对于异步的任务来说,Server 端的 master 进程与 worker 进程会自动将异步的事件添加到 reactor 的事件循环中去,task_worker 进程不允许存在异步任务。
对于异步的 Client 客户端、swoole_process:: signal、swoole_timer来说,PHP 代码并不存在 reactor 事件循环,这时候,swoole 就会为 PHP 代码创建相应的 swoole_event 的 reactor 事件循环,来模拟异步事件。
除了异步 Server 和 Client 库之外,Swoole 扩展还提供了直接操作底层 epoll/kqueue 事件循环的接口。可将其他扩展创建的 socket,PHP 代码中 stream/socket 扩展创建的 socket 等加入到 Swoole 的EventLoop 中。
只有了解了 swoole_event 的原理,才能更好的使用 swoole 中的定时器、信号、客户端等等异步事件接口。
swoole_event_add 添加异步事件函数首先利用 zend_parse_parameters 解析传入的参数信息,并复制给 zfd、cb_read 读回调函数、cb_write 写回调函数,event_flag 监控事件。
利用 swoole_convert_to_fd 将传入的 zfd 转为文件描述符
新建 php_reactor_fd 对象,并对其设置文件描述符、读写回调函数
php_swoole_check_reactor 检测是否存在 reactor,并对其进行初始化。
设置套接字文件描述符为非阻塞,在 reactor 中添加文件描述符
PHP_FUNCTION(swoole_event_add) { zval *cb_read = NULL; zval *cb_write = NULL; zval *zfd; char *func_name = NULL; long event_flag = 0; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z|zzl", &zfd, &cb_read, &cb_write, &event_flag) == FAILURE) { return; } int socket_fd = swoole_convert_to_fd(zfd TSRMLS_CC); php_reactor_fd *reactor_fd = emalloc(sizeof(php_reactor_fd)); reactor_fd->socket = zfd; sw_copy_to_stack(reactor_fd->socket, reactor_fd->stack.socket); sw_zval_add_ref(&reactor_fd->socket); if (cb_read!= NULL && !ZVAL_IS_NULL(cb_read)) { if (!sw_zend_is_callable(cb_read, 0, &func_name TSRMLS_CC)) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_ERROR, "Function "%s" is not callable", func_name); efree(func_name); RETURN_FALSE; } efree(func_name); reactor_fd->cb_read = cb_read; sw_zval_add_ref(&cb_read); sw_copy_to_stack(reactor_fd->cb_read, reactor_fd->stack.cb_read); } else { reactor_fd->cb_read = NULL; } if (cb_write!= NULL && !ZVAL_IS_NULL(cb_write)) { if (!sw_zend_is_callable(cb_write, 0, &func_name TSRMLS_CC)) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_ERROR, "Function "%s" is not callable", func_name); efree(func_name); RETURN_FALSE; } efree(func_name); reactor_fd->cb_write = cb_write; sw_zval_add_ref(&cb_write); sw_copy_to_stack(reactor_fd->cb_write, reactor_fd->stack.cb_write); } else { reactor_fd->cb_write = NULL; } php_swoole_check_reactor(); swSetNonBlock(socket_fd); //must be nonblock if (SwooleG.main_reactor->add(SwooleG.main_reactor, socket_fd, SW_FD_USER | event_flag) < 0) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "swoole_event_add failed."); RETURN_FALSE; } swConnection *socket = swReactor_get(SwooleG.main_reactor, socket_fd); socket->object = reactor_fd; socket->active = 1; socket->nonblock = 1; RETURN_LONG(socket_fd); }
sock 可以为以下四种类型:
int,就是文件描述符,包括 swoole_client->$sock、swoole_process->$pipe 或者其他 fd
stream 资源,就是 stream_socket_client/fsockopen 创建的资源
sockets 资源,就是 sockets 扩展中 socket_create 创建的资源,需要在编译时加入 ./configure --enable-sockets
object,swoole_process 或 swoole_client,底层自动转换为管道或客户端连接的 socket
从 swoole_convert_to_fd 中可以看到,
IS_LONG 的 if 分支最为简单,直接转为 long 类型即可。
IS_RESOURCE 资源类型分为两种
一种是 stream_socket_client/fsockopen,是标准 PHP 创建 socket 的方式,这时会调用 SW_ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE_NO_RETURN 将 zfd 转为 php_stream 类型,再将 php_stream 类型转为 socket_fd
另一种是 PHP 提供的套接字,此时需要利用 SW_ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE_NO_RETURN 将 zfd 转为 php_socket,socket_fd 就是 php_socket 的 bsd_socket 属性。
