Writing your first django app, part 2
this tutorial begins where Tutorial 1 left off.We"ll setup the database, create your first model, and get a quick introduction to Django"s automatically-generated admin site.
if you wish yo use another databse install the approprite database bindings ans change the following keys in DATABASE "default itemto match your database connection setting:
ENGINE : django.db.backends.mysql
NAME : The name of your database.
The migrate command looks at the INSTALLED_APPS setting and creates any nessary database tables according to the database setings in your mysite/settings.py fiel and database migrations shipped with the app. You"ll see a message for each migration it applies. If you"re interested, run the commadn-line client for your database ans type
minimalists : 极简主义者
a model is a single, definitive source of truth about your data.It contains the essential fields ans behaviors of the data you"re storing.
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摘要:上传文件概述当在处理文件上传时,文件的数据被存储在属性中只有在请求的方法为且提交的表单带有属性的情况才会包含数据。如豆瓣,防止页面卡死。 上传文件 概述 当Django在处理文件上传时,文件的数据被存储在request.FILES属性中 FILES只有在请求的方法为POST且提交的form表单带有enctype=multipart/form-data属性的情况才会包含数据。否则,FIL...
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