此文章收集平时工作中一些Pythonic code,以供后面参考。
def get_file_content(fpath): """Get file content by the right encoding.""" G_ENCODING_LIST = ["utf-8", "gbk", "latin1"] for encode in G_ENCODING_LIST: try: content = open(fpath, encoding=encode).read() return content except UnicodeDecodeError: if encode == G_ENCODING_LIST[-1]: raise except FileNotFoundError: raise
def get_file_content(fpath): """Get file content by the right encoding.""" G_ENCODING_LIST = ["utf-8", "gbk", "latin1"] for encode in G_ENCODING_LIST: try: content = open(fpath, encoding=encode).read() return content except UnicodeDecodeError: pass except FileNotFoundError: raise else: raise UnicodeDecodeError
为了避免过深的try except嵌套,这里使用了for循环使代码块更加扁平
def add_patterns(self, ptn_docs): """Add pattern set info.""" ltypes = [] for ltype, doc in ptn_docs: ltypes.append(ltype) # 不使用列表表达式创建列表 doc_list = [] for word in jieba.cut(doc): doc_list.append(word) doc_list = [word for word in jieba.cut(doc)] doc_list = list(set(doc_list) - set(G_STOP_WORDS)) self._ptn_simtest_dbs[ltype]["all_doc_list"].append(doc_list) self._ptn_simtest_dbs[ltype]["dict"].add_documents([doc_list]) ......
def add_patterns(self, ptn_docs): """Add pattern set info.""" ltypes = [] for ltype, doc in ptn_docs: ltypes.append(ltype) # 使用列表表达式创建列表 doc_list = [word for word in jieba.cut(doc)] doc_list = list(set(doc_list) - set(G_STOP_WORDS)) self._ptn_simtest_dbs[ltype]["all_doc_list"].append(doc_list) self._ptn_simtest_dbs[ltype]["dict"].add_documents([doc_list]) ......
doc_list = list(set(doc_list) - set(G_STOP_WORDS))布尔值判断
根据判断对象结果返回True or False,可以通过以下方法简写:
def _check_fingerprint(self, suspect): """Check whether fingerprint exist.""" content = open(suspect, "rb").read() md5sum = hashlib.md5(content).hexdigest() wsp = self.ws_data.filter(fingerprint=md5sum) return True is wsp else False
def _check_fingerprint(self, suspect): """Check whether fingerprint exist.""" content = open(suspect, "rb").read() md5sum = hashlib.md5(content).hexdigest() wsp = self.ws_data.filter(fingerprint=md5sum) return bool(wsp)goto in Python
def check_pattern_package(fpath): """Check pattern package correctness.""" base_dir = os.path.dirname(fpath) ret, reason, extract_dir = True, None, None with zipfile.ZipFile(fpath) as zf: infolist = zf.infolist() if not infolist[0].is_dir(): return False, REST_ERR_400_ZIP_BADFILE zf_base_dir = infolist[0].filename md5sum_file = os.path.join(zf_base_dir, "md5sum.txt") if md5sum_file not in zf.namelist(): return False, REST_ERR_400_ZIP_BADFORMAT zf.extractall(base_dir) extract_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, zf_base_dir) try: with open(os.path.jion(base_dir, md5sum_file)) as md5_fp: reader = csv.reader(md5_fp, delimiter=" ") except FileNotFoundError: return False, REST_ERR_400_ZIP_BADFORMAT else: for row in reader: if len(row) < 2: raise PtnPackageParseError(REST_ERR_400_ZIP_BADFORMAT) pzf = os.path.join(extract_dir, row[1]) with open(pzf, "rb") as fpzf: fdata = fpzf.read() md5sum = hashlib.md5(fdata).hexdigest() if md5sum != row[0]: return False, REST_ERR_400_ZIP_BADFILE return True, _
使用“try exception”控制代码执行路径模拟“goto”:
class PtnPackageParseError(Exception): """Exception for pattern package parse.""" def __init__(self, reason, message=""): self.reason = reason self.message = message super().__init__() def check_pattern_package(fpath, cleanup=False): """Check pattern package correctness.""" base_dir = os.path.dirname(fpath) ret, reason, extract_dir = True, None, None try: with zipfile.ZipFile(fpath) as zf: infolist = zf.infolist() if not infolist[0].is_dir(): raise PtnPackageParseError(REST_ERR_400_ZIP_BADFILE) zf_base_dir = infolist[0].filename md5sum_file = os.path.join(zf_base_dir, "md5sum.txt") if md5sum_file not in zf.namelist(): raise PtnPackageParseError(REST_ERR_400_ZIP_BADFORMAT) zf.extractall(base_dir) extract_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, zf_base_dir) try: with open(os.path.jion(base_dir, md5sum_file)) as md5_fp: reader = csv.reader(md5_fp, delimiter=" ") except FileNotFoundError: raise PtnPackageParseError(REST_ERR_400_ZIP_BADFORMAT) else: for row in reader: if len(row) < 2: raise PtnPackageParseError(REST_ERR_400_ZIP_BADFORMAT) pzf = os.path.join(extract_dir, row[1]) with open(pzf, "rb") as fpzf: fdata = fpzf.read() md5sum = hashlib.md5(fdata).hexdigest() if md5sum != row[0]: raise PtnPackageParseError(REST_ERR_400_ZIP_BADFILE) except PtnPackageParseError as e: ret, reason = False, e.reason finally: if cleanup: os.unlink(fpath) if os.path.exists(extract_dir): os.removedirs(extract_dir) return ret, reason, extract_dir
原文出处:github: jasonTu/python-material-collection
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