# coding:utf-8 """ async-apiser xpath """ from lxml import etree import csv import re import os import asyncio import aiohttp import aiomysql from datetime import datetime from config import Config class HealthSpider(object): def __init__(self, user_id, keyword, url, hrule, drule, count, trule): self.user_id = user_id self.keyword = keyword self.url = url self.hrule = hrule self.drule = drule self.count = count self.trule = trule self.headers = "" self.urls_done = [] self.urls_will = [] self.spider_data = {} @staticmethod def handle_flag(str): """ 去除字符串中的style样式标签 :param html: :return: """ pattern = re.compile(r" style=".*?;"", re.S) return pattern.sub("", str) async def get_html(self, url, session): """ 根据url,返回html :param url: :return: """ try: async with session.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=5) as resp: if resp.status in [200, 201]: data = await resp.text() return data except Exception as e: raise Exception("数据搜索错误") def get_url(self, resp): """ 根据html获取每条数据的url :param resp: :return: """ # 保存爬取的数据 root = etree.HTML(str(resp)) items = root.xpath(self.hrule) # html结构不同,组织url的方式也不同 if 5 == self.count: self.urls_will = ["https://dxy.com" + i for i in items[:5]] elif 3 == self.count: self.urls_will = [i for i in items[:3]] elif 2 == self.count: self.urls_will = [i for i in items[:2]] async def get_data(self, url, session, pool): """ 根据url获取具体数据 :return: """ # 根据url解析出htm html = await self.get_html(url, session) # 保存爬取的数据 root = etree.HTML(str(html)) html_data = "" try: title = root.xpath(self.trule) title = "".join(title) except Exception as e: title = "" try: data = root.xpath(self.drule) if data: # html结构不同,获取数据的方式也不同 if 3 == self.count: html_data = "".join(map(etree.tounicode, data)) # 去除结果中的style标签 html_data = HealthSpider.handle_flag(html_data) else: html_data = etree.tounicode(data[0]) html_data = HealthSpider.handle_flag(html_data) except Exception as e: html_data = [] self.urls_done.append(url) # 数据入库,保存:用户id, 关键词, 日期, 主url, 子url, html数据 if html_data: self.spider_data["data"].append({"title": title, "html_data": html_data}) spide_date = datetime.now() data = (self.user_id, self.keyword, spide_date, self.url, url, title, html_data) stmt = "INSERT INTO spider_data (user_id, keyword, spide_date, main_url, sub_url, title, html_data) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" try: async with pool.acquire() as conn: async with conn.cursor() as cur: await cur.execute(stmt, data) except Exception as e: pass async def start_spider(self, pool): """ 开始爬取数据 :return: """ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: self.spider_data["user_id"] = self.user_id self.spider_data["keyword"] = self.keyword self.spider_data["data"] = [] while True: # 待爬取url队列为空或者已经爬取3条数据,则停止爬取 if (len(self.urls_will) == 0) or len(self.spider_data["data"]) == self.count: break # 获取待爬url url = self.urls_will.pop() # 开始爬取数据 if url not in self.urls_done: await self.get_data(url, session, pool) return self.spider_data async def main(self, loop): # 请求头 self.headers = {"Accept": "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept-Language": "zh-Hans-CN, zh-Hans; q=0.5", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 " "(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36 Edge/15.15063" } # 连接mysql数据库 pool = await aiomysql.create_pool(host=Config.DB_HOST, port=Config.DB_PORT, user=Config.DB_USER, password=Config.DB_PASSWORD, db=Config.DB_NAME, loop=loop, charset="utf8", autocommit=True) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: # 首次获取html html = await self.get_html(self.url, session) # 获取url self.get_url(html) data = await self.start_spider(pool) return data # asyncio.ensure_future(self.start_spider(pool)) def get_rules(keyword): """ 获取csv中的xpath规则 :return: """ csv_dict = [] path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "rules.csv") with open(path, "rU") as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) for line in reader: url = line["url"].format(keyword) hrule = line["hrule"] drule = line["drule"] count = int(line["count"]) title = line["trule"] csv_dict.append({"url": url, "hrule": hrule, "drule": drule, "count": count, "trule": title}) return csv_dict def start_spider(keyword): """ 爬取数据 :param user_id: :param keyword: :return: """ try: data_list = get_rules(keyword) except Exception as e: raise Exception("搜索规则获取失败") spider_data = [] tasks = [] loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() for i in data_list: spider = HealthSpider(1, keyword, i["url"], i["hrule"], i["drule"], i["count"], i["trule"]) # 任务列表 tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(spider.main(loop))) # 添加到loop loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) try: for task in tasks: for i in range(len(task.result()["data"])): spider_data.append(task.result()["data"][i]) except Exception as e: pass # 延时以等待底层打开的连接关闭 loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.sleep(0.250)) loop.close() return spider_data if __name__ == "__main__": # 爬取感冒了怎么办相关内容 start_spider("感冒了怎么办")
# coding=utf-8 class Config(object): DB_ENGINE = "mysql" DB_HOST = "" DB_PORT = 3306 DB_USER = "root" DB_PASSWORD = "wyzane" DB_NAME = "db_tornado" DB_OPTIONS = { "init_command": "SET sql_mode="STRICT_TRANS_TABLES"", "charset": "utf8mb4", }
摘要:这篇文章的题目有点大,但这并不是说我自觉对爬虫这块有多大见解,我只不过是想将自己的一些经验付诸于笔,对于如何写一个爬虫框架,我想一步一步地结合具体代码来讲述如何从零开始编写一个自己的爬虫框架年到如今,我花精力比较多的一个开源项目算是了,这是 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000018513379); 这篇文章的题目有点大...
摘要:而的异步非阻塞特性能够完美的解决这一问题。爬虫机器人功能实现我使用编写的机器人是用来抓取来自游民星空的图片。也是使用装饰器进行回调函数注册,使用进行消息更新。当没有指令时,会显示一些能够查看的图片类型。 原文链接 前言 aiotg 可以通过异步调用telegram api的方式来构建bot,因为决定开发一个爬虫功能的bot,所以网络请求阻塞是比较严重的性能障碍。而asyncio的异步非...
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摘要:开始,加入了新的语法,和这两个关键字,也成了标准库,这对于我们写异步的程序来说就是如虎添翼,让我们轻而易举的实现一个定向抓取新闻的异步爬虫。网址池异步爬虫的所有流程不能单单用一个循环来完成,它是多个循环至少两个相互作用共同完成的。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bVbsjjR?w=742&h=487); Python写爬虫是非常方便的,爬取的...
摘要:蜂鸟网图片简介今天玩点新鲜的,使用一个新库,利用它提高咱爬虫的爬取速度。上下文不在提示,自行搜索相关资料即可创建一个对象,然后用该对象去打开网页。可以进行多项操作,比如等代码中等待网页数据返回创建线程,方法负责安排执行中的任务。 1. 蜂鸟网图片-简介 今天玩点新鲜的,使用一个新库 aiohttp ,利用它提高咱爬虫的爬取速度。 安装模块常规套路 pip install aiohtt...
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