注意,本例中只拿普通数组做例子进行分析1. 简介
composer require "kphoen/rulerz"3.使用 - 过滤
$players = [ ["pseudo" => "Joe", "fullname" => "Joe la frite", "gender" => "M", "points" => 2500], ["pseudo" => "Moe", "fullname" => "Moe, from the bar!", "gender" => "M", "points" => 1230], ["pseudo" => "Alice", "fullname" => "Alice, from... you know.", "gender" => "F", "points" => 9001], ];
use RulerZCompilerCompiler; use RulerZTarget; use RulerZRulerZ; // compiler $compiler = Compiler::create(); // RulerZ engine $rulerz = new RulerZ( $compiler, [ new TargetNativeNative([ // 请注意,这里是添加目标编译器,处理数组类型的数据源时对应的是Native "length" => "strlen" ]), ] );
$rule = "gender = :gender and points > :min_points"
$parameters = [ "min_points" => 30, "gender" => "F", ]; $result = iterator_to_array( $rulerz->filter($players, $rule, $parameters) // the parameters can be omitted if empty ); // result 是一个过滤后的数组 array:1 [▼ 0 => array:4 [▼ "pseudo" => "Alice" "fullname" => "Alice, from... you know." "gender" => "F" "points" => 9001 ] ]4.使用 - 判断是否满足规则
$rulerz->satisfies($player, $rule, $parameters); // 返回布尔值,true表示满足5.底层代码解读
2.初始化RulerZ引擎,new RulerZ()
先看一下RulerZ的构建方法:public function __construct(Compiler $compiler, array $compilationTargets = []) { $this->compiler = $compiler; foreach ($compilationTargets as $targetCompiler) { $this->registerCompilationTarget($targetCompiler); } }这里的第一个参数,就是刚刚的编译器类,第二个是目标编译器类(实际处理数据源的),因为我们选择的是数组,所以这里的目标编译器是Native,引擎会将这个目标编译类放到自己的属性$compilationTargets。
public function registerCompilationTarget(CompilationTarget $compilationTarget): void { $this->compilationTargets[] = $compilationTarget; }3.运用filter或satisfies方法
以filter为例:public function filter($target, string $rule, array $parameters = [], array $executionContext = []) { $targetCompiler = $this->findTargetCompiler($target, CompilationTarget::MODE_FILTER); $compilationContext = $targetCompiler->createCompilationContext($target); $executor = $this->compiler->compile($rule, $targetCompiler, $compilationContext); return $executor->filter($target, $parameters, $targetCompiler->getOperators()->getOperators(), new ExecutionContext($executionContext)); }第一步会检查目标编译器是否支持筛选模式。
第二步创建编译上下文,这个一般统一是Context类实例public function createCompilationContext($target): Context { return new Context(); }第三步,执行compiler的compile()方法
public function compile(string $rule, CompilationTarget $target, Context $context): Executor { $context["rule_identifier"] = $this->getRuleIdentifier($target, $context, $rule); $context["executor_classname"] = "Executor_".$context["rule_identifier"]; $context["executor_fqcn"] = "RulerZCompiledExecutorExecutor_".$context["rule_identifier"]; if (!class_exists($context["executor_fqcn"], false)) { $compiler = function () use ($rule, $target, $context) { return $this->compileToSource($rule, $target, $context); }; $this->evaluator->evaluate($context["rule_identifier"], $compiler); } return new $context["executor_fqcn"](); } protected function getRuleIdentifier(CompilationTarget $compilationTarget, Context $context, string $rule): string { return hash("crc32b", get_class($compilationTarget).$rule.$compilationTarget->getRuleIdentifierHint($rule, $context)); } protected function compileToSource(string $rule, CompilationTarget $compilationTarget, Context $context): string { $ast = $this->parser->parse($rule); $executorModel = $compilationTarget->compile($ast, $context); $flattenedTraits = implode(PHP_EOL, array_map(function ($trait) { return " "."use ".ltrim($trait, "").";"; }, $executorModel->getTraits())); $extraCode = ""; foreach ($executorModel->getCompiledData() as $key => $value) { $extraCode .= sprintf("private $%s = %s;".PHP_EOL, $key, var_export($value, true)); } $commentedRule = str_replace(PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL." // ", $rule); return <<getCompiledRule()}; } } EXECUTOR; } 这段代码会依照crc13算法生成一个哈希串和Executor拼接作为执行器临时类的名称,并将执行器相关代码写进上文提到的临时目录中去。生成的代码如下:
