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在本文中,我们将介绍从数据集中选择要素的不同方法; 并使用Scikit-learn(sklearn)库讨论特征选择算法的类型及其在Python中的实现 :
特征选择 (feature importance)
以下示例使用chi平方(chi ^ 2)统计检验非负特征来选择Pima Indians糖尿病数据集中的四个最佳特征:
#Feature Extraction with Univariate Statistical Tests (Chi-squared for classification) #Import the required packages #Import pandas to read csv import pandas #Import numpy for array related operations import numpy #Import sklearn"s feature selection algorithm from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest #Import chi2 for performing chi square test from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2 #URL for loading the dataset url ="https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/pima-indians diabetes/pima-indians-diabetes.data" #Define the attribute names names = ["preg", "plas", "pres", "skin", "test", "mass", "pedi", "age", "class"] #Create pandas data frame by loading the data from URL dataframe = pandas.read_csv(url, names=names) #Create array from data values array = dataframe.values #Split the data into input and target X = array[:,0:8] Y = array[:,8] #We will select the features using chi square test = SelectKBest(score_func=chi2, k=4) #Fit the function for ranking the features by score fit = test.fit(X, Y) #Summarize scores numpy.set_printoptions(precision=3) print(fit.scores_) #Apply the transformation on to dataset features = fit.transform(X) #Summarize selected features print(features[0:5,:])
[111.52 1411.887 17.605 53.108 2175.565 127.669 5.393 181.304]
[[148. 0. 33.6 50. ] [85. 0. 26.6 31. ] [183. 0. 23.3 32. ] [89. 94. 28.1 21. ] [137. 168. 43.1 33. ]]递归特征消除(RFE)
#Import the required packages #Import pandas to read csv import pandas #Import numpy for array related operations import numpy #Import sklearn"s feature selection algorithm from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE #Import LogisticRegression for performing chi square test from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression #URL for loading the dataset url = "https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/pima-indians-dia betes/pima-indians-diabetes.data" #Define the attribute names names = ["preg", "plas", "pres", "skin", "test", "mass", "pedi", "age", "class"] #Create pandas data frame by loading the data from URL dataframe = pandas.read_csv(url, names=names) #Create array from data values array = dataframe.values #Split the data into input and target X = array[:,0:8] Y = array[:,8] #Feature extraction model = LogisticRegression() rfe = RFE(model, 3) fit = rfe.fit(X, Y) print("Num Features: %d"% fit.n_features_) print("Selected Features: %s"% fit.support_) print("Feature Ranking: %s"% fit.ranking_)
Num Features: 3 Selected Features: [ True False False False False True True False] Feature Ranking: [1 2 3 5 6 1 1 4]
#Import the required packages #Import pandas to read csv import pandas #Import numpy for array related operations import numpy #Import sklearn"s PCA algorithm from sklearn.decomposition import PCA #URL for loading the dataset url = "https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/pima-indians diabetes/pima-indians-diabetes.data" #Define the attribute names names = ["preg", "plas", "pres", "skin", "test", "mass", "pedi", "age", "class"] dataframe = pandas.read_csv(url, names=names) #Create array from data values array = dataframe.values #Split the data into input and target X = array[:,0:8] Y = array[:,8] #Feature extraction pca = PCA(n_components=3) fit = pca.fit(X) #Summarize components print("Explained Variance: %s") % fit.explained_variance_ratio_ print(fit.components_)
