对于每个问题抓取 标题,关注人数,回答数等数据
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import scrapy import os import time import re import json from ..items import zhihuQuestionItem # mode 1:tencent 2:free mode = 2 proxy = "https://web-proxy.oa.com:8080" if mode == 1 else "" # 设置 用户名和密码 email = "youremail" password = "yourpassword" class zhihu_topicSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = "zhihu_topicSpider" zhihu_url = "https://www.zhihu.com" login_url = "https://www.zhihu.com/login/email" topic = "https://www.zhihu.com/topic" domain = "https://www.zhihu.com" # 设置 Headers headers_dict = { "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.8", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Host": "www.zhihu.com", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.109 Safari/537.36" } def start_requests(self): yield scrapy.Request( url=self.zhihu_url, headers=self.headers_dict, meta={ "proxy": proxy, "cookiejar": 1 }, callback=self.request_captcha ) def request_captcha(self, response): # 获取_xsrf值 _xsrf = response.css("input[name="_xsrf"]::attr(value)").extract()[0] # 获得验证码的地址 captcha_url = "http://www.zhihu.com/captcha.gif?r=" + str(time.time() * 1000) # 准备下载验证码 # 获取请求 yield scrapy.Request( url=captcha_url, headers=self.headers_dict, meta={ "proxy": proxy, "cookiejar": response.meta["cookiejar"], "_xsrf": _xsrf }, callback=self.download_captcha ) def download_captcha(self, response): # 下载验证码 with open("captcha.gif", "wb") as fp: fp.write(response.body) # 打开验证码 os.system("open captcha.gif") # 输入验证码 print "请输入验证码: " captcha = raw_input() # 输入账号和密码 yield scrapy.FormRequest( url=self.login_url, headers=self.headers_dict, formdata={ "email": email, "password": password, "_xsrf": response.meta["_xsrf"], "remember_me": "true", "captcha": captcha }, meta={ "proxy": proxy, "cookiejar": response.meta["cookiejar"], }, callback=self.request_zhihu ) def request_zhihu(self, response): """ 现在已经登录,请求www.zhihu.com的页面 """ yield scrapy.Request(url=self.topic + "/19760570", headers=self.headers_dict, meta={ "proxy": proxy, "cookiejar": response.meta["cookiejar"], }, callback=self.get_topic_question, dont_filter=True) def get_topic_question(self, response): # with open("topic.html", "wb") as fp: # fp.write(response.body) # 获得话题下的question的url question_urls = response.css(".question_link[target=_blank]::attr(href)").extract() length = len(question_urls) k = -1 j = 0 temp = [] for j in range(length/3): temp.append(question_urls[k+3]) j+=1 k+=3 for url in temp: yield scrapy.Request(url = self.zhihu_url+url, headers = self.headers_dict, meta = { "proxy": proxy, "cookiejar": response.meta["cookiejar"], }, callback = self.parse_question_data) def parse_question_data(self, response): item = zhihuQuestionItem() item["qid"] = re.search("d+",response.url).group() item["title"] = response.css(".zm-item-title::text").extract()[0].strip() item["answers_num"] = response.css("h3::attr(data-num)").extract()[0] question_nums = response.css(".zm-side-section-inner .zg-gray-normal strong::text").extract() item["followers_num"] = question_nums[0] item["visitsCount"] = question_nums[1] item["topic_views"] = question_nums[2] topic_tags = response.css(".zm-item-tag::text").extract() if len(topic_tags) >= 3: item["topic_tag0"] = topic_tags[0].strip() item["topic_tag1"] = topic_tags[1].strip() item["topic_tag2"] = topic_tags[2].strip() elif len(topic_tags) == 2: item["topic_tag0"] = topic_tags[0].strip() item["topic_tag1"] = topic_tags[1].strip() item["topic_tag2"] = "-" elif len(topic_tags) == 1: item["topic_tag0"] = topic_tags[0].strip() item["topic_tag1"] = "-" item["topic_tag2"] = "-" # print type(item["title"]) question_links = response.css(".question_link::attr(href)").extract() yield