How to deploy MySQL-Server Docker using Helm Chart in Kubernetes with Persistent Volume!
Pull MySQL Server docker image from Docker repository, tag it as
appreciate, then push to private repository.
docker pull mysql/mysql-server:5.7.21 docker tag mysql/mysql-server:5.7.21 qio01:5000/mysql-server:latest docker push
Exec helm init to initialize Helm Chart.
Edit Chart.yaml. This is optional, it is just to provide information of your deployment and make it more professional.
description: MySQL is the world"s most popular open source database. With its proven performance, reliability, and ease-of-use, MySQL has become the leading choice of database for web applications of all sorts, ranging from personal websites and small online shops all the way to large-scale, high profile web operations like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. home: http://www.mysql.com icon: https://www.mysql.com/common/logos/logo-mysql-170x115.png keywords: - component=repo.mysql.com/yum/mysql-5.7-community/docker/x86_64/mysql-community-server-minimal-5.7.21-1.el7.x86_64.rpm maintainers: - email: hiroshifuu@outlook.com name: Feng Hao name: mysqldb sources: - https://hub.docker.com/r/mysql/mysql-server/ version: 1.0
Edit values.yaml. You may want to specific the password, by setting mysqldbPassword: password.
image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: qio01:5000/mysql-server tag: latest persistence: accessMode: ReadWriteOnce enabled: true size: 40Gi storageClass: standard resources: requests: memory: 512Mi cpu: 500m serviceType: ClusterIP mysqldbPassword: password
Create secret.yaml. If you have defined the mysqlRootPassword, the password will be configured. You could define a different password for root in the values.yaml by setting mysqlRootPassword.
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: {{ template "fullname" . }} labels: app: {{ template "fullname" . }} chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}" release: "{{ .Release.Name }}" heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}" type: Opaque data: mysqldb-root-password: {{ default "" .Values.mysqlRootPassword | b64enc | quote }} mysqldb-password: {{ default "" .Values.mysqldbPassword | b64enc | quote }} {{- if .Values.mysqlRootPassword }} data-source-name: {{ printf "root%s@(localhost:3306)/" .Values.mysqlRootPassword | b64enc | quote}} {{- else }} data-source-name: {{ printf "root@(localhost:3306)/" | b64enc | quote}} {{- end }}
Edit deployment.yaml. A few things you might be interested to look at. The env configurations. MySQL user password, root password, default database, and allow for empty password all can be found here. The most important configuration is the mountPath of volumeMounts. This is for persistent storage, you need to set the mountPath correctly, different MySQL distribution will use different path.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: {{ template "fullname" . }} labels: app: {{ template "fullname" . }} chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}" release: "{{ .Release.Name }}" heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}" spec: template: metadata: labels: app: {{ template "fullname" . }} release: {{ .Release.Name }} component: "{{.Release.Name}}" nautilian.snapshot.enabled: "true" spec: containers: - name: {{ template "fullname" . }} image: {{ .Values.image.repository}}:{{ .Values.image.tag}} imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }} env: - name: MYSQLDB_ROOT_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: {{ template "fullname" . }} key: mysqldb-root-password - name: MYSQLDB_USER value: {{ default "" .Values.mysqldbUser | quote }} - name: MYSQLDB_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: {{ template "fullname" . }} key: mysqldb-password - name: MYSQLDB_DATABASE value: {{ default "" .Values.mysqldbDatabase | quote }} - name: ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD value: "yes" ports: - name: mysql containerPort: 3306 livenessProbe: exec: command: - mysqladmin - ping initialDelaySeconds: 30 timeoutSeconds: 5 readinessProbe: exec: command: - mysqladmin - ping initialDelaySeconds: 5 timeoutSeconds: 1 resources: {{ toYaml .Values.resources | indent 10 }} volumeMounts: - name: data mountPath: /var/lib/mysql volumes: - name: config configMap: name: {{ template "fullname" . }} - name: data {{- if .Values.persistence.enabled }} persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: {{ .Values.persistence.existingClaim | default (include "fullname" .) }} {{- else }} emptyDir: {} {{- end -}}
Create svc.yaml to create a service in kubernetes.
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: {{ template "fullname" . }} labels: app: {{ template "fullname" . }} chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}" release: "{{ .Release.Name }}" heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}" spec: type: {{ .Values.serviceType }} ports: - name: mysql port: 3306 targetPort: 3306 selector: app: {{ template "fullname" . }}
Create pvc.yaml for the persistent volume.
{{- if and .Values.persistence.enabled (not .Values.persistence.existingClaim) }} kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: {{ template "fullname" . }} labels: app: {{ template "fullname" . }} chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}" release: "{{ .Release.Name }}" heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}" annotations: {{- if .Values.persistence.storageClass }} volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class: {{ .Values.persistence.storageClass | quote }} {{- else }} volume.alpha.kubernetes.io/storage-class: default {{- end }} spec: accessModes: - {{ .Values.persistence.accessMode | quote }} resources: requests: storage: {{ .Values.persistence.size | quote }} {{- end }}
Deploy using helm install.
$ helm install--name --namespace name
Login to the shell of the Pod to do MySQL configurations. Grant all privileges on that database and (in the future) tables. WITH GRANT OPTION creates a MySQL user that can edit the permissions of other users.
摘要: How to deploy MySQL-Server Docker using Helm Chart in Kubernetes with Persistent Volume! Pull MySQL Server docker image from Docker repository, tag it asappreciate, then push to private repos...
摘要:参考中文指南使用管理应用参考官方文档,环境安装时其指向安装客户端,版本参考。如下所示,在主机安装当前最新文档版可选。 参考: Make a Kubernetes Operator in 15 minutes with Helm; Deploy Monocular on OpenShift; Helm中文指南; 使用Helm管理kubernetes应用; https://he...
摘要:参考中文指南使用管理应用参考官方文档,环境安装时其指向安装客户端,版本参考。如下所示,在主机安装当前最新文档版可选。 参考: Make a Kubernetes Operator in 15 minutes with Helm; Deploy Monocular on OpenShift; Helm中文指南; 使用Helm管理kubernetes应用; https://he...
摘要:由两部分组成,客户端和服务端。其中运行在集群上,管理,而客户端就是一个命令行工具,可在本地运行,一般运行在持续集成持续交付的服务器上。命令行中的参数可以根据需要改成你自己期望的名字。 什么是Helm?这可不是暗黑破坏神里装备的名称:头盔,而是Kubernetes的一个包管理工具,用来简化Kubernetes应用的部署和管理。我们Helm和Kubernetes的关系,我们可以理解成yum...
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