构造n个成对括号 Generate Parentheses
Given n pairs of parentheses, write a function to generate all combinations of well-formed parentheses.
example 1
For example, given n = 3, a solution set is: [ "((()))", "(()())", "(())()", "()(())", "()()()" ].
思路2来源自leetcode讨论区,使用open记录已经有多少左括号,如果n==0,将")" * open闭合。
代码class Solution(object): def __init__(self): self.table = {1: ["()"]} def generateParenthesis(self, n): """ :type n: int :rtype: List[str] """ if n == 1: return self.table[1] if n-1 in self.table.keys(): nset = set() n1set = self.table[n-1] for _, item in enumerate(n1set): for j in range(len(item)): nset.add(item[0:j] + "()" + item[j:]) self.table[n] = list(nset) return self.table[n] else: self.generateParenthesis(n-1) return self.generateParenthesis(n) def gen2(self, n, open=0): if n == 0: return [")"*open] if open == 0: return ["("+x for x in self.gen2(n-1, 1)] else: return [")"+x for x in self.gen2(n, open-1)] + ["("+x for x in self.gen2(n-1, open+1)]
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