15,-1) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(16,1) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(17,0) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(18,5) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(19,-1) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(20,3) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(21,1) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(22,5) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(23,-1) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(24,4) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(25,3) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(26,5) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(27,-1) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(28,0) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(29,4) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(30,5) self.face.coordIndex.set1Value(31,-1) def getDisplayModes(self,obj): "Return a list of display modes." modes=[] modes.append("Shaded") modes.append("Wireframe") return modes def getDefaultDisplayMode(self): "Return the name of the default display mode. It must be defined in getDisplayModes." return "Shaded" def setDisplayMode(self,mode): return mode def onChanged(self, vp, prop): "Here we can do something when a single property got changed" FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Change property: " + str(prop) + " ") if prop == "Color": c = vp.getPropertyByName("Color") self.color.rgb.setValue(c[0],c[1],c[2]) def getIcon(self): return """ /* XPM */ static const char * ViewProviderBox_xpm[] = { "16 16 6 1", " c None", ". c #141010", "+ c #615BD2", "@ c #C39D55", "# c #000000", "$ c #57C355", " ........", " ......++..+..", " .@@@@.++..++.", " .@@@@.++..++.", " .@@ .++++++.", " ..@@ .++..++.", "###@@@@ .++..++.", "##$.@@$#.++++++.", "#$#$.$$$........", "#$$####### ", "#$$#$$$$$# ", "#$$#$$$$$# ", "#$$#$$$$$# ", " #$#$$$$$# ", " ##$$$$$# ", " ####### "}; """ def __getstate__(self): return None def __setstate__(self,state): return None
摘要:在控制台中,您可以逐个编写命令,这些命令在按下时执行宏可以包含由多行组成的更复杂的脚本,只有在执行宏时才会执行。更好的是,您可以在中设置一个选项,以在控制台中显示脚本命令。 Python是一种编程语言,使用起来非常简单,学习起来非常快。它是开源的,多平台的,可以单独用于各种各样的事情,从简单的shell脚本编程到非常复杂的程序。但其最广泛的用途之一是作为脚本语言,因为它很容易嵌入到其他...
摘要:中的脚本从头开始构建,完全由脚本控制。因此,可能是目前可用的最深度可定制的工程应用程序之一。但中的脚本编写是一种快速查看高级用户通常是熟悉编程的用户开发的新功能的方法。 FreeCAD中的Python脚本 FreeCAD从头开始构建,完全由Python脚本控制。FreeCAD的几乎所有部分,例如界面,场景内容,甚至3D视图中此内容的表示,都可以从内置的Python解释器或您自己的脚本中...
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