UI 代码
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Date : 2017-10-02 15:19:24 # @Author : Salamander (*********@qq.com) # @Link : http://51lucy.com import os, random import tkinter as tk import tkinter.messagebox from PIL import Image, ImageTk class MainWindow(): __gameTitle = "连连看游戏" __windowWidth = 700 __windowHeigth = 500 __icons = [] __gameSize = 10 # 游戏尺寸 __iconKind = __gameSize * __gameSize / 4 # 小图片种类数量 __iconWidth = 40 __iconHeight = 40 __map = [] # 游戏地图 __delta = 25 __isFirst = True __isGameStart = False __formerPoint = None EMPTY = -1 NONE_LINK = 0 STRAIGHT_LINK = 1 ONE_CORNER_LINK = 2 TWO_CORNER_LINK = 3 def __init__(self): self.root = tk.Tk() self.root.title(self.__gameTitle) self.centerWindow(self.__windowWidth, self.__windowHeigth) self.root.minsize(460, 460) self.__addComponets() self.extractSmallIconList() self.root.mainloop() def __addComponets(self): self.menubar = tk.Menu(self.root, bg="lightgrey", fg="black") self.file_menu = tk.Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=0, bg="lightgrey", fg="black") self.file_menu.add_command(label="新游戏", command=self.file_new, accelerator="Ctrl+N") self.menubar.add_cascade(label="游戏", menu=self.file_menu) self.root.configure(menu=self.menubar) self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self.root, bg = "white", width = 450, height = 450) self.canvas.pack(side=tk.TOP, pady = 5) self.canvas.bind("使用", self.clickCanvas) def centerWindow(self, width, height): screenwidth = self.root.winfo_screenwidth() screenheight = self.root.winfo_screenheight() size = "%dx%d+%d+%d" % (width, height, (screenwidth - width)/2, (screenheight - height)/2) self.root.geometry(size) def file_new(self, event=None): self.iniMap() self.drawMap() self.__isGameStart = True def clickCanvas(self, event): if self.__isGameStart: point = self.getInnerPoint(Point(event.x, event.y)) # 有效点击坐标 if point.isUserful() and not self.isEmptyInMap(point): if self.__isFirst: self.drawSelectedArea(point) self.__isFirst= False self.__formerPoint = point else: if self.__formerPoint.isEqual(point): self.__isFirst = True self.canvas.delete("rectRedOne") else: linkType = self.getLinkType(self.__formerPoint, point) if linkType["type"] != self.NONE_LINK: # TODO Animation self.ClearLinkedBlocks(self.__formerPoint, point) self.canvas.delete("rectRedOne") self.__isFirst = True if self.isGameEnd(): tk.messagebox.showinfo("You Win!", "Tip") self.__isGameStart = False else: self.__formerPoint = point self.canvas.delete("rectRedOne") self.drawSelectedArea(point) # 判断游戏是否结束 def isGameEnd(self): for y in range(0, self.__gameSize): for x in range(0, self.__gameSize): if self.__map[y][x] != self.EMPTY: return False return True """ 提取小头像数组 """ def extractSmallIconList(self): imageSouce = Image.open(r"imagesNARUTO.png") for index in range(0, int(self.__iconKind)): region = imageSouce.crop((self.__iconWidth * index, 0, self.__iconWidth * index + self.__iconWidth - 1, self.__iconHeight - 1)) self.__icons.append(ImageTk.PhotoImage(region)) """ 初始化地图 存值为0-24 """ def iniMap(self): self.__map = [] # 重置地图 tmpRecords = [] records = [] for i in range(0, int(self.__iconKind)): for j in range(0, 4): tmpRecords.append(i) total = self.__gameSize * self.__gameSize for x in range(0, total): index = random.randint(0, total - x - 1) records.append(tmpRecords[index]) del tmpRecords[index] # 一维数组转为二维,y为高维度 for y in range(0, self.__gameSize): for x in range(0, self.__gameSize): if x == 0: self.__map.append([]) self.__map[y].append(records[x + y * self.__gameSize]) """ 根据地图绘制图像 """ def drawMap(self): self.canvas.delete("all") for y in range(0, self.__gameSize): for x in range(0, self.__gameSize): point = self.getOuterLeftTopPoint(Point(x, y)) im = self.canvas.create_image((point.x, point.y), image=self.__icons[self.__map[y][x]], anchor="nw", tags = "im%d%d" % (x, y)) """ 获取内部坐标对应矩形左上角顶点坐标 """ def getOuterLeftTopPoint(self, point): return Point(self.getX(point.x), self.getY(point.y)) """ 获取内部坐标对应矩形中心坐标 """ def getOuterCenterPoint(self, point): return Point(self.getX(point.x) + int(self.