// /private/var/folders/w_/sh4r42wn4_b650l3pc__fh7h0000gp/T/rulerz_executor_ff2800e8 :min_points and points > :min_points protected function execute($target, array $operators, array $parameters) { return ($this->unwrapArgument($target["gender"]) == $parameters["gender"] && ($this->unwrapArgument($target["points"]) > $parameters["min_points"] && $this->unwrapArgument($target["points"]) > $parameters["min_points"])); } }这个临时类文件就是最后要执行过滤动作的类。
execute方法就是根据具体的参数和操作符挨个判断每行中对应的cell是否符合判断来返回true/false。public function filter($target, array $parameters, array $operators, ExecutionContext $context) { return IteratorTools::fromGenerator(function () use ($target, $parameters, $operators) { foreach ($target as $row) { $targetRow = is_array($row) ? $row : new ObjectContext($row); if ($this->execute($targetRow, $operators, $parameters)) { yield $row; } } }); }satisfies和filter基本逻辑类似,只是最后satisfies是执行单条判断。
Go further - 抽象语法树
这就涉及另一个问题了,抽象语法树(AST)。我们都知道php zend引擎在解读代码的过程中有一个过程是语法和词法分析,这个过程叫做parser,中间会将代码转化为抽象语法树,这是引擎能够读懂代码的关键步骤。
gender = :gender and points > :min_points
这里, =、and、>都是操作符,但是机器并不知道他们是操作符,也不知道其他字段是什么含义。
function ($a, $b) { return sprintf("(%s && %s)", $a, $b); }, "or" => function ($a, $b) { return sprintf("(%s || %s)", $a, $b); }, "not" => function ($a) { return sprintf("!(%s)", $a); }, "=" => function ($a, $b) { return sprintf("%s == %s", $a, $b); }, "is" => function ($a, $b) { return sprintf("%s === %s", $a, $b); }, "!=" => function ($a, $b) { return sprintf("%s != %s", $a, $b); }, ">" => function ($a, $b) { return sprintf("%s > %s", $a, $b); }, ">=" => function ($a, $b) { return sprintf("%s >= %s", $a, $b); }, "<" => function ($a, $b) { return sprintf("%s < %s", $a, $b); }, "<=" => function ($a, $b) { return sprintf("%s <= %s", $a, $b); }, "in" => function ($a, $b) { return sprintf("in_array(%s, %s)", $a, $b); }, ]; $defaultOperators = [ "sum" => function () { return array_sum(func_get_args()); }, ]; $definitions = new Definitions($defaultOperators, $defaultInlineOperators); return $definitions->mergeWith($customOperators); } }在RulerZParserParser中,有如下方法:
public function parse($rule) { if ($this->parser === null) { $this->parser = CompilerLlk::load( new FileRead(__DIR__."/../Grammar.pp") ); } $this->nextParameterIndex = 0; return $this->visit($this->parser->parse($rule)); }这里要解读一个核心语法文件Grammar.pp,Pascal语法脚本:
// // Hoa // // // @license // // New BSD License // // Copyright © 2007-2015, Ivan Enderlin. All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Hoa nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without // specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Inspired from HoaRulerGrammar. // // @author Stéphane Py// @author Ivan Enderlin // @author Kévin Gomez // @copyright Copyright © 2007-2015 Stéphane Py, Ivan Enderlin, Kévin Gomez. // @license New BSD License %skip space s // Scalars. %token true (?i)true %token false (?i)false %token null (?i)null // Logical operators %token not (?i)not %token and (?i)and %token or (?i)or %token xor (?i)xor // Value %token string ("|")(.*?)(? logical_operation() #operation )? operand: ::parenthesis_:: logical_operation() ::_parenthesis:: | value() parameter: | value: ::not:: logical_operation() #not | | | | | | | parameter() | variable() | array_declaration() | function_call() variable: ( object_access() #variable_access )* object_access: ::dot:: #attribute_access #array_declaration: ::bracket_:: value() ( ::comma:: value() )* ::_bracket:: #function_call: ::parenthesis_:: ( logical_operation() ( ::comma:: logical_operation() )* )? ::_parenthesis:: 上面Llk::load方法会加载这个基础语法内容并解析出片段tokens,tokens解析的逻辑就是正则匹配出我们需要的一些操作符和基础标识符,并将对应的正则表达式提取出来:
