一、实验环境: win10 + redis3.2 + php7
二、php-redis / redis /redis图形管理工个等安装,此步骤略过;
四、php + mysql + redis 简单应用
数据库名称:redis 数据表:redis_user
模拟 php 操作Mysql + redis 的 CURD 操作
array( "host"=>"", "user"=>"root", "pass"=>"root", "dbname"=>"redis", "prefix"=>"redis_" ), "redis"=>array( "host"=>"", "port"=>6379 ) );
index.php 入口文件,操作Mysql时请使用主键ID
table("user")->insert(["user"=>"张三","pass"=>md5("123456"),"create_time"=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s")]); //删除数据 // echo Mysql::getInstance()->table("user")->where(array("id"=>30))->delete(); //查看单条数据 // $data = Mysql::getInstance()->table("user")->where(array("id"=>"30"))->find(); // print_r($data); //查找所有数据 // $all = Mysql::getInstance()->table("user")->field("id,user")->select(); $all = Mysql::getInstance()->table("user")->select(); print_r($all); //修改数据 // echo Mysql::getInstance()->table("user")->where(array("id"=>30))->update(["user"=>"张三adfadfasdf11111111","pass"=>md5("123456aaa")]); ?>
Mysql.php 数据库以及redis操作文件
options["prefix"] = $config["mysql"]["prefix"]; $this->conn = $conn; $this->redis = new Redis(); $this->redis->connect($config["redis"]["host"],$config["redis"]["port"]); } //获取对象实例 static function getInstance() { if(self::$instance) { return self::$instance; } else { self::$instance = new self(); return self::$instance; } } //设置表名 public function table(string $table) { $this->options["table"] = "`".$this->options["prefix"].$table."`"; return $this; } //设置redis键名 public function redis(string $key) { $this->options["key"] = $key; return $this; } //设置条件 public function where(array $where) { $condition = ""; $and = count($where) > 1 ? " and " : ""; foreach ($where as $key => $value) { if($key == "id") {$this->options["user_id"] = $value;} if(strpos($key,":")) { $arr = explode(":", $key); $condition .= "`".$arr["0"]."` ".$arr["1"]. " "".$value."" " . $and ; } else { $condition .= "`".$key."` = " .""".$value.""" .$and ; } } $this->options["where"] = rtrim($condition," and "); return $this; } //设置字段 public function field(string $field) { $this->options["field"] = $field; return $this; } //增加数据 public function insert(array $data) { $key = "`".implode("`,`", array_keys($data))."`"; $value = """.implode("","", $data)."""; $sql = "insert into {$this->options["table"]} (".$key.") values (".$value.");"; if( mysqli_query($this->conn,$sql) ) { $user_id = $this->conn->insert_id; $data["id"] = $user_id; //以hash类型存储 $this->redis->hset($this->options["table"],$user_id,json_encode($data)); return $user_id; } else { return 0; } } //删除数据 public function delete() { $where = $this->options["where"] ? $this->options["where"] : "1"; $sql = "delete from {$this->options["table"]} where {$where};"; if(mysqli_query($this->conn,$sql)) { $this->redis->hdel($this->options["table"],$this->options["user_id"]); return 1; } else { return 0; } } //修改数据 public function update(array $data) { $condition = ""; $where = $this->options["where"] ? $this->options["where"] : "1"; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $condition .= ", `".$key."` = "".$value."""; } $condition = substr($condition, 1); $sql = " update {$this->options["table"]} set {$condition} where {$where} ; "; if(mysqli_query($this->conn,$sql)) { $hashData = (array)json_decode($this->redis->hget($this->options["table"],$this->options["user_id"])); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $hashData[$key] = $value; } $this->redis->hset($this->options["table"],$this->options["user_id"],json_encode($hashData)); return 1; } else { return 0; } } //查找单条数据 public function find() { $field = $this->options["field"] ? $this->options["field"] : "*"; $where = $this->options["where"] ? $this->options["where"] : "1"; if($this->options["user_id"]) { echo "从redis获取数据"; $data = (array)json_decode($this->redis->hget($this->options["table"],$this->options["user_id"])); if($field != "*") { $field = explode(",", $field); foreach ($field as $value) { $arr[$value] = $data[$value]; $arr["typ"] = "redis"; } return $arr; } return $data; } else { $sql = " select {$field} from {$this->options["table"]} where {$where}; "; if($query = mysqli_query($this->conn,$sql)) { return mysqli_fetch_assoc($query); } else { return array(); } } } //查找所有数据 public function select() { $data = array(); $field = $this->options["field"] ? $this->options["field"] : "*"; $hashData = $this->redis->hgetall($this->options["table"]); if($hashData) { if($field != "*") { $field = explode(",", $field); } foreach ($hashData as $key => $value) { $data[$key] = array(); $values = (array)json_decode($value); if($field != "*") { foreach ($field as $k => $v) { $data[$key][$v] = $values[$v]; } }else{ $data[$key] = $values; } } echo "从redis获取数据"; } else { $sql = " select {$field} from {$this->options["table"]} ; "; if($query = mysqli_query($this->conn,$sql)) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { $data[] = $row; } } } return $data; } public function __destruct() { mysqli_close($this->conn); } }
摘要:熟悉编程,对于网络模型有一定的认知,熟悉多路复用技术。对主从延迟能有效解决。能够支持对于千万级流量网站的正常开发维护工作。结束语技术无止境,未来有更多可能。 本文旨在给要学习 PHP 的新手一个大概的认知轮廓,在心里有个学习的结构,有的放矢,避免走太多弯路。大神请忽略。 入门阶段 预备知识 1、掌握基本HTML、JS、CSS语法;熟悉 Bootstrap。 参考: https:/...
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