pip install redis pip install hiredis(解析器,可选。windows下好像不行。) >>> import redis >>> r = redis.StrictRedis(host="localhost", port=6379, db=0) >>> r.set("foo", "bar") True >>> r.get("foo") "bar"
redis-py采取两种client class实现redis命令:
SELECT: 没有实现,应该是线程安全的原因。
DEL: 由于del是python语法关键字,所用delete来代替。
CONFIG GET|SET: 分开用 config_get or config_set来代替
MULTI/EXEC: 事务作为Pipeline类的其中一部分的实现。Pipeline默认保证了MULTI,EXEC声明。但是你可以指定transaction=False来禁用这一行为。
SCAN/SSCAN/HSCAN/ZSCAN:每个命令都对应一个等价的迭代器方法scan_iter/sscan_iter/hscan_iter/zscan_iter methods for this behavior.
LREM: Order of "num" and "value" arguments reversed such that "num" can provide a default value of zero.
lrem(self, name, value, num=0)
lrem(self, name, count, value)
ZADD: Redis specifies the "score" argument before "value". These were swapped accidentally when being implemented and not discovered until after people were already using it. The Redis class expects *args in the form of: name1, score1, name2, score2, ...
redis.zadd("my-key", "name1", 1.1, "name2", 2.2, name3=3.3, name4=4.4)
redis.zadd("my-key", 1.1, "name1", 2.2, "name2", name3=3.3, name4=4.4)
SETEX: Order of "time" and "value" arguments reversed.
setex(self, name, value, time)
setex(self, name, time, value)
>>> pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host="localhost", port=6379, db=0) >>> r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)
Connections:redis-py提供两种类型的连接:基于TCP端口的,基于Unix socket文件的(需要redis服务器开启配置)。
>>> r = redis.Redis(unix_socket_path="/tmp/redis.sock")
>>> pool = redis.ConnectionPool(connection_class=YourConnectionClass, your_arg="...", ...)
解析器控制如何解析Redis-server的响应内容,redis-py提供两种方式的解析器类支持:PythonParser和HiredisParser(需要多带带安装)。它优先选用HiredisParser,如果不存在,则选用PythonParser. Hiredis是redis核心团队开发的一个高性能c库,能够提高10x的解析速度。
The client class使用一系列的callbacks来完成响应到对应python类型的映射。这些响应回调,定义在 Redis client class中的RESPONSE_CALLBACKS字典中。你可以使用set_response_callback 方法来添加自定义回调类。这个方法接受两个参数:一个命令名字,一个回调类。回调类接受至少一个参数:响应内容,关键字参数作为命令调用时的参数。
Redis client instances是线程安全的。由于线程安全原因,不提供select实现,因为它会导致数据库的切换。
在不同线程间传递PubSub or Pipeline对象也是不安全的。
>>> r = redis.Redis(...) >>> r.set("bing", "baz") >>> # Use the pipeline() method to create a pipeline instance >>> pipe = r.pipeline() >>> # The following SET commands are buffered >>> pipe.set("foo", "bar") >>> pipe.get("bing") >>> # the EXECUTE call sends all buffered commands to the server, returning >>> # a list of responses, one for each command. >>> pipe.execute() [True, "baz"]
>>> pipe.set("foo", "bar").sadd("faz", "baz").incr("auto_number").execute() [True, True, 6]
>>> pipe = r.pipeline(transaction=False)
WATCH命令提供了在事务之前检测一个或多个key值的变化。一旦在事务执行之前,某个值发生了变化,那么事务将被取消然后抛出WatchError 异常。
利用watch我们可以实现client-side incr命令:
>>> with r.pipeline() as pipe: ... while 1: ... try: ... # put a WATCH on the key that holds our sequence value ... pipe.watch("OUR-SEQUENCE-KEY") ... # after WATCHing, the pipeline is put into immediate execution ... # mode until we tell it to start buffering commands again. ... # this allows us to get the current value of our sequence ... current_value = pipe.get("OUR-SEQUENCE-KEY") ... next_value = int(current_value) + 1 ... # now we can put the pipeline back into buffered mode with MULTI ... pipe.multi() ... pipe.set("OUR-SEQUENCE-KEY", next_value) ... # and finally, execute the pipeline (the set command) ... pipe.execute() ... # if a WatchError wasn"t raised during execution, everything ... # we just did happened atomically. ... break ... except WatchError: ... # another client must have changed "OUR-SEQUENCE-KEY" between ... # the time we started WATCHing it and the pipeline"s execution. ... # our best bet is to just retry. ... continue
不过你可以使用transaction方法来简化这一操作:它包含handling and retrying watch errors的样板代码。第一参数为callable(这个callable只能接受一个Pipeline参数),及多个需要被WATCH的keys
>>> def client_side_incr(pipe): ... current_value = pipe.get("OUR-SEQUENCE-KEY") ... next_value = int(current_value) + 1 ... pipe.multi() ... pipe.set("OUR-SEQUENCE-KEY", next_value) >>> >>> r.transaction(client_side_incr, "OUR-SEQUENCE-KEY") [True]Publish / Subscribe
PubSub对象subscribes to channels and listens for new messages。
>>> r = redis.StrictRedis(...) >>> p = r.pubsub() >>> p.subscribe("my-first-channel", "my-second-channel", ...) >>> p.psubscribe("my-*", ...) >>> p.get_message() {"pattern": None, "type": "subscribe", "channel": "my-second-channel", "data": 1L} >>> p.get_message() {"pattern": None, "type": "subscribe", "channel": "my-first-channel", "data": 2L} >>> p.get_message() {"pattern": None, "type": "psubscribe", "channel": "my-*", "data": 3L}
type:其中一个, "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "psubscribe", "punsubscribe", "message", "pmessage"
channel: The channel [un]subscribed to or the channel a message was published to
pattern: The pattern that matched a published message"s channel. Will be None in all cases except for "pmessage" types.
data: The message data. With [un]subscribe messages, this value will be the number of channels and patterns the connection is currently subscribed to. With [p]message messages, this value will be the actual published message.
