def start(self): """Start serving this service using loaded configuration. Also, retrieve updated port number in case "0" was passed in, which indicates a random port should be used. :returns: None """ if self.manager: self.manager.init_host() self.manager.pre_start_hook() if self.backdoor_port is not None: self.manager.backdoor_port = self.backdoor_port self.server.start() if self.manager: self.manager.post_start_hook()
def pre_start_hook(self): """After the service is initialized, but before we fully bring the service up by listening on RPC queues, make sure to update our available resources (and indirectly our available nodes). """ self.update_available_resource(nova.context.get_admin_context()) ... @periodic_task.periodic_task def update_available_resource(self, context): """See driver.get_available_resource() Periodic process that keeps that the compute host"s understanding of resource availability and usage in sync with the underlying hypervisor. :param context: security context """ new_resource_tracker_dict = {} nodenames = set(self.driver.get_available_nodes()) for nodename in nodenames: rt = self._get_resource_tracker(nodename) rt.update_available_resource(context) new_resource_tracker_dict[nodename] = rt # Delete orphan compute node not reported by driver but still in db compute_nodes_in_db = self._get_compute_nodes_in_db(context, use_slave=True) for cn in compute_nodes_in_db: if cn.hypervisor_hostname not in nodenames: LOG.audit(_("Deleting orphan compute node %s") % cn.id) cn.destroy() self._resource_tracker_dict = new_resource_tracker_dict
def update_available_resource(self, context): """Override in-memory calculations of compute node resource usage based on data audited from the hypervisor layer. Add in resource claims in progress to account for operations that have declared a need for resources, but not necessarily retrieved them from the hypervisor layer yet. """ LOG.audit(_("Auditing locally available compute resources")) resources = self.driver.get_available_resource(self.nodename) if not resources: # The virt driver does not support this function LOG.audit(_("Virt driver does not support " ""get_available_resource" Compute tracking is disabled.")) self.compute_node = None return resources["host_ip"] = CONF.my_ip # TODO(berrange): remove this once all virt drivers are updated # to report topology if "numa_topology" not in resources: resources["numa_topology"] = None self._verify_resources(resources) self._report_hypervisor_resource_view(resources) return self._update_available_resource(context, resources)
class LibvirtDriver(driver.ComputeDriver): def get_available_resource(self, nodename): """Retrieve resource information. This method is called when nova-compute launches, and as part of a periodic task that records the results in the DB. :param nodename: will be put in PCI device :returns: dictionary containing resource info """ # Temporary: convert supported_instances into a string, while keeping # the RPC version as JSON. Can be changed when RPC broadcast is removed stats = self.get_host_stats(refresh=True) stats["supported_instances"] = jsonutils.dumps( stats["supported_instances"]) return stats def get_host_stats(self, refresh=False): """Return the current state of the host. If "refresh" is True, run update the stats first. """ return self.host_state.get_host_stats(refresh=refresh) def _get_vcpu_total(self): """Get available vcpu number of physical computer. :returns: the number of cpu core instances can be used. """ if self._vcpu_total != 0: return self._vcpu_total try: total_pcpus = self._conn.getInfo()[2] + 1 except libvirt.libvirtError: LOG.warn(_LW("Cannot get the number of cpu, because this " "function is not implemented for this platform. ")) return 0 if CONF.vcpu_pin_set is None: self._vcpu_total = total_pcpus return self._vcpu_total available_ids = hardware.get_vcpu_pin_set() if sorted(available_ids)[-1] >= total_pcpus: raise exception.Invalid(_("Invalid vcpu_pin_set config, " "out of hypervisor cpu range.")) self._vcpu_total = len(available_ids) return self._vcpu_total ..... class HostState(object): """Manages information about the compute node through libvirt.""" def __init__(self, driver): super(HostState, self).__init__() self._stats = {} self.driver = driver self.update_status() def get_host_stats(self, refresh=False): """Return the current state of the host. If "refresh" is True, run update the stats first. """ if refresh or not self._stats: self.update_status() return self._stats def update_status(self): """Retrieve status info from libvirt.""" ... data["vcpus"] = self.driver._get_vcpu_total() data["memory_mb"] = self.driver._get_memory_mb_total() data["local_gb"] = disk_info_dict["total"] data["vcpus_used"] = self.driver._get_vcpu_used() data["memory_mb_used"] = self.driver._get_memory_mb_used() data["local_gb_used"] = disk_info_dict["used"] data["hypervisor_type"] = self.driver._get_hypervisor_type() data["hypervisor_version"] = self.driver._get_hypervisor_version() data["hypervisor_hostname"] = self.driver._get_hypervisor_hostname() data["cpu_info"] = self.driver._get_cpu_info() data["disk_available_least"] = _get_disk_available_least() ...
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