IS_OBJECT 对象类型也分为两种:
程序通过 instanceof_function 函数判断对象是 swoole_client,如果是则取出其 sock 属性对象
如果对象是 swoole_process 对象,则取出 pipe 对象。
SW_ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE_NO_RETURN 实际上是一个宏函数,利用的是 zend_fetch_resource 函数。
#define SW_ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE_NO_RETURN(rsrc, rsrc_type, passed_id, default_id, resource_type_name, resource_type) (rsrc = (rsrc_type) zend_fetch_resource(Z_RES_P(*passed_id), resource_type_name, resource_type)) int swoole_convert_to_fd(zval *zfd TSRMLS_DC) { php_stream *stream; int socket_fd; #ifdef SWOOLE_SOCKETS_SUPPORT php_socket *php_sock; #endif if (SW_Z_TYPE_P(zfd) == IS_RESOURCE) { if (SW_ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE_NO_RETURN(stream, php_stream *, &zfd, -1, NULL, php_file_le_stream())) { if (php_stream_cast(stream, PHP_STREAM_AS_FD_FOR_SELECT | PHP_STREAM_CAST_INTERNAL, (void* )&socket_fd, 1) != SUCCESS || socket_fd < 0) { return SW_ERR; } } else { #ifdef SWOOLE_SOCKETS_SUPPORT if (SW_ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE_NO_RETURN(php_sock, php_socket *, &zfd, -1, NULL, php_sockets_le_socket())) { socket_fd = php_sock->bsd_socket; } else { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "fd argument must be either valid PHP stream or valid PHP socket resource"); return SW_ERR; } #else swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "fd argument must be valid PHP stream resource"); return SW_ERR; #endif } } else if (SW_Z_TYPE_P(zfd) == IS_LONG) { socket_fd = Z_LVAL_P(zfd); if (socket_fd < 0) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "invalid file descriptor passed"); return SW_ERR; } } else if (SW_Z_TYPE_P(zfd) == IS_OBJECT) { zval *zsock = NULL; if (instanceof_function(Z_OBJCE_P(zfd), swoole_client_class_entry_ptr TSRMLS_CC)) { zsock = sw_zend_read_property(Z_OBJCE_P(zfd), zfd, SW_STRL("sock")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC); } else if (instanceof_function(Z_OBJCE_P(zfd), swoole_process_class_entry_ptr TSRMLS_CC)) { zsock = sw_zend_read_property(Z_OBJCE_P(zfd), zfd, SW_STRL("pipe")-1, 0 TSRMLS_CC); } if (zsock == NULL || ZVAL_IS_NULL(zsock)) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "object is not instanceof swoole_client or swoole_process."); return -1; } socket_fd = Z_LVAL_P(zsock); } else { return SW_ERR; } return socket_fd; }
php_swoole_check_reactor 用于检测 reactor 是否存在。
从函数中可以看到,异步事件只能在 CLI 模式下生效,不能用于 task_worker 进程中。
如果当前进程不存在 main_reactor,那么就要创建 reactor,并且设置事件的回调函数
将 swoole_event_wait 注册为 php 的 shutdown 函数。
void php_swoole_check_reactor() { if (likely(SwooleWG.reactor_init)) { return; } if (!SWOOLE_G(cli)) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_ERROR, "async-io must be used in PHP CLI mode."); return; } if (swIsTaskWorker()) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_ERROR, "can"t use async-io in task process."); return; } if (SwooleG.main_reactor == NULL) { swTraceLog(SW_TRACE_PHP, "init reactor"); SwooleG.main_reactor = (swReactor *) sw_malloc(sizeof(swReactor)); if (SwooleG.main_reactor == NULL) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_ERROR, "malloc failed."); return; } if (swReactor_create(SwooleG.main_reactor, SW_REACTOR_MAXEVENTS) < 0) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_ERROR, "failed to create reactor."); return; } #ifdef SW_COROUTINE SwooleG.main_reactor->can_exit = php_coroutine_reactor_can_exit; #endif //client, swoole_event_exit will set swoole_running = 0 SwooleWG.in_client = 1; SwooleWG.reactor_wait_onexit = 1; SwooleWG.reactor_ready = 0; //only client side php_swoole_at_shutdown("swoole_event_wait"); } SwooleG.main_reactor->setHandle(SwooleG.main_reactor, SW_FD_USER | SW_EVENT_READ, php_swoole_event_onRead); SwooleG.main_reactor->setHandle(SwooleG.main_reactor, SW_FD_USER | SW_EVENT_WRITE, php_swoole_event_onWrite); SwooleG.main_reactor->setHandle(SwooleG.main_reactor, SW_FD_USER | SW_EVENT_ERROR, php_swoole_event_onError); SwooleG.main_reactor->setHandle(SwooleG.main_reactor, SW_FD_WRITE, swReactor_onWrite); SwooleWG.reactor_init = 1; }swoole_event_set 函数
参数与 swoole_event_add 完全相同。如果传入 $fd 在 EventLoop 中不存在返回 false,用于修改事件监听的回调函数和掩码。
最核心的是调用了 SwooleG.main_reactor->set 函数。
PHP_FUNCTION(swoole_event_set) { zval *cb_read = NULL; zval *cb_write = NULL; zval *zfd; char *func_name = NULL; long event_flag = 0; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z|zzl", &zfd, &cb_read, &cb_write, &event_flag) == FAILURE) { return; } int socket_fd = swoole_convert_to_fd(zfd TSRMLS_CC); swConnection *socket = swReactor_get(SwooleG.main_reactor, socket_fd); php_reactor_fd *ev_set = socket->object; if (cb_read != NULL && !ZVAL_IS_NULL(cb_read)) { if (!sw_zend_is_callable(cb_read, 0, &func_name TSRMLS_CC)) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_ERROR, "Function "%s" is not callable", func_name); efree(func_name); RETURN_FALSE; } else { if (ev_set->cb_read) { sw_zval_ptr_dtor(&ev_set->cb_read); } ev_set->cb_read = cb_read; sw_zval_add_ref(&cb_read); sw_copy_to_stack(ev_set->cb_read, ev_set->stack.cb_read); efree(func_name); } } if (cb_write != NULL && !ZVAL_IS_NULL(cb_write)) { if (socket_fd == 0 && (event_flag & SW_EVENT_WRITE)) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "invalid socket fd [%d].", socket_fd); RETURN_FALSE; } if (!sw_zend_is_callable(cb_write, 0, &func_name TSRMLS_CC)) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_ERROR, "Function "%s" is not callable", func_name); efree(func_name); RETURN_FALSE; } else { if (ev_set->cb_write) { sw_zval_ptr_dtor(&ev_set->cb_write); } ev_set->cb_write = cb_write; sw_zval_add_ref(&cb_write); sw_copy_to_stack(ev_set->cb_write, ev_set->stack.cb_write); efree(func_name); } } if ((event_flag & SW_EVENT_READ) && ev_set->cb_read == NULL) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "swoole_event: no read callback."); RETURN_FALSE; } if ((event_flag & SW_EVENT_WRITE) && ev_set->cb_write == NULL) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "swoole_event: no write callback."); RETURN_FALSE; } if (SwooleG.main_reactor->set(SwooleG.main_reactor, socket_fd, SW_FD_USER | event_flag) < 0) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "swoole_event_set failed."); RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_TRUE; }swoole_event_write 函数
用于PHP自带 stream/sockets 扩展创建的 socket,使用 fwrite/socket_send 等函数向对端发送数据。当发送的数据量较大,socket 写缓存区已满,就会发送阻塞等待或者返回 EAGAIN 错误。