array:1 [▼ "default" => array:20 [▼ "skip" => "s" "true" => "(?i)true" "false" => "(?i)false" "null" => "(?i)null" "not" => "(?i)not" "and" => "(?i)and" "or" => "(?i)or" "xor" => "(?i)xor" "string" => "("|")(.*?)(? "-?d+.d+" "integer" => "-?d+" "parenthesis_" => "(" "_parenthesis" => ")" "bracket_" => "[" "_bracket" => "]" "comma" => "," "dot" => "." "positional_parameter" => "?" "named_parameter" => ":[a-z-A-Z0-9_]+" "identifier" => "[^s()[],.]+" ] ]这一步也会生成一个rawRules
array:10 [▼ "#expression" => " logical_operation()" "logical_operation" => " operation() ( ( ::and:: #and | ::or:: #or | ::xor:: #xor ) logical_operation() )?" "operation" => " operand() (logical_operation() #operation )?" "operand" => " ::parenthesis_:: logical_operation() ::_parenthesis:: | value()" "parameter" => " | " "value" => " ::not:: logical_operation() #not | | | | | | | parameter() | variable() | array_declaration() | function_call( ▶" "variable" => " ( object_access() #variable_access )*" "object_access" => " ::dot:: #attribute_access" "#array_declaration" => " ::bracket_:: value() ( ::comma:: value() )* ::_bracket::" "#function_call" => " ::parenthesis_:: ( logical_operation() ( ::comma:: logical_operation() )* )? ::_parenthesis::" ] 这个rawRules会通过analyzer类的analyzeRules方法解析替换里面的::表示的空位,根据$_ppLexemes属性的值,CompilerLlkLexer()词法解析器会将rawRules数组每一个元素解析放入双向链表栈(SplStack)中,然后再通过对该栈插入和删除操作,形成一个包含所有操作符和token实例的数组$rules。
array:54 [▼ 0 => Concatenation {#64 ▶} "expression" => Concatenation {#65 ▼ #_name: "expression" #_children: array:1 [▼ 0 => 0 ] #_nodeId: "#expression" #_nodeOptions: [] #_defaultId: "#expression" #_defaultOptions: [] #_pp: " logical_operation()" #_transitional: false } 2 => Token {#62 ▶} 3 => Concatenation {#63 ▼ #_name: 3 #_children: array:1 [▼ 0 => 2 ] #_nodeId: "#and" #_nodeOptions: [] #_defaultId: null #_defaultOptions: [] #_pp: null #_transitional: true } 4 => Token {#68 ▶} 5 => Concatenation {#69 ▶} 6 => Token {#70 ▶} 7 => Concatenation {#71 ▶} 8 => Choice {#72 ▶} 9 => Concatenation {#73 ▶} 10 => Repetition {#74 ▶} "logical_operation" => Concatenation {#75 ▶} 12 => Token {#66 ▶} 13 => Concatenation {#67 ▶} 14 => Repetition {#78 ▶} "operation" => Concatenation {#79 ▶} 16 => Token {#76 ▶} 17 => Token {#77 ▶} 18 => Concatenation {#82 ▶} "operand" => Choice {#83 ▶} 20 => Token {#80 ▶} 21 => Token {#81 ▼ #_tokenName: "named_parameter" #_namespace: null #_regex: null #_ast: null #_value: null #_kept: true #_unification: -1 #_name: 21 #_children: null #_nodeId: null #_nodeOptions: [] #_defaultId: null #_defaultOptions: [] #_pp: null #_transitional: true } "parameter" => Choice {#86 ▶} 23 => Token {#84 ▶} 24 => Concatenation {#85 ▶} 25 => Token {#89 ▶} 26 => Token {#90 ▶} 27 => Token {#91 ▶} 28 => Token {#92 ▶} 29 => Token {#93 ▶} 30 => Token {#94 ▶} "value" => Choice {#95 ▶} 32 => Token {#87 ▶} 33 => Concatenation {#88 ▶} 34 => Repetition {#98 ▶} "variable" => Concatenation {#99 ▶} 36 => Token {#96 ▶} 37 => Token {#97 ▶} "object_access" => Concatenation {#102 ▶} 39 => Token {#100 ▶} 40 => Token {#101 ▶} 41 => Concatenation {#105 ▶} 42 => Repetition {#106 ▶} 43 => Token {#107 ▶} "array_declaration" => Concatenation {#108 ▶} 45 => Token {#103 ▶} 46 => Token {#104 ▶} 47 => Token {#111 ▶} 48 => Concatenation {#112 ▶} 49 => Repetition {#113 ▶} 50 => Concatenation {#114 ▶} 51 => Repetition {#115 ▶} 52 => Token {#116 ▶} "function_call" => Concatenation {#117 ▶} ]然后返回HoaCompilerLlkParser实例,这个实例有一个parse方法,正是此方法构成了一个语法树。