__iconWidth / 2), self.getY(point.y) + int(self.__iconHeight / 2)) def getX(self, x): return x * self.__iconWidth + self.__delta def getY(self, y): return y * self.__iconHeight + self.__delta """ 获取内部坐标 """ def getInnerPoint(self, point): x = -1 y = -1 for i in range(0, self.__gameSize): x1 = self.getX(i) x2 = self.getX(i + 1) if point.x >= x1 and point.x < x2: x = i for j in range(0, self.__gameSize): j1 = self.getY(j) j2 = self.getY(j + 1) if point.y >= j1 and point.y < j2: y = j return Point(x, y) """ 选择的区域变红,point为内部坐标 """ def drawSelectedArea(self, point): pointLT = self.getOuterLeftTopPoint(point) pointRB = self.getOuterLeftTopPoint(Point(point.x + 1, point.y + 1)) self.canvas.create_rectangle(pointLT.x, pointLT.y, pointRB.x - 1, pointRB.y - 1, outline = "red", tags = "rectRedOne") """ 消除连通的两个块 """ def ClearLinkedBlocks(self, p1, p2): self.__map[p1.y][p1.x] = self.EMPTY self.__map[p2.y][p2.x] = self.EMPTY self.canvas.delete("im%d%d" % (p1.x, p1.y)) self.canvas.delete("im%d%d" % (p2.x, p2.y)) """ 地图上该点是否为空 """ def isEmptyInMap(self, point): if self.__map[point.y][point.x] == self.EMPTY: return True else: return False """ 获取两个点连通类型 """ def getLinkType(self, p1, p2): # 首先判断两个方块中图片是否相同 if self.__map[p1.y][p1.x] != self.__map[p2.y][p2.x]: return { "type": self.NONE_LINK } if self.isStraightLink(p1, p2): return { "type": self.STRAIGHT_LINK } res = self.isOneCornerLink(p1, p2) if res: return { "type": self.ONE_CORNER_LINK, "p1": res } res = self.isTwoCornerLink(p1, p2) if res: return { "type": self.TWO_CORNER_LINK, "p1": res["p1"], "p2": res["p2"] } return { "type": self.NONE_LINK } """ 直连 """ def isStraightLink(self, p1, p2): start = -1 end = -1 # 水平 if p1.y == p2.y: # 大小判断 if p2.x < p1.x: start = p2.x end = p1.x else: start = p1.x end = p2.x for x in range(start + 1, end): if self.__map[p1.y][x] != self.EMPTY: return False return True elif p1.x == p2.x: if p1.y > p2.y: start = p2.y end = p1.y else: start = p1.y end = p2.y for y in range(start + 1, end): if self.__map[y][p1.x] != self.EMPTY: return False return True return False def isOneCornerLink(self, p1, p2): pointCorner = Point(p1.x, p2.y) if self.isStraightLink(p1, pointCorner) and self.isStraightLink(pointCorner, p2) and self.isEmptyInMap(pointCorner): return pointCorner pointCorner = Point(p2.x, p1.y) if self.isStraightLink(p1, pointCorner) and self.isStraightLink(pointCorner, p2) and self.isEmptyInMap(pointCorner): return pointCorner def isTwoCornerLink(self, p1, p2): for y in range(-1, self.__gameSize + 1): pointCorner1 = Point(p1.x, y) pointCorner2 = Point(p2.x, y) if y == p1.y or y == p2.y: continue if y == -1 or y == self.__gameSize: if self.isStraightLink(p1, pointCorner1) and self.isStraightLink(pointCorner2, p2): return {"p1": pointCorner1, "p2": pointCorner2} else: if self.isStraightLink(p1, pointCorner1) and self.isStraightLink(pointCorner1, pointCorner2) and self.isStraightLink(pointCorner2, p2) and self.isEmptyInMap(pointCorner1) and self.isEmptyInMap(pointCorner2): return {"p1": pointCorner1, "p2": pointCorner2} # 横向判断 for x in range(-1, self.__gameSize + 1): pointCorner1 = Point(x, p1.y) pointCorner2 = Point(x, p2.y) if x == p1.x or x == p2.x: continue if x == -1 or x == self.__gameSize: if self.isStraightLink(p1, pointCorner1) and self.isStraightLink(pointCorner2, p2): return {"p1": pointCorner1, "p2": pointCorner2} else: if self.isStraightLink(p1, pointCorner1) and self.isStraightLink(pointCorner1, pointCorner2) and self.isStraightLink(pointCorner2, p2) and self.isEmptyInMap(pointCorner1) and self.isEmptyInMap(pointCorner2): return {"p1": pointCorner1, "p2": pointCorner2} class Point(): def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def isUserful(self): if self.x >= 0 and self.y >= 0: return True else: return False """ 判断两个点是否相同 """ def isEqual(self, point): if self.x == point.x and self.y == point.y: return True else: return False """ 克隆一份对象 """ def clone(self): return Point(self.x, self.y) """ 改为另一个对象 """ def changeTo(self, point): self.x = point.x self.y = point.y MainWindow()
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