swoole_event_write 函数可以将 stream/sockets 资源的数据发送变成异步的,当缓冲区满了或者返回 EAGAIN,swoole 底层会将数据加入到发送队列,并监听可写。socket 可写时 swoole 底层会自动写入。
swoole_event_write 函数主要调用了 SwooleG.main_reactor->write 实现功能。
PHP_FUNCTION(swoole_event_write) { zval *zfd; char *data; zend_size_t len; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zs", &zfd, &data, &len) == FAILURE) { return; } if (len <= 0) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "data empty."); RETURN_FALSE; } int socket_fd = swoole_convert_to_fd(zfd TSRMLS_CC); if (socket_fd < 0) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "unknow type."); RETURN_FALSE; } php_swoole_check_reactor(); if (SwooleG.main_reactor->write(SwooleG.main_reactor, socket_fd, data, len) < 0) { RETURN_FALSE; } else { RETURN_TRUE; } }swoole_event_wait 函数
swoole_event_wait 函数用于让整个 PHP 程序进入事件循环,刚刚我们可以看到,swoole 把这个函数注册为 shutdown 函数,脚本在停止之前会自动调用这个函数。如果自己想要在程序中间进行事件循环可以调用该函数。
该函数最重要的就是调用 SwooleG.main_reactor->wait 函数,该函数会不断 while 循环阻塞在 reactor->wait 上,直到有信号或者读写就绪事件发生。
PHP_FUNCTION(swoole_event_wait) { if (!SwooleG.main_reactor) { return; } php_swoole_event_wait(); } void php_swoole_event_wait() { if (SwooleWG.in_client == 1 && SwooleWG.reactor_ready == 0 && SwooleG.running) { if (PG(last_error_message)) { switch (PG(last_error_type)) { case E_ERROR: case E_CORE_ERROR: case E_USER_ERROR: case E_COMPILE_ERROR: return; default: break; } } SwooleWG.reactor_ready = 1; #ifdef HAVE_SIGNALFD if (SwooleG.main_reactor->check_signalfd) { swSignalfd_setup(SwooleG.main_reactor); } #endif #ifdef SW_COROUTINE if (COROG.active == 0) { coro_init(TSRMLS_C); } #endif if (!swReactor_empty(SwooleG.main_reactor)) { int ret = SwooleG.main_reactor->wait(SwooleG.main_reactor, NULL); if (ret < 0) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_ERROR, "reactor wait failed. Error: %s [%d]", strerror(errno), errno); } } if (SwooleG.timer.map) { php_swoole_clear_all_timer(); } SwooleWG.reactor_exit = 1; } }swoole_event_defer 延迟执行回调函数
swoole_event_defer 函数会利用 SwooleG.main_reactor->defer 向 reactor 注册延迟执行的函数:
PHP_FUNCTION(swoole_event_defer) { zval *callback; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &callback) == FAILURE) { return; } char *func_name; if (!sw_zend_is_callable(callback, 0, &func_name TSRMLS_CC)) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_ERROR, "Function "%s" is not callable", func_name); efree(func_name); RETURN_FALSE; } efree(func_name); php_swoole_check_reactor(); php_defer_callback *defer = emalloc(sizeof(php_defer_callback)); defer->callback = &defer->_callback; memcpy(defer->callback, callback, sizeof(zval)); sw_zval_add_ref(&callback); SW_CHECK_RETURN(SwooleG.main_reactor->defer(SwooleG.main_reactor, php_swoole_event_onDefer, defer)); }
SwooleG.main_reactor->defer 函数就是 swReactor_defer。从该函数可以看出,如果调用 defer 的时候 reactor 还没有启动,那么就用定时器来实现延迟执行;如果此时 reactor 已经启动了,那么就添加到 defer_tasks 属性中。