Explained Variance: [ 0.88854663 0.06159078 0.02579012] [[ -2.02176587e-03 9.78115765e-02 1.60930503e-02 6.07566861e-02 9.93110844e-01 1.40108085e-02 5.37167919e-04 -3.56474430e-03] [ -2.26488861e-02 -9.72210040e-01 -1.41909330e-01 5.78614699e-02 9.46266913e-02 -4.69729766e-02 -8.16804621e-04 -1.40168181e-01 [ -2.24649003e-02 1.43428710e-01 -9.22467192e-01 -3.07013055e-01 2.09773019e-02 -1.32444542e-01 -6.39983017e-04 -1.25454310e-01]]特征选择 (feature importance)
特征重要性是用于使用训练有监督的分类器来选择特征的技术。当我们训练分类器(例如决策树)时,我们会评估每个属性以创建分裂; 我们可以将此度量用作特征选择器。让我们详细了解它。
随机森林是最受欢迎的 机器学习方法之一,因为它们具有相对较好的准确性,稳健性和易用性。它们还提供了两种直接的特征选择方法 - 平均降低杂质和平均降低精度。
#Import the supporting libraries #Import pandas to load the dataset from csv file from pandas import read_csv #Import numpy for array based operations and calculations import numpy as np #Import Random Forest classifier class from sklearn from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier #Import feature selector class select model of sklearn from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFromModel np.random.seed(1)
让我们定义一种方法将数据集拆分为训练和测试数据; 我们将在训练部分训练我们的数据集,测试部分将用于评估训练模型:
#Function to create Train and Test set from the original dataset def getTrainTestData(dataset,split): np.random.seed(0) training = [] testing = [] np.random.shuffle(dataset) shape = np.shape(dataset) trainlength = np.uint16(np.floor(split*shape[0])) for i in range(trainlength): training.append(dataset[i]) for i in range(trainlength,shape[0]): testing.append(dataset[i]) training = np.array(training) testing = np.array(testing) return training,testing
我们还需要添加一个函数来评估模型的准确性; 它将预测和实际输出作为输入来计算百分比准确度:
#Function to evaluate model performance def getAccuracy(pre,ytest): count = 0 for i in range(len(ytest)): if ytest[i]==pre[i]: count+=1 acc = float(count)/len(ytest) return acc
这是加载数据集的时间。我们将加载train.csv文件; 此文件包含超过61,000个训练实例。我们将在我们的示例中使用50000个实例,其中我们将使用35,000个实例来训练分类器,并使用15,000个实例来测试分类器的性能:
#Load dataset as pandas data frame data = read_csv("train.csv") #Extract attribute names from the data frame feat = data.keys() feat_labels = feat.get_values() #Extract data values from the data frame dataset = data.values #Shuffle the dataset np.random.shuffle(dataset) #We will select 50000 instances to train the classifier inst = 50000 #Extract 50000 instances from the dataset dataset = dataset[0:inst,:] #Create Training and Testing data for performance evaluation train,test = getTrainTestData(dataset, 0.7) #Split data into input and output variable with selected features Xtrain = train[:,0:94] ytrain = train[:,94] shape = np.shape(Xtrain) print("Shape of the dataset ",shape) #Print the size of Data in MBs print("Size of Data set before feature selection: %.2f MB"%(Xtrain.nbytes/1e6))
我们在这里注意数据大小; 因为我们的数据集包含大约35000个具有94个属性的训练实例; 我们的数据集的大小非常大。让我们来看看:
Shape of the dataset (35000, 94) Size of Data set before feature selection: 26.32 MB
如您所见,我们的数据集中有35000行和94列,超过26 MB数据。
在下一个代码块中,我们将配置随机林分类器; 我们将使用250棵树,最大深度为30,随机要素的数量为7.其他超参数将是sklearn的默认值:
#Lets select the test data for model evaluation purpose Xtest = test[:,0:94] ytest = test[:,94] #Create a random forest classifier with the following Parameters trees = 250 max_feat = 7 max_depth = 30 min_sample = 2 clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=trees, max_features=max_feat, max_depth=max_depth, min_samples_split= min_sample, random_state=0, n_jobs=-1) #Train the classifier and calculate the training time import time start = time.time() clf.fit(Xtrain, ytrain) end = time.time() #Lets Note down the model training time print("Execution time for building the Tree is: %f"%(float(end)- float(start))) pre = clf.predict(Xtest) Let"s see how much time is required to train the model on the training dataset: Execution time for building the Tree is: 2.913641 #Evaluate the model performance for the test data acc = getAccuracy(pre, ytest) print("Accuracy of model before feature selection is %.2f"%(100*acc))
那么,现在我的问题是:我们是否应该进一步改进?好吧,为什么不呢?如果可以的话,我们肯定会寻求更多的改进; 在这里,我们将使用功能重要性来选择功能。如您所知,在树木构建过程中,我们使用杂质测量来选择节点。选择具有最低杂质的属性值作为树中的节点。我们可以使用类似的标准进行特征选择。我们可以更加重视杂质较少的功能,这可以使用sklearn库的feature_importances_函数来完成。让我们找出每个功能的重要性:
print(feature) ("id", 0.33346650420175183) ("feat_1", 0.0036186958628801214) ("feat_2", 0.0037243050888530957) ("feat_3", 0.011579217472062748) ("feat_4", 0.010297382675187445) ("feat_5", 0.0010359139416194116) ("feat_6", 0.00038171336038056165) ("feat_7", 0.0024867672489765021) ("feat_8", 0.0096689721610546085) ("feat_9", 0.007906150362995093) ("feat_10", 0.0022342480802130366)
我们将使用这些重要性分数来排列我们的功能; 在下面的部分中,我们将选择功能重要性大于0.01的模型训练功能:
#Select features which have higher contribution in the final prediction sfm = SelectFromModel(clf, threshold=0.01) sfm.fit(Xtrain,ytrain)
#Transform input dataset Xtrain_1 = sfm.transform(Xtrain) Xtest_1 = sfm.transform(Xtest) #Let"s see the size and shape of new dataset print("Size of Data set before feature selection: %.2f MB"%(Xtrain_1.nbytes/1e6)) shape = np.shape(Xtrain_1) print("Shape of the dataset ",shape) Size of Data set before feature selection: 5.60 MB Shape of the dataset (35000, 20)
你看到数据集的形状了吗?在功能选择过程之后,我们只剩下20个功能,这将数据库的大小从26 MB减少到5.60 MB。这比原始数据集减少了约80%。
#Model training time start = time.time() clf.fit(Xtrain_1, ytrain) end = time.time() print("Execution time for building the Tree is: %f"%(float(end)- float(start))) #Let"s evaluate the model on test data pre = clf.predict(Xtest_1) count = 0 acc2 = getAccuracy(pre, ytest) print("Accuracy after feature selection %.2f"%(100*acc2)) Execution time for building the Tree is: 1.711518 Accuracy after feature selection 99.97
你能看到!! 我们使用修改后的数据集获得了99.97%的准确率,这意味着我们在正确的类中对14,996个实例进行了分类,而之前我们只正确地对14,823个实例进行了分类。
这是我们在功能选择过程中取得的巨大进步; 我们可以总结下表中的所有结果:
评估标准 | 在选择特征之前 | 选择功能后 |
功能数量 | 94 | 20 |
数据集的大小 | 26.32 MB | 5.60 MB |
训练时间 | 2.91秒 | 1.71秒 |
准确性 | 98.82% | 99.97% |
摘要:使用该数据集,我们将构建机器学习模型以使用肿瘤信息来预测肿瘤是恶性的还是良性的。我们将使用函数来确定机器学习分类器的准确性。您已成功构建了第一台机器学习分类器。现在,您可以使用在中加载数据组织数据训练预测和评估机器学习分类器。 欢迎大家前往腾讯云+社区,获取更多腾讯海量技术实践干货哦~ 本文由信姜缘 发表于云+社区专栏 介绍 机器学习是计算机科学、人工智能和统计学的研究领域。机器学...
摘要:页面数据说明性能测试参数请求的类型,例如。当前请求失败的数量。中间值,单位毫秒,一半的服务器响应时间低于该值,而另一半高于该值。平均值,单位毫秒,所有请求的平均响应时间。单个请求的大小,单位字节。 写在前面:此文章在通过学习、实践网络资料写成,相关链接在文章结尾。 一、简介 1、locust是一种可用python编写脚本的开源压测工具(实质是由python下的一些库构成),可定义用户行...
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