1.llen 统计list队列数量
/** * Get the Lua script for computing the size of queue. * * KEYS[1] - The name of the primary queue * KEYS[2] - The name of the "delayed" queue * KEYS[3] - The name of the "reserved" queue * * @return string */ public static function size() { return <<<"LUA" return redis.call("llen", KEYS[1]) + redis.call("zcard", KEYS[2]) + redis.call("zcard", KEYS[3]) LUA; }
/** * Get the Lua script for popping the next job off of the queue. * * KEYS[1] - The queue to pop jobs from, for example: queues:foo * KEYS[2] - The queue to place reserved jobs on, for example: queues:foo:reserved * ARGV[1] - The time at which the reserved job will expire * * @return string */ public static function pop() { return <<<"LUA" -- Pop the first job off of the queue... local job = redis.call("lpop", KEYS[1]) local reserved = false if(job ~= false) then -- Increment the attempt count and place job on the reserved queue... reserved = cjson.decode(job) reserved["attempts"] = reserved["attempts"] + 1 reserved = cjson.encode(reserved) redis.call("zadd", KEYS[2], ARGV[1], reserved) end return {job, reserved} LUA; }
/** * Get the Lua script for releasing reserved jobs. * * KEYS[1] - The "delayed" queue we release jobs onto, for example: queues:foo:delayed * KEYS[2] - The queue the jobs are currently on, for example: queues:foo:reserved * ARGV[1] - The raw payload of the job to add to the "delayed" queue * ARGV[2] - The UNIX timestamp at which the job should become available * * @return string */ public static function release() { return <<<"LUA" -- Remove the job from the current queue... redis.call("zrem", KEYS[2], ARGV[1]) -- Add the job onto the "delayed" queue... redis.call("zadd", KEYS[1], ARGV[2], ARGV[1]) return true LUA; }
/** * Get the Lua script to migrate expired jobs back onto the queue. * * KEYS[1] - The queue we are removing jobs from, for example: queues:foo:reserved * KEYS[2] - The queue we are moving jobs to, for example: queues:foo * ARGV[1] - The current UNIX timestamp * * @return string */ public static function migrateExpiredJobs() { return <<<"LUA" -- Get all of the jobs with an expired "score"... local val = redis.call("zrangebyscore", KEYS[1], "-inf", ARGV[1]) -- If we have values in the array, we will remove them from the first queue -- and add them onto the destination queue in chunks of 100, which moves -- all of the appropriate jobs onto the destination queue very safely. if(next(val) ~= nil) then redis.call("zremrangebyrank", KEYS[1], 0, #val - 1) for i = 1, #val, 100 do redis.call("rpush", KEYS[2], unpack(val, i, math.min(i+99, #val))) end end return val LUA; }
摘要:年月日参考链接使用不得不明白的知识队列文档中文文档本文环境队列为什么使用队列使用队列的目的一般是异步执行出错重试解释一下异步执行部分代码执行很耗时为了提高响应速度及避免占用过多连接资源可以将这部分代码放到队列中异步执行网站新用户注册后需要 Last-Modified: 2019年5月10日15:04:22 参考链接 使用 Laravel Queue 不得不明白的知识 Laravel ...
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摘要:把因执行超时的队列从集合重新到当前执行的队列中。从要执行的队列中取任务可以看到在取要执行的队列的时候,同时会放一份到一个有序集合中,并使用过期时间戳作为分值。 (原文链接:https://blog.tanteng.me/2017/...) 在 Laravel 中使用 Redis 处理队列任务,框架提供的功能非常强大,但是最近遇到一个问题,就是发现一个任务被多次执行,这是为什么呢? 先说...
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