static int swReactor_defer(swReactor *reactor, swCallback callback, void *data) { swDefer_callback *cb = sw_malloc(sizeof(swDefer_callback)); if (!cb) { swWarn("malloc(%ld) failed.", sizeof(swDefer_callback)); return SW_ERR; } cb->callback = callback; cb->data = data; if (unlikely(reactor->start == 0)) { if (unlikely(SwooleG.timer.fd == 0)) { swTimer_init(1); } SwooleG.timer.add(&SwooleG.timer, 1, 0, cb, swReactor_defer_timer_callback); } else { LL_APPEND(reactor->defer_tasks, cb); } return SW_OK; } static void swReactor_defer_timer_callback(swTimer *timer, swTimer_node *tnode) { swDefer_callback *cb = (swDefer_callback *) tnode->data; cb->callback(cb->data); sw_free(cb); }
reactor 无论是超时还是事件循环结束,都会调用 swReactor_onTimeout_and_Finish 函数,该函数会调用 reactor->defer_tasks,执行之后就会自动删除延迟任务。
static void swReactor_onTimeout(swReactor *reactor) { swReactor_onTimeout_and_Finish(reactor); if (reactor->disable_accept) { reactor->enable_accept(reactor); reactor->disable_accept = 0; } } static void swReactor_onFinish(swReactor *reactor) { //check signal if (reactor->singal_no) { swSignal_callback(reactor->singal_no); reactor->singal_no = 0; } swReactor_onTimeout_and_Finish(reactor); } static void swReactor_onTimeout_and_Finish(swReactor *reactor) { if (reactor->check_timer) { swTimer_select(&SwooleG.timer); } do { swDefer_callback *defer_tasks = reactor->defer_tasks; swDefer_callback *cb, *tmp; reactor->defer_tasks = NULL; LL_FOREACH(defer_tasks, cb) { cb->callback(cb->data); } LL_FOREACH_SAFE(defer_tasks, cb, tmp) { sw_free(cb); } } while (reactor->defer_tasks); ... }
static void php_swoole_event_onDefer(void *_cb) { php_defer_callback *defer = _cb; zval *retval; if (sw_call_user_function_ex(EG(function_table), NULL, defer->callback, &retval, 0, NULL, 0, NULL TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "swoole_event: defer handler error"); return; } if (EG(exception)) { zend_exception_error(EG(exception), E_ERROR TSRMLS_CC); } if (retval != NULL) { sw_zval_ptr_dtor(&retval); } sw_zval_ptr_dtor(&defer->callback); efree(defer); }swoole_event_cycle 循环周期回调函数
swoole_event_cycle 函数中如果传入的回调函数为 null,说明用户想要清除周期回调函数,swoole 将周期函数转化为 defer 即可。
before 为 1,代表用户想要在 EventLoop 之前调用该函数,swoole 会将其放在 future_task 中;否则将会在 EventLoop 之后执行,会放在 idle_task 中。
注意如果之前存在过周期循环函数,此次是修改周期回调函数,那么需要在此之前,要将之前的周期回调函数转为 defer 执行。
PHP_FUNCTION(swoole_event_cycle) { if (!SwooleG.main_reactor) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "reactor no ready, cannot swoole_event_defer."); RETURN_FALSE; } zval *callback; zend_bool before = 0; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z|b", &callback, &before) == FAILURE) { return; } if (ZVAL_IS_NULL(callback)) { if (SwooleG.main_reactor->idle_task.callback == NULL) { RETURN_FALSE; } else { SwooleG.main_reactor->defer(SwooleG.main_reactor, free_callback, SwooleG.main_reactor->idle_task.data); SwooleG.main_reactor->idle_task.callback = NULL; SwooleG.main_reactor->idle_task.data = NULL; RETURN_TRUE; } } char *func_name; if (!sw_zend_is_callable(callback, 0, &func_name TSRMLS_CC)) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_ERROR, "Function "%s" is not callable", func_name); efree(func_name); RETURN_FALSE; } efree(func_name); php_defer_callback *cb = emalloc(sizeof(php_defer_callback)); cb->callback = &cb->_callback; memcpy(cb->callback, callback, sizeof(zval)); sw_zval_add_ref(&callback); if (before == 0) { if (SwooleG.main_reactor->idle_task.data != NULL) { SwooleG.main_reactor->defer(SwooleG.main_reactor, free_callback, SwooleG.main_reactor->idle_task.data); } SwooleG.main_reactor->idle_task.callback = php_swoole_event_onEndCallback; SwooleG.main_reactor->idle_task.data = cb; } else { if (SwooleG.main_reactor->future_task.data != NULL) { SwooleG.main_reactor->defer(SwooleG.main_reactor, free_callback, SwooleG.main_reactor->future_task.data); } SwooleG.main_reactor->future_task.callback = php_swoole_event_onEndCallback; SwooleG.main_reactor->future_task.data = cb; //Registration onBegin callback function swReactor_activate_future_task(SwooleG.main_reactor); } RETURN_TRUE; } static void free_callback(void* data) { php_defer_callback *cb = (php_defer_callback *) data; sw_zval_ptr_dtor(&cb->callback); efree(cb); }
在每次事件循环之前都要执行 onBegin 函数,也就是 swReactor_onBegin,此时会调用 future_task;当 reactor 超时(onTimeout)或者事件循环结束(onFinish),都会调用 swReactor_onTimeout_and_Finish ,此时会调用 idle_task:
static int swReactorEpoll_wait(swReactor *reactor, struct timeval *timeo) { ... while (reactor->running > 0) { if (reactor->onBegin != NULL) { reactor->onBegin(reactor); } n = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, events, max_event_num, msec); ... else if (n == 0) { if (reactor->onTimeout != NULL) { reactor->onTimeout(reactor); } continue; } ... if (reactor->onFinish != NULL) { reactor->onFinish(reactor); } if (reactor->once) { break; } } return 0; } static void swReactor_onBegin(swReactor *reactor) { if (reactor->future_task.callback) { reactor->future_task.callback(reactor->future_task.data); } } static void swReactor_onTimeout_and_Finish(swReactor *reactor) { ... if (reactor->idle_task.callback) { reactor->idle_task.callback(reactor->idle_task.data); } ... }
真正执行回调函数的是 php_swoole_event_onEndCallback:
static void php_swoole_event_onEndCallback(void *_cb) { php_defer_callback *defer = _cb; zval *retval; if (sw_call_user_function_ex(EG(function_table), NULL, defer->callback, &retval, 0, NULL, 0, NULL TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "swoole_event: defer handler error"); return; } if (EG(exception)) { zend_exception_error(EG(exception), E_ERROR TSRMLS_CC); } if (retval != NULL) { sw_zval_ptr_dtor(&retval); } }php_swoole_event_onRead 读就绪事件回调函数
static int php_swoole_event_onRead(swReactor *reactor, swEvent *event) { zval *retval; zval **args[1]; php_reactor_fd *fd = event->socket->object; args[0] = &fd->socket; if (sw_call_user_function_ex(EG(function_table), NULL, fd->cb_read, &retval, 1, args, 0, NULL TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "swoole_event: onRead handler error."); SwooleG.main_reactor->del(SwooleG.main_reactor, event->fd); return SW_ERR; } if (EG(exception)) { zend_exception_error(EG(exception), E_ERROR TSRMLS_CC); } if (retval != NULL) { sw_zval_ptr_dtor(&retval); } return SW_OK; }php_swoole_event_onWrite 写就绪事件回调函数
写就绪事件回调函数就是调用 fd->cb_write 回调函数,当然如果用户并没有设置该回调函数的话,就会调用 swReactor_onWrite 发送 socket->out_buffer 的数据或者自动移除写监听事件。