# the publish method returns the number matching channel and pattern # subscriptions. "my-first-channel" matches both the "my-first-channel" # subscription and the "my-*" pattern subscription, so this message will # be delivered to 2 channels/patterns >>> r.publish("my-first-channel", "some data") 2 >>> p.get_message() {"channel": "my-first-channel", "data": "some data", "pattern": None, "type": "message"} >>> p.get_message() {"channel": "my-first-channel", "data": "some data", "pattern": "my-*", "type": "pmessage"}
取消订阅:如果没有传递任何参数,那么这个PubSub订阅的所有的channels or patterns都会被取消。
>>> p.unsubscribe() >>> p.punsubscribe("my-*") >>> p.get_message() {"channel": "my-second-channel", "data": 2L, "pattern": None, "type": "unsubscribe"} >>> p.get_message() {"channel": "my-first-channel", "data": 1L, "pattern": None, "type": "unsubscribe"} >>> p.get_message() {"channel": "my-*", "data": 0L, "pattern": None, "type": "punsubscribe"}回调的方式处理发布的消息
Message handlers接受一个参数,the message,是一个字典对象。just like the examples above.
以回调形式订阅:subscribe接受关键字参数,键为channels or patterns,值为回调函数。
>>> def my_handler(message): ... print "MY HANDLER: ", message["data"] >>> p.subscribe(**{"my-channel": my_handler})
在你注册了回调处理的情况下, get_message()会返回None。
默认情况下除了发布消息之外,还会传递 subscribe/unsubscribe成功的确认消息,如果你不想接收它们:ignore_subscribe_messages=True
>>> p = r.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True) >>> p.subscribe("my-channel") >>> p.get_message() # hides the subscribe message and returns None >>> r.publish("my-channel") 1 >>> p.get_message() {"channel": "my-channel", "data": "my data", "pattern": None, "type": "message"}三种读取消息的方式
>>> while True: >>> message = p.get_message() >>> if message: >>> # do something with the message >>> time.sleep(0.001) # be nice to the system :)
>>> for message in p.listen(): ... # do something with the message
第三种,开启一个事件循环线程pubsub.run_in_thread()方法 creates a new thread and starts the event loop. 并返回线程对象。
>>> p.subscribe(**{"my-channel": my_handler}) >>> thread = p.run_in_thread(sleep_time=0.001) # the event loop is now running in the background processing messages # when it"s time to shut it down... >>> thread.stop()关于字符编码:
默认情况下,publish的消息会被编码,当你获取消息时得到的是编码后的字节,如果你需要它自动解码,创建Redis client实例时需要指定decode_responses=True,(译者注:不建议使用该选项,因为当存在pickle序列化的值时,client.get(key)时会出现解码失败的错误UnicodeDecodeError)
关闭释放资源:PubSub.close() method to shutdown the connection.
>>> p = r.pubsub() >>> ... >>> p.close()LUA Scripting支持:
Sentinel support与节点发现:Redis Sentinel用于发现Redis节点。请确保至少一个Sentinel daemon 进程在运行。
你可以使用Sentinel connection to discover the master and slaves network addresses:
>>> from redis.sentinel import Sentinel >>> sentinel = Sentinel([("localhost", 26379)], socket_timeout=0.1) >>> sentinel.discover_master("mymaster") ("", 6379) >>> sentinel.discover_slaves("mymaster") [("", 6380)] >>> master = sentinel.master_for("mymaster", socket_timeout=0.1) >>> slave = sentinel.slave_for("mymaster", socket_timeout=0.1) >>> master.set("foo", "bar") >>> slave.get("foo") "bar"
上面的master and slave对象就是一个普通的StrictRedis对象实例。如果Sentinel配置了连接池的话,它们还会使用这个连接池。
可能抛出的异常:MasterNotFoundError ,SlaveNotFoundError 它们都是ConnectionError的子类
Redis 2.8之后有了*SCAN命令。redis-py also exposes the following methods that return Python iterators for convenience: scan_iter, hscan_iter, sscan_iter and zscan_iter.
>>> for key, value in (("A", "1"), ("B", "2"), ("C", "3")): ... r.set(key, value) >>> for key in r.scan_iter(): ... print key, r.get(key) A 1 B 2 C 3
摘要:由于学习实战用的是,需要按的客户端库。提供两个类,和。还写了一个版本的即。使用可以使得客户端解析服务端响应内容的速度提升倍。而且当执行检索多条数据时性能更显著,如等。 由于学习《Redis实战》用的是Python,需要按Python的redis客户端库。被几个库搞得有点晕,在此区分一下。 区分hiredis、hiredis-py、redis-py redis官网Github:https...
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