容器可以很轻易的找到有很多实现示例,如 PHP-DI 、 YII-DI 等各种实现,通常他们要么大而全,要么高度适配特定业务,与实际需要存在冲突。
出于需要,我们自己造一个轻量级的轮子,为了保持规范,我们基于 PSR-11 来实现。
PSR 是 php-fig 提供的标准化建议,虽然不是官方组织,但是得到广泛认可。PSR-11 提供了容器接口。它包含 ContainerInterface 和 两个异常接口,并提供使用建议。
/** * Describes the interface of a container that exposes methods to read its entries. */ interface ContainerInterface { /** * Finds an entry of the container by its identifier and returns it. * * @param string $id Identifier of the entry to look for. * * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface No entry was found for **this** identifier. * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface Error while retrieving the entry. * * @return mixed Entry. */ public function get($id); /** * Returns true if the container can return an entry for the given identifier. * Returns false otherwise. * * `has($id)` returning true does not mean that `get($id)` will not throw an exception. * It does however mean that `get($id)` will not throw a `NotFoundExceptionInterface`. * * @param string $id Identifier of the entry to look for. * * @return bool */ public function has($id); }
abstract class AbstractContainer implements ContainerInterface { protected $resolvedEntries = []; /** * @var array */ protected $definitions = []; public function __construct($definitions = []) { foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) { $this->injection($id, $definition); } } public function get($id) { if (!$this->has($id)) { throw new NotFoundException("No entry or class found for {$id}"); } $instance = $this->make($id); return $instance; } public function has($id) { return isset($this->definitions[$id]); }
protected function make($name) { if (isset($this->resolvedEntries[$name])) { return $this->resolvedEntries[$name]; } $definition = $this->definitions[$name]; $params = []; if (is_array($definition) && isset($definition["class"])) { $params = $definition; $definition = $definition["class"]; unset($params["class"]); } $object = $this->reflector($definition, $params); return $this->resolvedEntries[$name] = $object; } public function reflector($concrete, array $params = []) { if ($concrete instanceof Closure) { return $concrete($params); } elseif (is_string($concrete)) { $reflection = new ReflectionClass($concrete); $dependencies = $this->getDependencies($reflection); foreach ($params as $index => $value) { $dependencies[$index] = $value; } return $reflection->newInstanceArgs($dependencies); } elseif (is_object($concrete)) { return $concrete; } } /** * @param ReflectionClass $reflection * @return array */ private function getDependencies($reflection) { $dependencies = []; $constructor = $reflection->getConstructor(); if ($constructor !== null) { $parameters = $constructor->getParameters(); $dependencies = $this->getParametersByDependencies($parameters); } return $dependencies; } /** * * 获取构造类相关参数的依赖 * @param array $dependencies * @return array $parameters * */ private function getParametersByDependencies(array $dependencies) { $parameters = []; foreach ($dependencies as $param) { if ($param->getClass()) { $paramName = $param->getClass()->name; $paramObject = $this->reflector($paramName); $parameters[] = $paramObject; } elseif ($param->isArray()) { if ($param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { $parameters[] = $param->getDefaultValue(); } else { $parameters[] = []; } } elseif ($param->isCallable()) { if ($param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { $parameters[] = $param->getDefaultValue(); } else { $parameters[] = function ($arg) { }; } } else { if ($param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { $parameters[] = $param->getDefaultValue(); } else { if ($param->allowsNull()) { $parameters[] = null; } else { $parameters[] = false; } } } } return $parameters; }
/** * @param string $id * @param string | array | callable $concrete * @throws ContainerException */ public function injection($id, $concrete) { if (!is_string($id)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( "The id parameter must be of type string, %s given", is_object($id) ? get_class($id) : gettype($id) )); } if (is_array($concrete) && !isset($concrete["class"])) { throw new ContainerException("数组必须包含类定义"); } $this->definitions[$id] = $concrete; }
class Container extends AbstractContainer implements ArrayAccess { public function offsetExists($offset) { return $this->has($offset); } public function offsetGet($offset) { return $this->get($offset); } public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { return $this->injection($offset, $value); } public function offsetUnset($offset) { unset($this->resolvedEntries[$offset]); unset($this->definitions[$offset]); } }
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摘要:开发者在笔记本上编译测试通过的容器可以批量地在生产环境中部署,包括虚拟机集群和其他的基础应用平台。容器进入容器名暴露端口暴露端口使用调试环境中安装了调试,需对进行配置后启用,配置如下配置完成后需要重启下容器。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bVbgmdS?w=567&h=272); Docker是一个开源的引擎,可以轻松的为任何应用创建一个轻...
摘要:开发者在笔记本上编译测试通过的容器可以批量地在生产环境中部署,包括虚拟机集群和其他的基础应用平台。容器进入容器名暴露端口暴露端口使用调试环境中安装了调试,需对进行配置后启用,配置如下配置完成后需要重启下容器。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bVbgmdS?w=567&h=272); Docker是一个开源的引擎,可以轻松的为任何应用创建一个轻...
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