static int php_swoole_event_onWrite(swReactor *reactor, swEvent *event) { zval *retval; zval **args[1]; php_reactor_fd *fd = event->socket->object; if (!fd->cb_write) { return swReactor_onWrite(reactor, event); } args[0] = &fd->socket; if (sw_call_user_function_ex(EG(function_table), NULL, fd->cb_write, &retval, 1, args, 0, NULL TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "swoole_event: onWrite handler error"); SwooleG.main_reactor->del(SwooleG.main_reactor, event->fd); return SW_ERR; } if (EG(exception)) { zend_exception_error(EG(exception), E_ERROR TSRMLS_CC); } if (retval != NULL) { sw_zval_ptr_dtor(&retval); } return SW_OK; }php_swoole_event_onError 异常事件回调函数
当 reactor 发现套接字发生错误后,就会自动删除该套接字的监听。
static int php_swoole_event_onError(swReactor *reactor, swEvent *event) { int error; socklen_t len = sizeof(error); if (getsockopt(event->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len) < 0) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "swoole_event->onError[1]: getsockopt[sock=%d] failed. Error: %s[%d]", event->fd, strerror(errno), errno); } if (error != 0) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "swoole_event->onError[1]: socket error. Error: %s [%d]", strerror(error), error); } efree(event->socket->object); event->socket->active = 0; SwooleG.main_reactor->del(SwooleG.main_reactor, event->fd); return SW_OK; }swoole_event_del 删除套接字
删除套接字就是从 reactor 中删除监听的文件描述符 SwooleG.main_reactor->del
PHP_FUNCTION(swoole_event_del) { zval *zfd; if (!SwooleG.main_reactor) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "reactor no ready, cannot swoole_event_del."); RETURN_FALSE; } if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &zfd) == FAILURE) { return; } int socket_fd = swoole_convert_to_fd(zfd TSRMLS_CC); if (socket_fd < 0) { swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "unknow type."); RETURN_FALSE; } swConnection *socket = swReactor_get(SwooleG.main_reactor, socket_fd); if (socket->object) { SwooleG.main_reactor->defer(SwooleG.main_reactor, free_event_callback, socket->object); socket->object = NULL; } int ret = SwooleG.main_reactor->del(SwooleG.main_reactor, socket_fd); socket->active = 0; SW_CHECK_RETURN(ret); }swoole_event_exit 退出事件循环
退出事件循环就是将 SwooleG.main_reactor->running 置为 0,使得 while 循环为 false。
PHP_FUNCTION(swoole_event_exit) { if (SwooleWG.in_client == 1) { if (SwooleG.main_reactor) { SwooleG.main_reactor->running = 0; } SwooleG.running = 0; } }
摘要:超过此数量后,新进入的连接将被拒绝。表示连接最大允许空闲的时间。当出错时底层会认为是恶意连接,丢弃数据并强制关闭连接。在启动时自动将进程的写入到文件,在关闭时自动删除文件。 配置说明 $server->set(array( daemonize => true, log_file => /www/log/swoole.log, reactor_num => 2, ...
摘要:清空主进程残留的定时器与信号。设定为执行回调函数如果在回调函数中调用了异步系统,启动函数进行事件循环。因此为了区分两者,规定并不允许两者同时存在。 前言 swoole-1.7.2 增加了一个进程管理模块,用来替代 PHP 的 pcntl 扩展。 PHP自带的pcntl,存在很多不足,如 pcntl 没有提供进程间通信的功能 pcntl 不支持重定向标准输入和输出 pcntl 只...
摘要:消息队列更常见的用途是主进程分配任务,子进程消费执行。子进程前面加了个,这是为了防止父进程还未往消息队列中加入内容直接退出。 前面几节都是讲解pcntl扩展实现的多进程程序。本节给大家介绍swoole扩展的swoole_process模块。 swoole多进程 swoole_process 是swoole提供的进程管理模块,用来替代PHP的pcntl扩展。 首先,确保安装的swoole...
摘要:配合模块,创建的子进程可以异步的事件驱动模式。默认为阻塞读取。函数用于将一个加入到的事件监听中。为事件类型的掩码,可选择关闭开启可读可写事件,如,,或者。在程序中使用,可以理解为在进程中将此注册到事件中。 Process Process是swoole内置的进程管理模块,用来替代PHP的pcntl扩展。 swoole_process支持重定向标准输入和输出,在子进程内echo不会打印屏...
摘要:两个函数是可选回调函数。附带了一组可信任证书。应该注意的是,验证失败并不意味着连接不能使用。在对证书进行验证时,有一些安全性检查并没有执行,包括证书的失效检查和对证书中通用名的有效性验证。 前言 swoole_client 提供了 tcp/udp socket 的客户端的封装代码,使用时仅需 new swoole_client 即可。 swoole 的 socket client 对比...
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