3.设备采购名称 | 图片 | 购买 | ||
摄像头 | ![image.png | left | 155x144.9410029498525](https://cdn.nlark.com/yuque/0... "") | 淘宝 |
树莓派 | ![image.png | left | 155x144.82939632545933](https://cdn.nlark.com/yuque/0... "") | 淘宝 |
在/home/pi目录下创建 iot文件夹,
在/home/pi/iot创建 photos文件夹,iot.cfg配置文件,iot.py文件
4.3 Python3程序 4.3.1 安装依赖pip3 install oss2 pip3 install picamera pip3 install aliyun-python-sdk-iot-client4.3.2 iot.cfg配置文件
[IOT] productKey = xxx deviceName = xxx deviceSecret = xxx [OSS] ossAccessKey = xxx ossAccessKeySecret = xxx ossEndpoint = xxx ossBucketId = xxx4.3.3 iot.py应用程序
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import oss2 from picamera import PiCamera import time import aliyunsdkiotclient.AliyunIotMqttClient as AliyunIot import configparser config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read("iot.cfg") # IoT PRODUCE_KEY = config["IOT"]["productKey"] DEVICE_NAME = config["IOT"]["deviceName"] DEVICE_SECRET = config["IOT"]["deviceSecret"] HOST = PRODUCE_KEY + ".iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com" SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC = "/" + PRODUCE_KEY + "/" + DEVICE_NAME + "/control"; # oss OSS_AK = config["OSS"]["ossAccessKey"] OSS_AK_SECRET = config["OSS"]["ossAccessKeySecret"] OSS_ENDPOINT = config["OSS"]["ossEndpoint"] OSS_BUCKET_ID = config["OSS"]["ossBucketId"] auth = oss2.Auth(OSS_AK, OSS_AK_SECRET) bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, OSS_ENDPOINT, OSS_BUCKET_ID) camera = PiCamera() camera.resolution = (720,480) # Take a photo first, then upload photo to oss def take_photo(): ticks = int(time.time()) fileName = "raspi%s.jpg" % ticks filePath = "/home/pi/iot/photos/%s" % fileName # take a photo camera.capture(filePath) # upload to oss bucket.put_object_from_file("piPhotos/"+fileName, filePath) def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): print("subscribe "+SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC) client.subscribe(topic=SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC) def on_message(client, userdata, msg): print("receive message topic :"+ msg.topic) print(str(msg.payload)) take_photo() if __name__ == "__main__": client = AliyunIot.getAliyunIotMqttClient(PRODUCE_KEY,DEVICE_NAME, DEVICE_SECRET, secure_mode=3) client.on_connect = on_connect client.on_message = on_message client.connect(host=HOST, port=1883, keepalive=60) # loop client.loop_forever()5.函数计算开发 5.1 index.js应用程序
const request = require("request"); const url = require("url"); const crypto = require("crypto"); const TableStore = require("tablestore"); const co = require("co"); const RPCClient = require("@alicloud/pop-core").RPCClient; const config = require("./config"); //iot client const iotClient = new RPCClient({ accessKeyId: config.accessKeyId, secretAccessKey: config.secretAccessKey, endpoint: config.iotEndpoint, apiVersion: config.iotApiVersion }); //ots client const otsClient = new TableStore.Client({ accessKeyId: config.accessKeyId, secretAccessKey: config.secretAccessKey, endpoint: config.otsEndpoint, instancename: config.otsInstance, maxRetries: 20 }); const options = { url: config.dtplusUrl, method: "POST", headers: { "Accept": "application/json", "Content-type": "application/json" } }; module.exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) { var eventJson = JSON.parse(event.toString()); try { var imgUrl = config.ossEndpoint + eventJson.events[0].oss.object.key; options.body = JSON.stringify({ type: 0, image_url: imgUrl }); options.headers.Date = new Date().toUTCString(); options.headers.Authorization = makeDataplusSignature(options); request.post(options, function(error, response, body) { console.log("face/attribute response body" + body) const msg = parseBody(imgUrl, body) // saveToOTS(msg, callback); }); } catch (err) { callback(null, err); } }; parseBody = function(imgUrl, body) { body = JSON.parse(body); //face_rect [left, top, width, height], const idx = parseInt(10 * Math.random() % 4); const age = (parseInt(body.age[0])) + "岁"; const expression = (body.expression[0] == "1") ? config.happy[idx] : config.normal[idx]; const gender = (body.gender[0] == "1") ? "帅哥" : "靓女"; const glass = (body.glass[0] == "1") ? "戴眼镜" : "火眼金睛"; return { "imgUrl": imgUrl, "gender": gender, "faceRect": body.face_rect.join(","), "glass": glass, "age": age, "expression": expression }; } //pub msg to WebApp by IoT iotPubToWeb = function(payload, cb) { co(function*() { try { //创建设备 var iotResponse = yield iotClient.request("Pub", { ProductKey: config.productKey, TopicFullName: config.topicFullName, MessageContent: new Buffer(JSON.stringify(payload)).toString("base64"), Qos: 0 }); } catch (err) { console.log("iotPubToWeb err" + JSON.stringify(err)) } cb(null, payload); }); } saveToOTS = function(msg, cb) { var ots_data = { tableName: config.tableName, condition: new TableStore.Condition(TableStore.RowExistenceExpectation.IGNORE, null), primaryKey: [{ deviceId: "androidPhoto" }, { id: TableStore.PK_AUTO_INCR }], attributeColumns: [ { "imgUrl": msg.imgUrl }, { "gender": msg.gender }, { "faceRect": msg.faceRect }, { "glass": msg.glass }, { "age": msg.age }, { "expression": msg.expression } ], returnContent: { returnType: TableStore.ReturnType.Primarykey } } otsClient.putRow(ots_data, function(err, data) { iotPubToWeb(msg, cb); }); } makeDataplusSignature = function(options) { const md5Body = crypto.createHash("md5").update(new Buffer(options.body)).digest("base64"); const stringToSign = "POST application/json " + md5Body + " application/json " + options.headers.Date + " /face/attribute" // step2: 加密 [Signature = Base64( HMAC-SHA1( AccessSecret, UTF-8-Encoding-Of(StringToSign) ) )] const signature = crypto.createHmac("sha1", config.secretAccessKey).update(stringToSign).digest("base64"); return "Dataplus " + config.accessKeyId + ":" + signature; }5.2 config.js配置文件
module.exports = { accessKeyId: "账号ak", secretAccessKey: "账号ak secret", iotEndpoint: "https://iot.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com", iotApiVersion: "2018-01-20", productKey: "web大屏产品pk", topicFullName: "web大屏订阅识别结果的topic", //可选,如果不保存结果,不需要ots otsEndpoint: "ots接入点", otsInstance: "ots实例", tableName: "ots结果存储表", }6. Web端App开发
7. 拍照指令触发器阿里云IoT
/** * package.json 添加依赖:"@alicloud/pop-core": "1.5.2" */ const co = require("co"); const RPCClient = require("@alicloud/pop-core").RPCClient; const options = { accessKey: "替换ak", accessKeySecret: "替换ak Secret", }; //1.初始化client const client = new RPCClient({ accessKeyId: options.accessKey, secretAccessKey: options.accessKeySecret, endpoint: "https://iot.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com", apiVersion: "2018-01-20" }); const params = { ProductKey: "a1p35XsaOS7", TopicFullName: "相机指令topic", MessageContent: new Buffer("{"action":"takephoto"}").toString("base64"), Qos: "0" }; co(function*() { try { //3.发起API调用 const response = yield client.request("Pub", params); console.log(JSON.stringify(response)); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } });
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