item for url in question_links: yield scrapy.Request(url = self.zhihu_url+url, headers = self.headers_dict, meta = { "proxy": proxy, "cookiejar": response.meta["cookiejar"], }, callback = self.parse_question_data)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Define your item pipelines here # # Don"t forget to add your pipeline to the ITEM_PIPELINES setting # See: http://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/item-pipeline.html # import json import MySQLdb # class JsonDumpPipeline(object): # def process_item(self, item, spider): # with open("d.json", "a") as fp: # fp.write(json.dumps(dict(item), ensure_ascii = False).encode("utf-8") + " ") class MySQLPipeline(object): print " " sql_questions = ( "INSERT INTO questions(" "qid, title, answers_num, followers_num, visitsCount, topic_views, topic_tag0, topic_tag1, topic_tag2) " "VALUES ("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")") count = 0 def open_spider(self, spider): host = "localhost" user = "root" password = "wangqi" dbname = "zh" self.conn = MySQLdb.connect(host, user, password, dbname) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() self.conn.set_character_set("utf8") self.cursor.execute("SET NAMES utf8;") self.cursor.execute("SET CHARACTER SET utf8;") self.cursor.execute("SET character_set_connection=utf8;") print " MYSQL DB CURSOR INIT SUCCESS!! " sql = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS questions (" "qid VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL," "title varchar(100)," "answers_num INT(11)," "followers_num INT(11) NOT NULL," "visitsCount INT(11)," "topic_views INT(11)," "topic_tag0 VARCHAR (600)," "topic_tag1 VARCHAR (600)," "topic_tag2 VARCHAR (600)," "PRIMARY KEY (qid)" ")") self.cursor.execute(sql) print " TABLES ARE READY! " def process_item(self, item, spider): sql = self.sql_questions % (item["qid"], item["title"], item["answers_num"],item["followers_num"], item["visitsCount"], item["topic_views"], item["topic_tag0"], item["topic_tag1"], item["topic_tag2"]) self.cursor.execute(sql) if self.count % 10 == 0: self.conn.commit() self.count += 1 print item["qid"] + " DATA COLLECTED!"
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Define here the models for your scraped items # # See documentation in: # http://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/items.html import scrapy from scrapy import Field class zhihuQuestionItem(scrapy.Item): qid = Field() title = Field() followers_num = Field() answers_num = Field() visitsCount = Field() topic_views = Field() topic_tag0 = Field() topic_tag1 = Field() topic_tag2 = Field()
摘要:在抓取数据之前,请在浏览器中登录过知乎,这样才使得是有效的。所谓的模拟登陆,只是在中尽量的模拟在浏览器中的交互过程,使服务端无感抓包过程。若是帮你解决了问题,或者给了你启发,不要吝啬给加一星。 折腾了将近两天,中间数次想要放弃,还好硬着头皮搞下去了,在此分享出来,希望有同等需求的各位能少走一些弯路。 源码放在了github上, 欢迎前往查看。 若是帮你解决了问题,或者给了你启发,不要吝...
摘要:很多人学习爬虫的第一驱动力就是爬取各大网站的妹子图片,比如比较有名的。最后我们只需要运行程序,即可执行爬取,程序运行命名如下完整代码我已上传到微信公众号后台,在痴海公众号后台回复即可获取。本文首发于公众号痴海,后台回复即可获取最新编程资源。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000016780800); 阅读文本大概需要 1...
摘要:话题精华即为知乎的高票回答。下面的项目中还包含了另外一个爬取的知乎的动态。 作者:William本文为原创文章,转载请注明作者及出处 Electron 可以让你使用纯 JavaScript 调用 Chrome 丰富的原生的接口来创造桌面应用。你可以把它看作一个专注于桌面应用的 Node.js 的变体,而不是 Web 服务器。其基于浏览器的应用方式可以极方便的做各种响应式的交互,接下来介...
摘要:楚江数据是专业的互联网数据技术服务,现整理出零基础如何学爬虫技术以供学习,。本文来源知乎作者路人甲链接楚江数据提供网站数据采集和爬虫软件定制开发服务,服务范围涵盖社交网络电子商务分类信息学术研究等。 楚江数据是专业的互联网数据技术服务,现整理出零基础如何学爬虫技术以供学习,http://www.chujiangdata.com。 第一:Python爬虫学习系列教程(来源于某博主:htt...
摘要:今天为大家整理了个爬虫项目。地址新浪微博爬虫主要爬取新浪微博用户的个人信息微博信息粉丝和关注。代码获取新浪微博进行登录,可通过多账号登录来防止新浪的反扒。涵盖链家爬虫一文的全部代码,包括链家模拟登录代码。支持微博知乎豆瓣。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000018452185?w=1000&h=667); 今天为大家整...
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