Features and Responsibility Web Servers are responsible for serving static content e.g. HTML over HTTP protocol.
In a simple situation,a user type in a URL in browser(a client),and get a web page to read.So what the server does is sending a web page to the client.The transformation is in HTTP protocol which specifies the format of request and response message.
Features and Responsibility A servlet-container supports only the servlet API(including JSP,JSTL)
Servlet容器仅仅支持Servlet API,包括JSP、JSTL
Servlet container are only responsible for generating HTML by executing JSP and Servlet on Server side.So servlet container is essentially a part of a web server that interacts with the servlets.
Servlet is an interface defined in javax.servlet package.It declares three essential methods for the life cycle of a servlet – init(),service(),and destroy().They are implemented by every servlet and invoked at specific times by the server.
How Servlet Container and web server process a request ?
Web server receives HTTP request
Web server forwards the request to servlet containter
The servlet is dynamically retrieved and loaded into the address space of the container,if it is not in the container.
The container invokes the init() method of the servlet for initialization(invoked once when the servlet is loaded first time)
The container invokes the service() method of the servlet to process the HTTP request,read data in the request and formulate a response.The servlet remains in the container’s address space and can process other HTTP requests.
Application Server ExampleWebSphere,WebLogic,JBoss
Features and Responsibility Application Server is responsible for generating dynamic content by executing server side code e.g. JSP,Servlet or EJB.
Application server is responsible for serving dynamic content,managing EJB pool,facilitating distributed transation,facilitating application lookup over JNDI,application security and others.
应用服务器的主要任务是服务动态内容,管理EJB Pool,促进事务分配,促进应用查找JNDI,应用安全等等。
An application server supports the whole JavaEE - EJB,JMS,CDI,JTA
An application usually includes a Web server,but also adds a lot of more features.The most important is that it manages objects.Whether they will be Servlets,EJBs,JMS listenters.
Tomcat is not exactly an application server, it"s more of a servlet engine or web container or also known as servlet containers because it provides the runtime environment for Servlet and JSP but doesn"t provide the services like EJB and distributed transaction which are a key feature of the application server in Java JEE world
It’s expected from a Web server to provide HTTP protocol level service while application server is supposed to provide more powerful and dynamic Web service and business level service via EJB(Enterprise Java Beans).Essential services like Database connection pooling is not only provided by application server but also by Servlet containers like Tomcat.
You need a Web server like Apache HTTPD if you are serving static web pages.If you have a Java application with just JSP and Servlet to generate dynamic content then you need Servlet containers like Tomcat or Jetty while,if you have JavaEE application using EJB,distributed transation,messaging and other fancy features than you need a full fledged application server like JBoss,WebSphere or WebLogic.
如果你为静态页面提供服务,你就需要像Apache HTTPD这样的Web服务器。如果你有一个仅仅是JSP和Servlet的JAVA应用去生成动态的页面内容,你需要一个像Tomcat或者Jetty这样的Servlet容器。如果你的JAVAEE应用使用了EJB,事务管理,消息和其他一些复杂华丽的特点,你就需要一个完全成熟的应用服务器,列如JBoss,WebSphere或者WebLogic.
For example,one of the popular setups is Apache fronting Tomcat or Ngnix fronting Tomcat
What is the difference between application server and web server ?
Web Server is designed to serve HTTP Content. Application Server can also serve HTTP Content but is not limited to just HTTP. It can be provided other protocol support such as RMI/RPC
Web Server is mostly designed to serve static content, though most Web Servers have plugins to support scripting languages like Perl, PHP, ASP, JSP etc. through which these servers can generate dynamic HTTP content.
Most of the application servers have Web Server as integral part of them, that means App Server can do whatever Web Server is capable of. Additionally Application Server have components and features to support Application level services such as Connection Pooling, Object Pooling, Transaction Support, Messaging services etc.
As web servers are well suited for static content and app servers for dynamic content, most of the production environments have web server acting as reverse proxy to app server. That means while service a page request, static contents such as images/Static html is served by web server that interprets the request. Using some kind of filtering technique (mostly extension of requested resource) web server identifies dynamic content request and transparently forwards to app serve
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摘要:第章概述简介是一种动态网页技术标准,是应用开发的主要技术之一,也是目前应用开发的主流技术之一。为此,需要逐一完成开发包服务器开发工具以及数据库管理系统的安装与配置。在此,开发包使用,服务器使用开发工具使用,数据库管理系统使用。 ...
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摘要:第七章包的基本概述起因在我们设计一个程序的时候尤其是多人合作,会写一些类来实现功能,但是往往会有重名的现象发生,为了解决这个问题,则专门设计了包。概念为了更好地组织类,提供了包机制,用于区别类名的命名空间。 第七章 7.1 包的基本概述 起因: 在我们设计一个程序的时候(尤其是多人合作),会写一些类来实现功能,但是往往会有重名的现象发生,为了解决这个问题,则专门设计了包。(还有其他作用...
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