public function parse($text, $rule = null, $tree = true) { $k = 1024; if (isset($this->_pragmas["parser.lookahead"])) { $k = max(0, intval($this->_pragmas["parser.lookahead"])); } $lexer = new Lexer($this->_pragmas); $this->_tokenSequence = new IteratorBuffer( $lexer->lexMe($text, $this->_tokens), $k ); $this->_tokenSequence->rewind(); $this->_errorToken = null; $this->_trace = []; $this->_todo = []; if (false === array_key_exists($rule, $this->_rules)) { $rule = $this->getRootRule(); } $closeRule = new RuleEkzit($rule, 0); $openRule = new RuleEntry($rule, 0, [$closeRule]); $this->_todo = [$closeRule, $openRule]; do { $out = $this->unfold(); if (null !== $out && "EOF" === $this->_tokenSequence->current()["token"]) { break; } if (false === $this->backtrack()) { $token = $this->_errorToken; if (null === $this->_errorToken) { $token = $this->_tokenSequence->current(); } $offset = $token["offset"]; $line = 1; $column = 1; if (!empty($text)) { if (0 === $offset) { $leftnl = 0; } else { $leftnl = strrpos($text, " ", -(strlen($text) - $offset) - 1) ?: 0; } $rightnl = strpos($text, " ", $offset); $line = substr_count($text, " ", 0, $leftnl + 1) + 1; $column = $offset - $leftnl + (0 === $leftnl); if (false !== $rightnl) { $text = trim(substr($text, $leftnl, $rightnl - $leftnl), " "); } } throw new CompilerExceptionUnexpectedToken( "Unexpected token "%s" (%s) at line %d and column %d:" . " " . "%s" . " " . str_repeat(" ", $column - 1) . "↑", 0, [ $token["value"], $token["token"], $line, $column, $text ], $line, $column ); } } while (true); if (false === $tree) { return true; } $tree = $this->_buildTree(); if (!($tree instanceof TreeNode)) { throw new CompilerException( "Parsing error: cannot build AST, the trace is corrupted.", 1 ); } return $this->_tree = $tree; }我们得到的一个完整的语法树是这样的:
Rule {#120 ▼ #_root: Operator {#414 ▼ #_name: "and" #_arguments: array:2 [▼ 0 => Operator {#398 ▼ #_name: "=" #_arguments: array:2 [▼ 0 => Context {#396 ▼ #_id: "gender" #_dimensions: [] } 1 => Parameter {#397 ▼ -name: "gender" } ] #_function: false #_laziness: false #_id: null #_dimensions: [] } 1 => Operator {#413 ▼ #_name: "and" #_arguments: array:2 [▼ 0 => Operator {#401 ▼ #_name: ">" #_arguments: array:2 [▼ 0 => Context {#399 ▶} 1 => Parameter {#400 ▶} ] #_function: false #_laziness: false #_id: null #_dimensions: [] } 1 => Operator {#412 ▶} ] #_function: false #_laziness: true #_id: null #_dimensions: [] } ] #_function: false #_laziness: true #_id: null #_dimensions: [] } }这里有根节点、子节点、操作符参数以及HoaRulerModelOperator实例。
这时$executorModel = $compilationTarget->compile($ast, $context);就可以通过NativeVisitor的visit方法对这个语法树进行访问和分析了。
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function visitOperator(ASTOperator $element, &$handle = null, $eldnah = null) { $operatorName = $element->getName(); // the operator does not exist at all, throw an error before doing anything else. if (!$this->operators->hasInlineOperator($operatorName) && !$this->operators->hasOperator($operatorName)) { throw new OperatorNotFoundException($operatorName, sprintf("Operator "%s" does not exist.", $operatorName)); } // expand the arguments $arguments = array_map(function ($argument) use (&$handle, $eldnah) { return $argument->accept($this, $handle, $eldnah); }, $element->getArguments()); // and either inline the operator call if ($this->operators->hasInlineOperator($operatorName)) { $callable = $this->operators->getInlineOperator($operatorName); return call_user_func_array($callable, $arguments); } $inlinedArguments = empty($arguments) ? "" : ", ".implode(", ", $arguments); // or defer it. return sprintf("call_user_func($operators["%s"]%s)", $operatorName, $inlinedArguments); }那么编译好的规则可以通过以下方式得到:
$executorModel->getCompiledRule() // 规则就是 $this->unwrapArgument($target["gender"]) == $parameters["gender"] && ($this->unwrapArgument($target["points"]) > $parameters["min_points"] && $this->unwrapArgument($target["points"]) > $parameters["min_points"])自定义一个操作器由于官方文档太老且无更,所以如果你按照他的文档去自定义的话会哭晕,这里给出一个对应的示例。
$compiler = Compiler::create(); $rulerz = new RulerZ($compiler, [ new Native([ "length" => "strlen" ],[ "contains" => function ($a, $b) { return sprintf("strstr(%s, %s)", $a, $b); } ]) ]);上文中contains表示的是用系统函数strstr()来判断$a中是否包含$b字符,由于编译后的代码是通过字符串生成的,所以你在这个匿名函数中必须要用字符串表达判断逻辑,这也是其缺点之一。
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